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Posts posted by MadUser

  1. Well guys this is my "trick" so that i can play to many servers [ONLY WITH SYSTEM] without needing to have a lot of copies of the whole l2 folder.[if it has been posted before,delete my post]


    Well here it goes:First of all you need l2 installed[:P]and go to the folder where it is located


                          Then rename the system you have there to system4 or to sth else


                            Now you need the system folders of the servers you want to play on


                            After this rename them as follows:[if you have the systems of 3 servers]system1,system2,system3

                            as seen in the ss  http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u28/megahaker/l2la.jpg


                            Now if you want to play to the first server[which we named system1]just rename it to system and log in.then if you want to play to the 2nd server[which we named system2 rename the system back to system1 and then rename system2 to system and log in.


                            If you want to play with the 3rd server[which we named system3] just do the same thing


    IF you dont wont to forget which server is located to which system instead of renaming them to system1,system2,system3 rename them to the server like systemDynasty or systemEcko and do the same thing


    Well that's the way..if it's too complicated just tell me and i will post a video on how to do it~







    First, yeah its a good guide, i use it for some time, but i never thinked in to post... well done


    //off-topic: Gratz you listen Bullet For My Valentine i Fan almost 3 years ^^!

  2. Server will stay on till 20:00 or 21:00 PM GMT +2 (greek time) , when we both are online we will start the new server .. buff slots on the new server are 20 and when you gain 70+ level you earn divine inspiration so you will have 2 lines about

    Ok, thanks...

    well thinked!

    Guys For GMT +0, or GMT just, Its in + or - 3 hours, 18:00....

    Until there!

    New PiC:

    Upsss.. Owned! some Hacker Powned us! x'D - kidding -


  3. GO GO GO The Mental, and all staff!

    but Please one thing, you guys are the best staff ever! Please Just dont give up of the server! i will try to bring more and more people! and vote everyday! just dont give up from server! this looks like the best server i ever played since 1 year! ^^ and i went to all L2top 200 servers ^^ xD!


    LOL cu in portuguese = Ass ! xDDDD

  4. Well i hope this help newbie guys working with forums [MaxCheaters on Our Case]



    Administrator - The Ultimate Boss! He controls All! you must respect Him above of all (Maxtor is our Admin, and his name is marked with red color)


    Global Moderators - The Right arms of Admin, just admin can control them! you must respect them too above of all! (some ex from here: Noble, TheMental, A-style,Koyfo, Nitrous System, DVD_GR, dbLord, SoukSou & darkWizard) Name color = blue

    Section Moderator - They are the Left arm of Global moderators and the Admin, they just control a specific section, must may be treathed has a member of staff has well (ex: MxC have: Cs moderator, L2 moderator.....) they have green name!


    The Staff work is to Manage the Forum, they Warn, they punish, they post, they create new Sections and they must manage them, if there is reasons they Ban too!




    Donator or Platinium member: those are members who help the forum paying, and by helping they get some special treathement, cuz they deserve it!

    You can read more about donations Here <-

    Gold Member: They are members who help the forum, but in other way, not with money but with good topics and guides, and those who help Moderators (or Mods) in management of forum, like report spamers, making guides, nice shares, being Active, respecting the rules....

    Member: those are the normal members, who have to respect the rules above of all ( all members, Gold, donators, plat, have to respect but normal members must respect 100%)




    Forums Dictionary:

    Posts - posts are All you write on the forum (topics, replys, quotes) except PMs.

    Post Hunter - those are members who just post to increase their post number, and normaly search for old or spaming topics... its aganist rules

    Reply - its response to something....

    Quote - its when someOne re-write what other guy sayd, Appers

    like this

    Spam - When a member write a topic or a reply just to increase theyr post stats and Spam is when the posts dont make any sense. Its Aganist Rules.

    PM - (means: Private Message) meaning says All, you send a private message to a member, Thats good when you need to talk with a specific person, cuz that avoids Spam!

    Double Posting - Is when some1 re-writte a topic that was already posted.Its Aganist rules!

    Modify - this is for you change your post (is good to avoid spam).

    Leechers - those are members, that just are registed to come here copy our work and paste in other forum! Thats Aganist Rulles and is a banable ofence!

    TAGS - Tags are the First Word inside Brackers to Indicate the topics theme.

              ex: [share] - when you share something for download

                    [Guide] - when is A tutorial or when is a text explaining something.

                    [Request] - When its a request of something

                    [Exploit/Bug] - when is a Exploit or When is a Bug

                    [GR] - Indicates that the topic is writed in Greek!

    Always remeber to attach this on your topics title!


    Always read The Forum Rules Before regist, and Always Read the Section Rules before post!



    Dont Spam!

    Never Leech!

    Always Follow the rules!

    Respect All other members!

    And Have Fun!


    I hope i helped the newbie guys on Forum, and maked easyer their job!


    by: me! ^^



  5. Hackz0r is this server yours?

    :\ now there is much servers from MxC good guys, like L2 destiny, L2 Desire, L2 Rain, it was about that i talked on L2 Desire post, you all good guys should be toguether!

    Go ahead Hackz0r seems to be a greate server, i just wont join cuz im in L2 Desire, sorry!, but who knows, if desire close or something i may join!...

    Its a great server! Go on!


    P.s(nice website^^)

  6. It took only 5 minutes. And yes, its all by myself. It's not as good as this guy :D :


    WTF Icetalker you made this kind of posts for people talk and you reply, like that you get more posts! This is Spam and dont is the first time you do it, other one about Prophet you made 11 replys in same Post! and what you teach or learn with this? nothing! and with this posts people make spam like you and in General Disscussion who make a good post no1 cant see, cuz this kind of shit always come up with noob Spaming!


    Lets talk about a Ban!




    LOL. well that's what i call a noob!!!


    seriously? IceTalker your A -beep-ing Spamer and you know it... call me noob, but, you are a post hunter, and i will do all for some mod clean your crapy posts!

    so explayn me one thing, in post Nekro, i asked for tactis and how to use it, and after a while you replyed that you know verry well about necros and how they are, SO FOR WHAT THE FUK WAS THE POST? simple, for you get more posts!

  7. Ok, this is the second time that IceTalker make a post with shit just for other spam and he replys spam too! and he gets more posts! in the other post he made 11 replys, he is the worst spamer! some1 please delete his posts!


    just see what im saying, and watch his replys:



    oh no1 cant see new posts in general discussion beacause of it, his crapy posts always come up....

  8. WTF Icetalker you made this kind of posts for people talk and you reply, like that you get more posts! This is Spam and dont is the first time you do it, other one about Prophet you made 11 replys in same Post! and what you teach or learn with this? nothing! and with this posts people make spam like you and in General Disscussion who make a good post no1 cant see, cuz this kind of shit always come up with noob Spaming!


    Lets talk about a Ban!



  9. ok im sorry but atm im installing hb and didnt loged yet ig so from sv specs it didnt mentioned anything about a class changer:P

    LE: it is also very useful if the buffer can buff pets and summons:D

    -.-' you want to turn a realy good server low rate in a pvp server? oO

    man if you didnt have the client instaled yet dont talk too early, and dont use this post to spam! server is realy nice like he is, and its still beta so...

    I wish the best  for this server, and yeah, some1 should create MxC clan, if no1 do, may be i will :P...

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