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Posts posted by MadUser

  1. Hi there folks...


    well i was searching about gracia and what i understanded was:


    You will get Reputation points (fame) and with that you will buy PVP items, Cuz you will earn rep points in pvp and with that you will be available to buy that kind of items...


    here is some SS: PvP items


    width=399 height=480http://www.lineage2media.com/img/reputation%20point/pic1076.jpg[/img]



    Weapons Stats:

















    Skill list:


    Knights: LvL43+


    gracia l2 skills 2 Handed Sword AoE Attack bypassing shields


    gracia l2 skillsoDual Sword AoE Attack bypassing shields


    gracia l2 skillsoDual Sword Double Slash bypassing shields






    gracia l2 skills Divine Punishment: Holy based attack, power 57


    gracia l2 skillsoSurrender to Holy: Surrender to Holy: lowers target def to holy atks, also increases target’s dark resist


    gracia l2 skillsoHoly Curse: prevents target getting healed at the same time target will continuously reducing hp


    gracia l2 skillsoSurrender to Holy: Surrender to Holy: lowers target def to holy atks, also increases target’s dark resist


    gracia l2 skillsoHoly Storm: Holy based area atk, power 90






    Dual String (L49) - increase PAtk and Crit Rate while equipped with dual swords, 10 minute party buff


    gracia l2 skillsoRepair Golem (L40) – summon Repair Golem


    gracia l2 skillsoPower Golem Might (L43) – Increases golem p.atk + atk speed


    gracia l2 skillsoGolem Armor Plating (L40) – increases golem def and max hp capacity


    gracia l2 skillsoGolem Spikes (L49) – increases hammer type weapon p.atk, 10 minutes party buff (only 1 type of the 3 weapon buffs can exist at once)


    gracia l2 skillsoGolem Bow String (L49) – increases bow type distance + p.atk, 10 minutes party buff (only 1 type of the 3 weapon buffs can exist at once)


    gracia l2 skillsoGolem Sharpen Edges (L49) – increases sword type of weapons p.atk & crit rate, 10 minutes party buff. (only 1 type of the 3 weapon buffs can exist at once)


    gracia l2 skillsoStrengthen Heavy Armor (L46) – increases heavy army p.def, 10 minutes party buff (only 1 type of the 3 armor buffs can exist at once)


    gracia l2 skillsoStrengthen Light Armor (L46) – increases light armor p.def + evasion, 10 minutes party buff (only 1 type of the 3 armor buffs can exist at once)


    gracia l2 skillsoStrengthen Robe Power (L46) – increases MP regen rate, 10 minutes party buff (only 1 type of the 3 armor buffs can exist at once)


    gracia l2 skillsoSummon Merchant Golem (L62) – uses 5 D crystals, will not follow the WS running around, will just stay at one spot, will be selling normal ss, etc.






    (lvl 52) – heals self hp completely, uses 5 souls

    (lvl 55) – increases party hp capacity + hp regen rate, uses 10 souls






    (lvl 62) – lowers area opponents’ moving speed, uses 5 souls






    (lvl 68) – stops opponent from using skills, uses 1 dark seed (that name is probably wrong)

    (lvl 64) – when opponent activates the trap, within a certain period of time with probability of cancelling opponents’ targets




    Soulbreaker & Inspector:


    (lvl 58) – instant stops pain (invincible), but after the effect is gone, will be out of strength

    (lvl 40) – increases casting speed, lowers cooldown time



    Source: L2media

  2. by activity , by reporting spammers , by avoiding spamming , by avoiding being reported for silly reasons and of course having a good behaviour will resut in a good opportunity for becoming a gold member



    also you can get gold membership if you manage to become uploader


    LOL, since i made this new Acc, im working on that all points, but i didnt know it... humm ok, and one more thing, how i manage to become an uploader? what i need to do?

  3. i prefer x15, like retail, but with until B grade Selling on shops.... and with the 2nd class transfer quest selling.... The server i play now is = to that... oh and  a low rates you have to think in this: when you have less players, sell subclass and Clan Quests on a shop and when the server reaches + or - the 100 players on-line they have to kill Rbs to Make the quests... ;D you make an update ... (its just my opinion)


    its great, but take some time to fill it with players, but you have our support, and in my opinion you are one of the bests L2 developer here, so, count with me, at least to test ^^!

    Go for it!


    -- L2 Desire -- ^^ (nice name btw) ^^

  4. Hi there!


    well this Help request is for those who create incredible Websites ^^, well i need a skin for a website, but i need her HTML, cuz my program dont work with CSS, the problem is i cant find skins HTML.


    this ones are CSS:


    http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12517.0 (cant download)


    some can post me here any link for HTML website?


  5. So how i dont find anything in search about GG resolve i decided to post!


    The Game Guard Resolve is a program that erases your GG Errors, do you know, when you enter in a server and gives you Game Guard Error on Login, and you have to go to forum, regist, search and download a little patcher! with this problem you dont have to... This is a Universal Patcher, so Everytime you get Game Guard Error you just need to use this problem and login again ;D...


    Here is the download link:



    P.s: Tested on Interlude, Kamael & Hellbound = 100% working [All Servers]


    i hope i helped you ;D

  6. you can use a bow!

    its important that the server dont have, reflect damage buffs on buffer, and dont have boss jewls selling...


    you will need:

    a bow

    dryad root skill

    sleep skill

    many mage buffs



    you buff yourself....


    go fight with him, there you give him sleep, when he is sleeping dryad root until works,buff him with the mage buffs to debuff, go far and start hit with the bow... do this many times until it dies.... you just need to use your head ;D


    good luck!

  7. New HellBound Server x30


    2 realms



    XP rate: 30.

    SP rate: 30.

    Party XP rate: Not Available

    Party SP rate: Not Available

    Adena rate: 60.

    Consumable cost rate: Not Available

    Drop rate: Not Available

    Spoil rate: Not Available



    XP rate: 1000.

    SP rate: 1000.

    Party XP rate: 10.

    Party SP rate: 10.

    Adena rate: 2000.

    Consumable cost rate: .1

    Drop rate: 10.

    Spoil rate: 10.


    Good Comunity..

    Active GMs

    Server will be Beta soon!

    Visit the Web site for more information...




  8. 1st if this is for low rates, Its hard to have subclass

    2nd you cant change sub when your karmed!

    3rd you still losing your items

    4th there is many fast's ways

    this is stupid in my opinion. why??


    1) the amount of karma burn is percentage of ur exp so... if u exp faster then u lose karma faster.

    for me kiling 30 mobs in high lvl area (woa,ketra,IT) where mobs give u 30-50k exp is faster way than kill mobs on 31 lvl area when u get 3-5k exp. In fact it is 10x faster.


    2) when u are pk u cant use wh to store or retrive items. So u need to have all EQ in ur inventory before u pk. And if ur dwarf get killed he drops the same as ur sps with 1 difference --He is Easier to kill than ur high lvl sps:(


    3) i wonder how u get out from town with 31 lvl char with karma?? All guards will attack u and if u have karma u cant use teleporters.


    4) if u realy want to burn karma fast on low rate servers.... take ur friend bishop and let u killed. in BW robe he have 90% exp back. and this is fast way!!


    on lvl 77 i lose 40k karma in 1 death so i got only 0.40% less exp after rez from bishop. I play on 2x server and it take me around 15 min to get back lost exp.


    all procedure is simple

    1) soe to clan hall

    2) go to guard in city and agro him

    3) run to ch and close dor of clan hall

    4) get klilled

    5) rez from bishop

    6) pick up stuff u droped.


    it takes around 5 min


    7) go to exp spot and recover exp ~15 min


    And this it FAST way. Not that bullshit u wrote.







    So whats the point? oO

  9. -Windows media player 11

    My keyboard have some buttons for Play/Pause Stop Volume Up/Down etc. etc. :)

    So I am good with it and have not to install more music programs :p

    we are 2 ^^

    Windows media player 11 FTW... years of practice and dedicated butons on keyboard!

  10. Lets see... it depends of the kind of GK you use... But the normal one, you can change it on navicat, go there and search about teleportations.... you just need to go Frintezza rooms and do /loc and you get the cordnates, then you just need to add them on navicat teleports id... try  it, discover ;D


    good luck!

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