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Posts posted by MadUser

  1. Anubis you have right


    really works :P


    xD + 1 karma , it works really....  ^^


    really works


    ok , good


    ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING?? wtf so much spam!

    Please some1 Lock the topic or delete him... much spamers and this is double posting cuz was already posted

    Its based on the same foundation of this post info




    The only thing is that u post a way to use it ...


    "use search" [in answer to your 2 post]


  2. can i say my opinion... i dont like it... cuz i hate Dark Knight (epic) armor, and that is the same, but the colors are changed :S... and the masks are all pink, can you imagine a Orc Titan with Heavy armor and pink mask? xD.... may be i will try on my server but.... its not beautifulll...


    But i reconize the work! Good job, you cant make every1 love, that depends of likeings...


    Nice job keep up! and keep practice too ;D

  3. OMG in a posts about how to crash or make a server lag... one guy replyed:"you can be baned for this" oO
















    http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index. php?topic=26332.msg205851#msg205851









    MacGyver & fripouille 1 below the other






    Well now spammers are worst than ever they dont spam whit the same account , they create 10 account and do 10 spam post whit the 10 accounts xD


    MadUser put the post he made not the person profile xD



    yeah anubis i saw that post...

    i reported there and now i modifyed this one to insert more this ones you forget...














    This is a old bug, and beside of that was already posted! and Anubis replyed saying that, but no1s stoped! this crapy post is fullll of spamers, some1 please delete him or lock!


    one more:

    just replyed "nice"


  4. The wait is almost over! We're pleased to announce that the Lineage II: The 2nd Throne - Gracia™ - Part 1 update will be going live on Tuesday, August 12, 2008. The current estimated maintenance period for the launch of The 2nd Throne - Gracia™ - Part 1 is 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Central Time (1:00 PM to 7:00 PM GMT) on Tuesday, August 12. Event Gatekeepers will be back in the towns of Aden and Elmore to celebrate the launch.



    Lineage 2.com Official server website!


    So it means that Gracia will out day 12 August... GOGOGO!

  5. this can be because you dont have the patch of that items instaled on your L2 folder directory, or you dont have patch for that items on server side... how i say this better, so you know the files you put on C:programs/L2....... yeah you dont have that or you dont have on server side... OR those items arent for that cronicle = that items cant be on interlude, but first try to re-instal those items on L2 folder...

    but this isnt a problem, cuz they appear has a black box (but with the items name) in GM shop but appears well in inventory so.... players will see it well dont worry... if that weapons rox, wont be cuz of that....


    good luck anyway ;D

  6. lightmagik one needs 30 posts .. u can use the additional options and hide this post for x posts or karma .. .. or use [ h i d e ] [ / h i d e ] but this is for 200posts


    link deleted... thanks btw!


    MadUser => Im kinda Tired to See ppl like you to ASK for Karma + Sticky your topics.


    this means you are WARNED for this reason.


    also wrong section => Moved !


    A-style sorry man but i didnt ask for nothing, even karma or sticky i just say i thinked topic important and if you to think to stick, but if you dont, dont do it, but i didnt asked...

    sorry anyway, you know, this time im doing all by the rules... thanks for the warn and for the move...

  7. Ok, i saw many people lost, who dont know how to use search, even with the tutorial guide how to use it  :P, so i decided to make a Mega share of all you need to create a server... Oh and this is a share with the programs to a "newbie" server, this isnt a guide!


    Lets start:


    Server Packs





    [the post is hidden, go to the topic to see it, if you can xD]


    --go to topic beacuz have much download links with explanation what you must download. --









    -click on Faca o Download, to download Mysql 6.0 Alpha!



    Create and Download


    L2 website

    Create website here and use the L2 skin, and edit her to your like.


    Lineage 2 Game Clients


    Some server packs already have Custom NPCs but if you want more or others who arent in the packs come this topic and explore for yourself! Have alots of other things!  - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=8000.0


    I hope i didnt forget nothing, if i done tell me on PM or on Replys, But WITHOUT spam!


    Special thanks to:






    and to me ^^




    [To moderators] i think this topic important, if you think the same stick the topic and erase this line  xD





  8. hi guys i want a hellbound server pack...i ve been searching for a while  and i didnt find a hellbound pack that works perfectly....can u give me  a link for a 100% working pack......


    Are you kidding? or are you spamer? oO

    Hellbound pack: 100% working

    1 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17722.0

    2 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27311.0

    3 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24431.0


    and MxC have much more, just use search! dont know how?

    HOW TO USE SEARCH! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25898.msg173426#msg173426  you can thanks to mafia_007 to this lesson!

  9. Are you tired of hearing that sonds of L2 in towns?


    Ok i have the perfect solution for that! ^^


    Music in towns folder! you just have to download, and replace your music folder! just change one for other!


    Download Link:



    Tested on interlude, idk if it works on CT1, and CT1.5, but i think it work, i have almost sure!

    Enjoy it!


    Special thanks to me ^^

  10. Simple Enchant Scroll : 100%

                                                                    Crystal Enchant Scroll : 100%

                                                                    Bless Enchant Scroll : 100%

                                                                    Enchant Safe : 25

                                                                    Enchant Max Safe : 25

                                                                    Enchant Max : 25


    are you kidding? oO OMG! it will be a unbalanced x5k pvp server, will be like l2core = Everyone nuker, or necro or saggi!

    sorry but dont count with me!

  11. MadUser The 1 u name is not  gandal007 xD is  gandalf0007 He have spam all topics whit Text half english half spanish rly stupid ..

    grrrrr! -.-'! xD


    And today's the winner is:


    Reason: replyed "thanks for collection" in oold year post (october 2007) [we are in august 2008] xD almost an year topic! Some1 watch this guys pls...



    And here, one more reply, just a smile, but other guy:


    check it pls... ^^


  12. can you be more expecific? that explenation is a kind of estrange xD....


    let me see if i understand: you buff your self but you dont see the buff icons?


    try to go: Options > Game > and click on Buton INITIALIZE. and buff and see if icons appears...

    so this is a resolution for what i understanded of you problem....

    if this isnt your problem explain your self better...


  13. XP sp2 ofc! man vista is a "cool" version beacuz of the interface, ( the black bar, the other bar on the right side of the screen) but that just make your pc slower, and you can live well without that... XP sp2 is the best, everything is good and you can add that good look to him too... easy XP sp2 FTW

  14. i totaly agree with soulshade its isn't an exploit


    1st of all you dont give your opinion, you just spamed! And spam is not alwoeded!

    2nd yeah sorry soul and for what a auto clicer, you stay on same position, you just vote 2 times a day, but you have that 2 times granteed!

  15. seems to be a great server but... why C4? wtf is old and i dont have it xD.... isnt just beacuz of that but why you guys like so much C4? i will download just for enter....^^


    download [ 0.8%] xD


    [OMG Rebirth system Is brilliant! GJ]

  16. Guys, first of all this is just an idea, i didnt tested yet, so i dont know if works....


    So here is the point, in Top 200, top 100, hopezone, extreme top 100, etc.... you just can vote once time in wich 12 hours = 2 times a day.


    so if we use an IP changer program and vote, so IP change, vote...... and always like that, without programs, just the one to change your IP....


    i cant test it now, but if some1 can test here is the link for the IP changer program:



    please some1 test and reply...

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