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Everything posted by Fя0zenInside™

  1. kala esena se paw polu telos panta me to xioumor xD kala opote vlepw topic me webmonster mpeno na dw mipws eipes kai tpt ;x skaw sta gelia kaneis auto p leme ''spaw ton pago'' xD
  2. 0xa0xa0axax0 paramilhma ftw?:P
  3. looool prwti fora to akouw auto omg einai alitheia?xD
  4. i like those specially the bow xD thx for the share dude keep up sharing.... :)
  5. 0xa0x0xa0xa00x0xa0xa0ax0xaax00ax oreos re OwneD;p //ontopic egw sumfwnw me ola osa eipe o Gregor ta eipe akrivws...
  6. they are so good just so good omg you are really very fucking pr0 in ps dude :o :)
  7. the shield looks great if you can just create everything that leonidas is wearing xD anyway thx for the share keep up....
  8. Nice guide its really great i think if you post some infos more like paniikoc says you will be rewarded by some1 that have access to increase and decrease karma :D nice work thx...
  9. Tomb Raider Ftw xD just an adventure girl ;)
  10. maniakmike if you want make and 1 for me but when you have time maybe make me at least :D and make all the others just when you have time to make make.My signatures are just nothing in front of yours just -beep-ing awesome dude. so just do if you want with text VirusLoader and theme something with virus if you can or just do simple anything you want. Edit:thx maniakmike i appreciate that :)
  11. thx for the shield dude i like and the hair from the dwarf :D good work keep up sharing... :)
  12. i can say the shield looks like dynasty shield but with gold color its good its look very nice thx for the share...
  13. oreos file polu analutiko to guide me ta jewels tou me ta weapons tou kai ta jewels tou autos eisai thx gia to guide aksizes kai to karma sou ;)
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46283.0 maybe will this help you ;)
  15. i think sps for pvp they have just many mc thats why they are good.. this is my opinion ofc...
  16. move augment you mean to give it in another char with clan wh?i just will see the video and see what you mean xD thx for this maybe it will work...
  17. dld ama miseis enan admin p.x perneis thn ip tou kai an exei sto pc tou ton server kanei shutdown to pc?xD kalo tha htane dn nmz na petyxei omws :P
  18. all that i have to say is +1 :D i dont like stuck subs server either...
  19. for what client are you searching? gracia part 2, gracia final, interlude what? just say and maybe we can help you...
  20. egw palia ston l2 infogate etrwga jail ama etrwga jail otan eperna polla items apo to shop dld items p na ksepernousane panw apo 2 billion kai kati se adena tote empena jail ama patousa buy :D Edit: se merika server exoune valei eidiko info dld ama vriseis p.x trws 15 ama vriseis pio gera 30 mins merikoi server panta oxi oloi...
  21. i think cobra have 1 go and search in the forum but i dont remember if it is for gracia part 2 :-\ just type in the search button cobra or gracia part2 maybe you will find something with this way ;)
  22. i think they love to sharing over and over the same thing? :D maybe... :P
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