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Posts posted by pnikkosis

  1. Ok, here are my steps:


    1 - Open proxifier (configured exactly as the guide)

    2 - Open client with bake ice as if i'm gonna play the server right, type my id and pass and leave it there without log in

    3 - I put the hosts file where is supose to go

    4 - Open l2fork

    5 - Open l2asrv

    6 - Open l2walker and launch the other client from it


    So, until here everything works correctly, I have both clients opened and all the other apps too.


    7 - type my id and pass in the walker client, log in. I see my server, I leave it there

    8 - log in with the bake ice client, I see the server, everything works right. When I click ok to pick the server (and after that, the character selection screen it's supose to come up in the walker client) nothing happens.


    I check the log in l2fork and this is what happen:


    12:24:20 - Debug build

    12:24:20 - Using Proxy: False

    12:24:20 - Starting... SOCKS[1999] LOCAL[2106] OOG[2107]

    12:25:04 - New local connection[2106]

    12:25:04 - Local LS connection->Handle

    12:25:16 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '2106'

    12:25:16 - New SOCKS connection for

    12:25:17 - Proxy LS connection->Handle

    12:25:28 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection

    12:25:28 - Local listen thread exit

    12:25:28 - Remote listen thread exit

    12:25:28 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '4568'

    12:25:28 - New SOCKS connection for

    12:25:29 - Proxy kicked~

    12:25:29 - Proxy GS connection->Add to queue

    12:25:29 - Error! No remote connection is waiting


    I hope someone could get past that... I really don't know a bit about this, but the problem is when I try to access the game server which has another port. I can get pass the login server in both clients just fine.

  2. lol I followed the guide but it never says you need 2 pc's or a VM there. so I did everything in one pc, and got an error in l2asrv:


    19:15:02 - New SOCKS connection for

    19:15:02 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection

    19:15:02 - Local listen thread exit

    19:15:04 - Proxy kicked~

    19:15:04 - Proxy GS connection->Add to queue

    19:15:04 - Error! No remote connection is waiting



    So, now that I know I have to run a VM, what do I run there? just the bake ice client? proxifier? l2asrv?. or should I run that in the main pc, and bake ice client only in the vm?

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