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Posts posted by pnikkosis

  1. Well since every interlude server I've been trying to play lately it's using bake ice... and a lot of exploits and bot-like programs appear in the forums every day, I decided to make a thread for all of us playing servers with BK... I hope those who know a lot more than me can give us a hand to make a list we can use ^^



    What you CAN use:


    - IG Walker - Guide by ZoOoOoM:



    - OOG Walker - Guide by ZoOoOoM:



    - Macro Editor - A guide for spamming CP pots by shALKE:



    - Autokomp - How to spam shout guide by and1enes:



    - Modified archives to see monsters lvls and drops and so on... some servers allow it, others don't. Here's a pack by MASTROPOS:


    (There are a lot more around the web and in the exploit section of this forum)


    - Other macro programs and clickers which don't need to launch an instance of l2.exe



    What you CAN'T use:


    - L2Divine


    - Most other bot-like/radars/utilities that need to launch an instance of l2.exe


    - hLaPex and L2phx are not working for me... someone correct me if they work on BK servers, or is any guide available.



    Well I'll stop here cause the office closing and I gotta get home, I'll update the first post as ppl start posting they're working/not working programs.

  2. it works only to servers that u can drop items


    noooooooooooooooooooo, really? I hate to be a smart ass, but I was never gonna guess that an exploit that takes advantage of dropping items in the ground wouldn't work on a server with auto pick up... ... ... Why won't mods delete that kind of replies? you have to read tru 5 pages of spam to read 10 real replies...


    And to say something constructive... It works on pretty much every server that doesn't have a packet guard system... l2mega i'm playing (or was) it's not working, has bake ice ._.

  3. Yeah... I tried every logout/disc option... on players attack, on players range, when HP < 15%... but nothing, when the server has bake ice it sucks...

    Would be different if instead of logging out, walker had an option to restart (I mean, if u use the ingame, when someone let's say attack you, walker takes you to the loggin screen; but I think it'll work if instead of the log screen, it'll take you to the char seleccion screen, and well automatically it'll pick the same char again after X secs to start).

    Maybe that can be scripted?

  4. I've used an OOG now... and I see your point... it's weird at first, you don't see your char and stuff... but once you get used to set it up right and watch the consoles it's great. I use IG walker for my main char still... cause... there's no fun in the OOG :P

  5. Yeah but that was a week ago and it's still down... f*cking l2terror doing the attack cause they copied the server and mega it's still way better. Everything works in mega and terror just SUCKS. When they started to lose players cause ppl found out that mega it's the same server but with everything working I bet that's when they started attacking.


    Why they don't let ppl play in peace...


    PS: para que mierda estamos hablando en ingles si somos los dos del mismo lugar? :P

  6. Since this is general discussion, I give a shout to anyone who knows what the F*** is going with L2mega (www.l2mega.org). This was an interlude l2off (I think) server which was in the first place of the gamesites200 site for a couple of weeks. I've play it since january and there was 100-200 ppl online, after it got in first place in the top 200 it got from 100 to 1000 in 3-4 days and the server started to get hacked, restarted, and a lot of other sh*t. GM's were the most incredible staff I encounter in a server, answering every problem and bug report I made... now the site doesn't update, don't answer from them, server it's up and restarted every 5 minutes...

    So, everyone knows what's going on? I supose a lot of ppl here played in that server so maybe someone has contact with one of the admins/gms... I'll be up again or should I start looking for another server?

  7. I was looking for key diferences between IG and OOG L2 walker, I've used IG and it's ok for farming and automate some tasks you do while you play... and I've seen some screenshots of an OOG walker that's pretty much the same but with no ingame window of what's happening, just a map and dots.

    So... why would someone pick an OOG if it's harder to log (looking for ip, ports, tokens, protocols, etc), if u get pvped or died... or have to use NPC buffers or GM shops I supose it's harder too...

    I've searched but I could find a topic about both walkers... Maybe it's a good place to give opinions of each, pros, cons, so everyone (mostly noobs like me) could pick which one to use.

  8. I got to log in an select my char in a private hellbound server... but when it's loading the world it crashes and I get this error:


    2008.8.13 19:28:25

    OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)

    CPU : GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 1801 MHz with 2046MB RAM

    Video : NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS (7519)

    PosCode : LS1:-27117:-116874:-2038 1/0


    General protection fault!


    History: NMagicSkillDataManager::GetMagicSkillData <- NMagicSkillDataManager::IsToggleSkill <- NCItem::ResetIsToggleSkill <- NCShortcutItemWnd::SetItem <- UUIAPI_SHORTCUTITEMWINDOW::execUpdateShortcut <- UObject::execClassContext <- (ShortcutWnd Transient.ShortcutWnd0 @ Function Interface.ShortcutWnd.HandleShortcutUpdate : 0086) <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (ShortcutWnd Transient.ShortcutWnd0, Function Interface.ShortcutWnd.OnEvent) <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- NCShortcutItemManager::AddShortcutItem <- NConsoleWnd::AddShortCutItem <- TEXT("ShortCutInitPacket Function") <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=ShortCutInitPac <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


    Any ideas?

  9. Haha, yeah, it's nice to do that when gm shops are badly stablished...

    Something alike happened to me in a server where you could buy... let's say a C grade weapon and then enchant it in another GM-shop-like for free (you only needed the weapon) and then sell it with SA for more adena than you bought the original weapon without the SA.

  10. Great man, I was searching something to automate my cp pots... but if you set a point in the screen for the program to check if it changes colour... and I play in windowed move... i'mm be screwed if I don't have the window in the right place, I mean, if the point I set up the first time don't match the CP bar the next time

  11. Well... I don't think this is for 99% of ppl here. First of all... If you know how to brute force a server and change the tables... then u have some experience and you don't need this tool cause you've done it with something else.

    For us noobs trying to change our chars to admins or add donation items to our WH then forget it, either you play a server big enough for the admins to know how to protect the server or it's little and unprotected and not worth it.

    I haven't downloaded but I pressume it's a brute forcer for sql servers so... there goes my 2 cents for those who don't know what this can do and ask for a tuto... you won't use it, your server's protected

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