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Posts posted by pnikkosis

  1. I'm getting this crit error when loading the world after selecting the char:


    General protection fault!


    History: NMagicSkillDataManager::GetMagicSkillData <- NMagicSkillDataManager::IsToggleSkill <- NCItem::ResetIsToggleSkill <- NCShortcutItemWnd::SetItem <- UUIAPI_SHORTCUTITEMWINDOW::execUpdateShortcut <- UObject::execClassContext <- (ShortcutWnd Transient.ShortcutWnd0 @ Function Interface.ShortcutWnd.HandleShortcutUpdate : 0086) <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (ShortcutWnd Transient.ShortcutWnd0, Function Interface.ShortcutWnd.OnEvent) <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- NCShortcutItemManager::AddShortcutItem <- NConsoleWnd::AddShortCutItem <- TEXT("ShortCutInitPacket Function") <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=ShortCutInitPac <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


    Is it the same as yours?

  2. Oh my god, 3 pages of spam!!!!!!!!

    First of all... this is not working anymore on l2terror.

    Secondly, however said you can kill a mob for 600 gold bars in l2terror... ... am, go play l2terror (which is an exact copy of l2mega)

    And third, how can u play l2 terror? it's probably the worst server with the worst staff ever.

  3. hahaha, well I know they're both from nc soft, I was just sorprised they use a new idea (aions, flying, characters with wings and that stuff) to an old game like l2... I mean, not old... but If there's millions of ppl playing l2 and you get semi-flying chars there... so... there's one less thing for someone to try aion.

    For me seeing that I could fly and battle in the sky and that stuff was a good feature to try the game when it comes out... but if I get the same in l2... I'll probably look for another feature that sells the game.

    Or... they're introducing chars with wings in l2 so you'll say... oooooh, this is great, let's try that other game when all the chars have wings and they can fly!

    It was just a thought

  4. It is nice! Thanks! I didn't have thought it before!!


    lol how do you play in different servers then? auto update every time you wanna change server? :|


    on-topic, now you have to change 3 folders in almost every server: system, systextures and animations.

    what I do is, instead of numbering the folders, naming them according to the server they correspond, like: system_l2mega, system_l2terror, system_l2khaos and so on. you leave the folder system for the server you want to play.

    And as a sidenote that everyone assumed already this only works inside a l2 installation for the same chronicle/throne, you need a folder appart for other chronicles

  5. I doesn't improve download speeds unless you're downloading the same file from 10 or more incoming connections (let's say, for p2p). If you're just downloading a file from a site you won't have more bandwith than the site's upload and your max download. This patch it's just for incoming connections (so, you can still use p2p programs and have as many outgoing connections as the app gets)

  6. Low-mid rate (that's about 25-35xp) without donations and npc buffers. There you have an interesting server for those who like to kill mobs and lvl, and for those who like to pvp it's just a matter of making the buffer classes and go pvp (which it's kinda ok with that xp rates)

  7. Is this a good server to play on ?


    no, it sucks, just get into their forum and watch how they flame each other and to the staff an noone gives a damm, there are countless screens of ppl boting and the staff members are more corrupted than the politicians in my country.

    just to let you know, if you play in that server no one will give a damm about your char, no support, no friendly community.

    it sucks.

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