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Posts posted by pnikkosis

  1. I've been trying to figure how to make my char drinks CP pots when pvped... and since you can't check a characters CP in walker scripts I came up with this, trying to make it to be usable for everyone.

    Conditions and situations: I play a high rate server (not so much tho... 45x), in a server like this an higher whenever you get attacked your CP it's down in 3-5 hits at most (depending on your class and the attacking one) so in a couple of seconds your HP starts to drop too.

    Now... if you're not looking at the screen you're dying sooner or later, if the player keeps attacking you, you're still gonna die, with or without CP pots. BUT, if you're looking at the screen you're surely gonna counter attack, so we could use the char's condition of being violet (or whatever it's called) and the HP that's surely dropped a bit (depending on how fast do you react to the attack).

    So, if that violet char condition can be coded you could do something like IF charstatus is violet and charstatus HP <99% use item (and that's the CP pot you want); since using a CP pot won't heal your HP, the charstatus HP lower than 99% will always be met, and using a 1 or 2 second delay (as fast as the server allows it) will give you a lot of hits of advantage.


    But if the walker scripting can't check if the char is violet then my whole idea comes down... but maybe someone with coding skills find this idea usefull.

  2. Sorry noddle, that's to slow for my orc, the one i'm using with 1 sec of delay works great.


    Now... I was thinking how to make my char drik cp pots when attacked by another player.

    I found that Greater CP Potion id is 5592, so... could this conditions be scripted?

    If player name's violet (I don't know how that's technically called) and HP <=99% then use the item.

    The server I'm playing it's kinda fast, so when I'm training and someone attacks me; I get 2 or 3 hits and there goes all my CP and a little of my HP, so, in that time, I find him, attack him, get violet, and the CP pots start to get used.

    Could the violet char status condition be scripted?

  3. Well I'm using l2fork to bypass bake iced servers... and I'm getting a lot of critical errors and disconnections... I was wondering if maybe there's a new version of it, or I'm using an old one with a lot of bugs... now that I think of it, I don't even know what version I'm using.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. I've been using IG walker 1.79 for a private bake iced server. In one account I made all my buffers (songer, dancer, human buffer). The problem is, whenever I switch between chars, the new one retains the skill of the one I logged in first.

    So, let's say I log with the bladedancer... and then restart to the char selection screen again to pick the songer... the skills never updates... so I can't use any.

    The only thing that does it it's login in again.


    Is anyone having this issue?

  5. I'm trying to make a script based on the one adlrebr made for mana pots... which it's something like this (I modified the timing)







    USEITEM(Mana Potion[iD=728])











    So, basicaly whenever your mp it's between 50 and 70% your char will use a mana pot. And this works perfectly for me.

    But since you can only run one script at a time I was wondering if I could add the same code but changing the item ID and name to use the Greater CP Potion (the one you made as a noble) so it will check both mp and cp at the same time, using each item whenever one or the other (or both) get lower.

    But I really don't know how this work, maybe if I add a conditional like charstatus CP < 50 after the mp conditional the script will wait for both conditions to take effect to use a pot... so can anyone give me a hand here?

    (no, I don't have the Id for the cp pot either :P)

  6. Ok, my problem is that I can't find a guide to configure walker 1.79... or even If I should configure it.

    I downloaded it and the only thing in the zip are the walker exe, a dll and a set.ini file (which after I picked the location of l2.exe has only one line: PATH=thepathtothel2.exe)

    I don't know if I have to put the server ip, port, token; or if that is for OOG...

    But if I start the client from the walker exe and press home, I get the walker options and in basic options are all those stuff to put there, like ip and port, and my id and pass, I put it but just doesn't seem to save it in any file...


    So... can anyone point my in the right direction? How can I configure it... or should I leave it as it came in the zip?


    Thanks in advance

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