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Everything posted by zidane5

  1. can anyone send me l2walker working for www.l2mirage.cl ? grettings thanks
  2. this "tricks" does work
  3. good tip it works on l2.cl
  4. it was already posted
  5. i couldnt download it.. :/
  6. this is great and its work
  7. when i log in using l2 walker oog could i be seen by gms? i mean;they can review logs and find me?
  8. :O did you try to relogin?
  9. thx a lot.. very useful
  10. does it work well?
  11. show us a screenshot please thanks
  12. more viruses please xD
  13. thank you man =)
  14. hhumm very good guide but anyway it would be a little be dificult to do it. thanks
  15. thx men it really works
  16. :O:O looks very hard i hope it works
  17. 1979
  18. Yogurt - Tazmania
  19. dind't laugh
  20. 1971
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