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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. ohh than you should be able to connect with the default settings, do you get any error when trying to connect?
  2. ports should be open if you want any external ip to connect.
  3. # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname = * you need your wan ip here.
  4. You dont use localhost for external communication only for internal. Check every necessary port with an openportchecker and paste here your serverconfigs.
  5. I personally dont use anti virus programs anymore but for me avast was the best pick for a really long time.
  6. prefer Civilization games but we'll see.
  7. Than go into the core and check how the timestamp class is used, l2j use this class to store reuse times of skills and items.
  8. can be many things, ports doesnt open, firewalls blocks it, wrong ip config
  9. you have a reuse time specified for it?
  10. This will be a collection of many guides to help beginners start to work with l2j. The guides will be created when i have time but if anyone willing to lend a hand since the subject can be anything just create a guide with the [L2J-Basics] tag and send me a pm so i can add it in this topic. Software Install and system variable setup Eclipse fine tuning Project management with Ant/Maven
  11. This guide will guide you through on what software you need for editing l2j and how to setup your system for it. Necessary softwares to install: Eclipse IDE for JAVA Developers: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ JAVA SE JDK: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html CollabNET: http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion (requires registration) Maven 3.1.0: http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi (required for l2jfree) Every software install is just like with any other software except with eclipse and maven those are just extractables that you need to extract to a folder wherever you want them. System variables to set: If your using l2j: Add new variable JAVA_HOME pointing to the jdk root directory. Edit the path variable, add there %JAVA_HOME%\bin. If your using l2jfree you need to also: Add new variable M2_HOME pointing to your maven root directory. Add new variable M2 pointing to %M2_HOME%\bin. Add new variable MAVEN_OPTS with the value -Xmn128m -Xms256m -Xmx512m -Dmaven.test.skip=true. Edit the path variable, add there %M2%. After that restart your pc and your ready to go.
  12. ops pasted the wrong ini from my pc, post updated :D
  13. This guide will guide you through about the way to setup your serverpack inside eclipse whether it uses ant or maven project management tools. Lets go over the compiling briefly(not going to speak about the setup in this one). L2Jserver and their forks doesnt need any special setup, its ready to go from the beginning, you just checkout the source run the ant script and your done theres really nothing more to it. Altho if it comes to maven its a bit more tricky. 1st of all you checkout their project like usual, than you have to convert each project that contains a pom.xml(equivalent of build.xml) into a maven project. Thats necessary for the classpath to detect your libs and your source folders. When thats done all you have to do is use the maven clean and install commands the same way you would use run as. Maven install will run the compile script and going to build your project, clean will delete your compiled source. Now lets see Ant vs Maven in some specific areas. Library management: Ant have to have the librarys stored inside your workspace to use them and you need to edit the classpath manually for each of them. The adventage of that is you can exclude some of the not necessary librarys such as mysql connector for example from the classpath. Maven on the other hand uses its own local repository to fetch librarys that you set as dependencys for a project. The adventage of that is that if you attach a project to another, for example gameserver project attached to the datapack project, the datapack project will inherit automatically every library that the gameserver uses. Also maven since it doesnt requires you to store librarys in your workspace you have a much easier way updating your current librarys(you change a version number and done), and adding new librarys(you can just look up thousands of librarys from maven central which is the main maven repository that contains everything you need). Project management with the use of them: Ant have no plugin management at all, so you have to use basically custom commands to get to something you want. In many cases you doesnt really need anything special that depends on your needs tho. Maven on the other hand have an extensive amount of built in plugins that you can use. You can generate a report from an issue tracker, generate a site for the project on compile, generate javadocs on compile(usefull if your project is really documented), you can generate various project reports, run JUnit tests in several ways and many more. finally to that i would to paste here an article from a blogger i used to read sometimes named Cristoph.
  14. This guide will guide you through about ways to improve the performance of eclipse to the point where it runs as efficent as ever. Disable your antivirus softwares on demand scanning option(if it has one and you use one). During the building process eclipse will create a lot of temporary files and read a lot of files, so disabling this option can make these faster. Disable file index if you use windows vista/7/8. While building your pack a lot of files will be created that have no reason to be indexed. ALWAYS use the latest version from everything you use. This is just pretty much common sense, newer the better. Tweek the eclipse startup. In the eclipse.ini you can tweek the jvm usage in many ways. -vm C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_25/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll pointing the jvm directly to the jvm brings the following adventages: - Splash screen coming up sooner. - Eclipse.exe in the process list instead of java.exe. - Firewalls: Eclipse wants access to the Internet instead of java. - Window management branding issues, especially on Windows and Mac. -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.7 -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Xss4M -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=10 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:UseG1GC -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Xverify:none Also these are jvm options mainly about memory management im not going in detail with them, the key elements you need to edit according to your system is the Xms and Xmx values(more memory you have more you can allow eclipse to use obviously). Disable unused eclipse options. - UI eyecandy(pointless extra load) - Disable assist content you dont use(SWT proposal for example) Keep an organized workspace layout. Dont checkout more than 1 serverpack into a workspace, create a new one. That will speed up searching and building workspace wont be as long as it would if you would have like 4 packs in the same workspace. Use only necessary plugins. Each plugin install makes eclipse heavier, use only the ones you really want to use. Cleanup your workspace regurarly. To avoid strange things happening with your eclipse from time to time its a good things to run the eclipse -clean commandline argument to fix really weird issues. Make your workspace work for you. I see many people use the default workspace layout, that works out in many cases just fine but your productivity can improve a lot if you change everything to your liking, or if you add different "views" that helps you in what you do but the default view doesnt include them.
  15. normal is having a pink, spiky, robot dildo! :D btw twisted logic you have there :D
  16. Somewhat agree tho i always love a challange when playing :P
  17. wheres the bad luck in that? :D
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