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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. how to say this...you need to be a good player to know that if you ask that it means your server will never be balanced.
  2. ehm...class balance is not a code...you need to make it on your own xD
  3. thats gimmick infringement xD
  4. me friendly?who said that? :D Anyway i got what you mean i will ask around maybe.
  5. for gym i would recommend something that gives you a slow rhytm so you can do things for the music so lets say trance
  6. Well packs i really cant...l2j is an epic fail l2jfree is under recoding emu is under recoding...i would say use l2j(dont tell it to nb4l1 cause he will kill you than :D ) and talk with hmm i really dont know all the devs i know are maniacs of everything else than l2j :S
  7. l2universe ehm i would not think about it its a shitty pack :D Well i cant consider it since my company taks so much time i can barely commit to emu :S
  8. Well if you search for a decent pack to open a pvp server right now i would say you have no other choice than l2j...a pack needs to be done properly because you can use anything else thats the sad part, the good part is...it can be done just need the right ppl :D
  9. neah i dont want to work with him never again he fucks up everything and code things for e-penis xD
  10. its freya and well...we sufferthe base we started from was l2jfree gracia final and well it was so bugged to hell that it took a lot of time to make it stable. And now we are on the verge of reworks in the way like only a hungarian does(delete it and than recode) :D PS.: thats why we has no bosses atm xD
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=85825 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=85825;sa=showPosts
  12. wait...you cant edit your posts while other legendarys were/are still able to do it.. Now THATS a problem... And people say the forum is good yeah like you said "despite the fact that they fight you and still nothing changed"...
  13. Good news well than we are looking forward to it in a future collab maybe since emu is jfree based too and have quit a few stuff on our side either :P
  14. you can get it from the eclipse marketplace also(if you use eclipse ide for java developers), also it misses the part when you compile with maven because for that you need enviroment variables :)
  15. you need to implement your own custom bypass for it.
  16. Heres an idea. Well since every single people ask for a pack but not willing to do anything for it(my opinion only), heres what those who want a good freya pack do. Come to emu forum test,test,test than report and/or code to help to improve the pack and than you have your good pack. You people should think about it just for a second to help and code insted of just waiting for it.
  17. but this guy is different he just way too ignorant he have features that clearly bad but he says until the players dont cry he dont take off and he dont understand that if the players cry the players leave xD
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