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Everything posted by kesoras

  1. I smoked with a pornstar because I'm good in bed xaxa lol
  2. den pirazei, simasia exei oti zeis :P :P eksalou esu eisai lebenths :P :P :P
  3. welcom back!!!!!!! will you be able to hung out with me 2morrow? i want to hear anything that hapened there
  4. ti krima, egw ime o kaluteros :P :P
  5. bb don't forget to call me 2morro after the surgery.And for last time...YOU TOLD ME TO KICK YOU!!!
  6. den ennoousa na milame ws tis 2 iwra. enoousa oti 8a s kanw sumparastash kai 8a meinw kai egw ksipnios alla telos pantwn...
  7. dikio exeis. 8a sou kanw parea os tis 2 30
  8. surgery? what happened to you? :P :P :P :P :P soz give me your new number und call me tomorrow when the surgery finish
  9. but not also
  10. dikio exeis alla sto fun rooms ta lvl allazoun
  11. nai (mia fora pou epesa apo to krebati enw koimomouna) exeis koimh8ei pote sto spiti enos filou s enw einai apogeyma kai ka8este kai blepete rhleorash ston kanape??
  12. oxi re gamoto... krima re sta gym den allazei to lvl twn pokemon
  13. pes sto logo s!!!!! 8a kaneis exeirhsh???
  14. htan mia fora 3 nuxterides pou kanane diagonismo pia 8a piei to pio polu aima.feugoun lipon kai meta apo 1 wra 3ana girnane.h proth nuxterida ani3e to stoma ths kai ta dontia ths htan katakokkina apo ta aimata, kai lei: blepete ekeinon ton antra ekei? autos zouse mazi me ta 2 pedia t kai me thn guneka t kai eipia to aima ollwn. sth deuterh nuxterida 3exilize to stoma ths apo ta aimata. , kai lei"blepete ekhnh thn guneka ekei pera? zouse mazi me ta 5 paidia ths, ton antra ths kai ta pe8erika ths kai eipia to aima ollwn.blepoun loipon kai thn trith nuxterida na einai gemath aimata, kai lei h trith nuxterida:blepete ekeinh thn kolona? egw den thn ida
  15. imagine-egg
  16. mine is epic movie,all scary movies,saw3 and sangai knights
  17. im 14
  18. 1954
  19. 490+3=493
  20. way to go!if your mewtwo is 50 lvl then whitch is the lower lvl in your team??
  21. i'm going to chalenge you some day... can i ask u somethink? how many pokemons do u have?
  22. you must go at 'change starter' and the you must press one of the letters ok. mine is #2091110
  23. your cards are really nice :P:P
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