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Everything posted by Raule

  1. veritasaga nu se asculta se simte
  2. oh dude, dont lock unfinished issues :D
  3. why should i lie
  4. nop.
  5. Warned. I wait for their pms, if not i will ban them.
  6. True, plus i've sent you the new rules in pm.. Banned though.
  7. ;o
  8. Raule


    Mop, but after you posted here, i saw this video plus i've found the book.
  9. pinky ring ?
  10. bling bling
  11. Locked as requested.
  12. o hai :D
  13. not bad
  14. No deepth, plus i think the render is not well sized.
  15. kis kas biciz
  16. rime crapa mui* :S pretty hard
  17. Fiti in plm atenti ;D Citeste-ne genele, dezechilibru' in germene din entitati gemene ce-ncep sa semene temere-n genere, legendele rele ce-si cer templele perene in eternele gemete, cu blesteme deci teme-te de tente demente, cand rasare atacu, ca-s tare dat dracu, cu nepasare-ti crap capu,vlastare cad acum, lasand sfere sterpe, n-aud strada cand cere jertfe, dupa scancete-ncepe sa le zboare sange din? cefe, ai crancene cete, secte cu sete se secete am sceptre septice intre cele zece degete, cel mai rece rege ce trece de lege ce cere tacere in cer prin cerebel, vede placere in fier, fost preot din cler, storc durere in zer si otrava invart globu'n cerc si'l inec in ger si lava, asa ca cine sapa cui groapa ? rime crapa, n-au stiut ca asta nu'i joaca
  18. da da, fiecare cu rapu lor da' practic multi stau sub medie ca semnatura cadrului didactic
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