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Everything posted by Raule

  1. M-a rupt partea lui Subsapte si a lu ADN de pe Iluzii optice (2012)
  2. sa codez poate dar sa cumpar pack si sa tin un server, nu. Oricum eu va urez bafta la vanzari si poate faci si tu o bere daca ajung prin Craiova.
  3. hahah first time i see setekh pwning
  4. sincer, eu n-as da nici macar un euro ptr ceva ce tine de jocuri.
  5. MxC Raule: cauta pe google MxC Raule: ca nu pot sa iti trimit MxC Raule: o sa vezi de ce Gabriell : miti fraiere... ai fatau de papuc... MxC Raule: danala semnei care si-a vandut casa ptr un falsificator de bilete de metrou MxC Raule: ) Gabriell: dute ba tu dinala semeni care fura pedale de la monten-bike si pune pe tohan MxC Raule: defapt ii mountain bike MxC Raule: ahahah Gabriell : dete ma ... Gabriell : ai intrat repede pe google MxC Raule: mata aia care ii campioana pe sate la rama online Gabriell : mata aia care nu-ti mai face mancare ci iti punde ingredientele direct in gura sa nu consume gazu si apa MxC Raule : ahahah MxC Raule : mata aia care te-o facut ptr alocatie un fel de yo momma pe mess cu un prieten :))
  6. my grandma told me monday the grass doesnt grow.
  7. That will not happen, some people really pay to have acces to karma. We must support the consequences.
  8. If your name is Jim, friends will can you Jimmy, right? Same with Raul> Raule.
  9. code th bullets plus the GUI pistol and i will.
  10. Not really. Because she's standing like that, the belly looks like that. Just give me the damn beer and you can fuck her ;D
  11. you fail. soz no java strings ;D
  12. here one ex gf of mine 1 beer and you can fuck her.
  13. he lies
  14. lolz is not naked :|
  15. he has no ballz.
  16. i dont believe you :D
  17. 5% procent ZeN, 95% din nitrotonul N
  18. i will chat ban you playa
  19. there are many similar tuts though.
  20. eu ma bag cu un prieten, asa aiurea vreo juma de ora :))
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