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Everything posted by Raule

  1. need some cleanings though
  2. lol ma fail
  3. wich one ?
  4. error 404 when you say that
  5. i see no hh in your blood, pff..
  6. yaw yaw you like my beatbox ? :P ahahah
  7. writting y2k because its like a vitus imposible to kill scratch scratch tuv tuv ci scratch tutuv civ scratch scratch ;D
  8. plus Venty2k
  9. ANd Darts Layer (dark slayer)
  10. no no. ExtremeWARF (Weighted Average Rating Factor) and Gri som +3 (sword of miracles)
  11. vs Saule ahah
  12. masterbaster vs gazoza epic
  13. eu ma joc cu cainele si mai vin si pe la pc din cand in cand.
  14. Zemial you are friend with Fogarel i guess.
  15. make those waves animated and will be cool.
  16. name of the moto ? :P
  17. mda, vin acuma din vest.
  18. ask w3b
  19. User is banned. Locked. The answer though: nowhere.
  20. bine, poti sa dai o bere acuma.
  21. I will ban you right now ! He was disrespecting staff members, flamming, smitting people ( newbies) without warning, he was one of the greeks that left the forum, etc. Plus he was banned x times before.
  22. Vago scapat de sub control ?
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