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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Raule

    Gay or not?

    no offense but thats a girl's hand.
  2. mie nu-mi place.
  3. Cate ai facut in total? eu 23(vreo 15 ore reale)
  4. Population (2011 census)[1] • Total 159,704 • Density 2,100/km2 (5,400/sq mi) iasi: Population (2011 census[5]) • City 290,422 • Density 3,092/km2 (8,010/sq mi) • Metro 382,484
  5. ai picat iar la sala ma? :troll:
  6. daca duci lipsa
  7. am visat hotelu pentru scriitori netrebnici
  8. y u no augmented reality
  9. asist la involutie
  10. redheads? i d fuck the bad luck of of her :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  11. 1.8k da o iei cu 1.5 - 1.6
  12. am combinat-o doar..nici macar nu o cunosteam :good sir: mai vreo luna :forever alone like a boss:
  13. ce-mi palc golfurile :happyforever: mai tre 500 adena :poker face:
  14. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=275342.msg2583050#msg2583050
  15. at work a redhead with big blue eyes passed, my dick automatically got high. I fucking love redheads even with speckle
  16. once trolled like 10 pages, wrote after that its a troll and poeple still getting trolled http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203811.0
  17. crysatalin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YuRNqarR9Q
  18. i pay 4e now to donwload with 10 mb
  19. said the guy cu un an mai in varsta
  20. la mine se pune englza ca n-am facut nici macar o ora de engleza
  21. da tu ce limbi stii ma?
  22. tatal meu e slovac :troll:
  23. am predat geometria regretului, acum dau meditatii.
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