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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Ioane e...
  2. right now, just wait few seconds!
  3. site is working now, unlocked.
  4. There's no way to trade augumented items, as far as i know. To tell you something, in big servers exploits that are shared, they work 2-3 days. Cheers.
  5. pe armura pune de toate pe cutit poti sa bagi ce vrei, eu as baga earth
  6. apasa apasa apasaapasaapasaapasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasaapasa
  7. apasa apasa apasaapasaapasaapasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasa apasaapasa
  8. sa-mi bag pula ca stiu mai bine ca asta beatbox
  9. sa-mi bag pula ca stiu mai bine ca asta beatbox
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6o2iAp54kE&feature=r%ADelated
  11. ce cul e melodia
  12. L2phx should work in every server, i mean to read the packets. About the exploits you can find them by modifying the packets.
  13. Noroc Ioane e foarte saks
  14. teoretic vorbim pe taote armele la fel
  15. What's bad with this theme anyway? i kinda like it, just some icons and the logo to be changed and it will look cool.
  16. I have no idea, Maxtor did not inform us about anything, just post and when he'll have time he will watch this topic.
  17. Everything, so for Maxtor will be easier instead of watching every topic..
  18. discuss here http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=198880.msg1666400#new
  19. To avoid creating topics for every report about the new theme i created this topic.
  20. te-ai insiprat din freestyle-u lo doc si afo
  21. it looks cool though
  22. ok i create one in spam team
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