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Everything posted by Raule

  1. i have no idea :/
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvSy_nIWMzQ 1:46 lyrics I've been knowing this, even before I was born erroding bricks, in the form of a storm of a form within the abyss of the scorn my off the dome's off the norm, off the pawn it's been ages in the on since i've been locked in cages from freedom wrote pages unlimit, now my rage is infinite so i'm finishing the timid with the stands of my mimic better believe it, 'cuz I am the titan with a granit right hand that embedded in led invented light, man so the discovery was ready, son, fuck Edison spread disease just so you could find the medicine but the land is grimming, men within wage wars, lords battle in the Vatican pledge slavery laws, savering folds, stelary gods salary odds, staggering frauds, like e tumor, ignorant human so i combine the hate with the divine, state of mind enslaving time in my system the misticism of my sixth flame when i spit slang we bare the force of six men you can't withstand chaos, I purify this stark place and cover its surface with sand layers. send prayers to breath life into the void spïteful, ressurect the pure and create another cycle
  3. a retrogadat, de la saks la foarte saks.
  4. ye but dont say its sucks :o
  5. Hahah do you see thats romanian? dont say that again about romanian rap because is not saks. Never said greek rap is sucks because i dont undertsand it. Anyway romanian emcees freestyleing in english, the second one that spits i find the best emcee. From 1:46 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvSy_nIWMzQ
  6. da, nu vreau sa fie mizerie in topicu meu.
  7. this is rap
  8. Fixed.I appreciate.
  9. Btw cum v-atarna ? :))
  10. Dupa 4 ore.. eu: fata ce-mi place noua mea postura.. eu: de cate ori intru eu in camera, tati iese :)) b: :)) eu: il trimisei sa-mi ia si mie o ciocolata si imi lua 2 pluuus suc, inghetata si fructe.. b: profitoare ce esti! eu: daca stiam ca pot sa profit asa de el, il prindeam mai devreme b: bashed!
  11. looooooooooooooooool eu: fata tocmai il prinsei pe tati watching porn si dand la manivela.. b: :)) eu: cand ma vazu incepu sa dea ESC da se blocase calculatoru :)) b: =)))))) moooor eu: era in chiloti si face la mine cica eu: "mama, ce cald e!" eu: =)) b: =)) nu mai pot sa respir eu: iti dai seama ca nici nu mai nimeream usa sa ies :))
  12. use this http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=198880.0 :D
  13. si eu, ma bag la film.
  14. ce testezi ?
  15. mlif al gab am
  16. Solved now, locked.
  17. cui ii pasa
  18. cui ii pasa
  19. The next three days worth watching.
  20. The Book of Eli, worth watching.
  21. warned
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