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Everything posted by Raule

  1. A first mistake of a 2 years old forum user, wrong section.
  2. Can't you see Maxtor what he said? Though i don't have anything against him, but first he must demonstrate he's capable for a staff position, having english skills isn't enough.
  3. ;D ;D
  4. si numele topicului
  5. si numele topicului
  6. facem un spam pizidlichis?
  7. It's up to Blane and Ed.
  8. Let him fix the forum first.
  9. o sa se stearga karma astea ma, stati linistiti
  10. Everything will be fixed. Anything else to report?
  11. salutari!
  12. Never asslicked.
  13. You should have a disscusion with your staffers too, some staffers are subjective, plus they should act friendly with everyone. Some staffers are really self-centered after they got some privilegies. Anyway Grisom was the pure example of the moderator meaning.
  14. ba auzi aici rima Guvernu spune adevaru ...naaa...se simte ca minte Si o comite zambitor cu coji de seminte pe dinte
  15. si de casting speed nu este?
  16. s se crafteaza ma iti dau de a ti-am zis mie imi tre un kamael sa-l folosesc ca buffer parca era unu ce da da matk si cs speed ? te-n plm iti dau eu spoiler ma.. am 2 spoileri
  17. ba da imi dai mie contu ca il folosesc ca buffer daca zici ca ala e
  18. faci lv 65 pe el bufele de dwarf is la shop
  19. tu faci buffer si io it ifac napoi contu ce zici?
  20. si care-i ala care da m atk si taote alea?
  21. plm fa un buffer dinala kamael
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