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Everything posted by Raule

  1. I liked MXC in the past when i was playing lineage, back then in 2007-2008 when wasnt full of lineage 2 java projects, when cheats really worked, when no trolls inside, when the only problem of mxc was the spammers. Cant say i like it now or hate it, i just feel ashamed somehow because we became a madhouse and the main guilty is maxtor and then us(the staff)
  2. If there will be more than 100 players when will be opened i will play with my friends.
  3. Raule

    Movie Quote

  4. ma uit la Suits, e marfa serialu.
  5. iti dai seama ce cultura generala are.
  6. Dolemite Motherf******
  7. folosind beat-u si gravitatia ca mijloc de locomotie
  8. ta'che soarele in loc sa-ti iei si tu ceva serios, dai banii pe prostii.
  9. np
  10. Raule

    -1 Karma

    recycle bin laden proofs
  11. Eminem - Lose Yourself (Acapella)
  12. eminem s-at pe labareala, eminem s-a dat pe labareala, nu merita sa fie la mine in poll
  13. a very big bug, this theme is ugly skm night
  14. we have 3360 banned members
  15. New Series http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1632701/
  16. bad teacher
  17. banned.
  18. Xkor; NLObP; Wanick; QaK; alexteam.
  19. Silent Strike - Floating Sadness
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