How to earn money online from photos and illustrations
Are you a photographer or designer and want to earn money with your work? If so, then you can publish papers on specialized sites, and you earn money every time someone downloads. You can earn between 0.20 and $ 5 (depending on size and site) for each photograph or illustration discharged under standard license and up to $ 50 per download under license extended.
Some of the most popular sites, you can expose your works are: Fotolia, Pixmac, BigStockPhoto, iStockFoto, ShutterStock, Dreamstime. If you want to maximize profits, it is important and recommended to join all the sites above. If you want to brainstorm, you can use the services of iSyndica. ISyndica services offered not only ease your work, but you can make much larger gains. With iSyndica you can publish works on the most important sites in the field without manually creating your account on each one.