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Everything posted by Raule

  1. he is some romanian scammer, pretended to be official mxc middleman then scammed some people then faked his account was stolen and now he is frustrated.
  2. watch ep 2 game of thrones
  3. dasc sugi o ceapă
  4. plm astept subtitrare ca nu inteleg arhaismele
  5. okay..
  6. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190581.new#new
  7. game of thrones ep 2 iz up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. el:ba frate ce viata de kkt eu: dc ba?:)) el:in plm nu-mi deschide mama usa eu:pai si acum cum vb ma? el:sunt pe net pe iphone eu:aha...pai si de ce nu iti deschide el:e profu' meu de chitara ...ca a venit nush ce pl sa ma anunte si eu nu eram acaasa si am sunat-o pe mama :"alo mama! dc dracu nu imi deschizi usa? -lucrez intensiv nu pot sa vin sa iti deschid" asa ca.....plm astept eu: :)) bine frate te las :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  9. hb brada
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  11. np Today's Earnings: $5.54 Month's Earnings: $9.25 Approved Earnings: $82.22 All Time Earnings: $91.47
  12. i see you are all expert in movies. You tryin to prove x tv show is better than y tv show, gtfo please.
  13. cant wait for second episode .D
  14. Today's Earnings: $5.27 Month's Earnings: $8.98 Approved Earnings: $82.22 All Time Earnings: $91.20 Note: On the 1st of each month your Month's Earnings become Approved Earnings. These Approved Earnings are then sent out to all uploaders from the 15th of the month to the 25th. okay..
  15. why not this forum iz gric
  16. maybe something like this http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=234859.0
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