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Everything posted by Raule

  1. am fost ieri la strand si am dat cu picioru de m-am julit pana la os, :rage:
  2. da, nu ca se fac biserici de zeci de milioane de lei
  3. i thought in poland there are no poor cities
  4. plm, stric pe zi vreo 150-200 de lei
  5. vreo 2500-3000 de lei
  6. i bet i make more than you sitting on my desk. ujelly?
  7. i-am stricat
  8. nu vreau sa ma laud, am stat si am calculat, in 3 luni de vara am facut peste 5k oiro.. dar astea lunile de vara, acum merge mai slab
  9. i mean you just have to sit and do nothing, fucking boring
  10. exploit, 500 de lei salariu
  11. 17 zile lucrez pe luna dar e doar 12, mai e pana maine dimineata la 8 ia sido http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn5JLAyuVDM
  12. Raule


    bag pula, wrong topic
  13. da, abia 100 de lei am facut :okey:
  14. worst job ever
  15. you work as guard?
  16. merita 150 lei? e de la deliric1
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raule


      its on repeat in the past 30 minutes


      i post them on your profile to not forget em lol

    3. FighterBoss


      Delete button :troll:

    4. Raule
  17. sap guzuza?
  18. Raule


  19. facut 50 de lei intr-o ora..poate fac ceva pana maine, ieri mi-a mers slab, 150 de lei am facut :okey:
  20. is la lucru :okey:
  21. Raule


    right, and everyone will click the ads, that mentality :you serious?:
  22. i watch Greek
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