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Everything posted by Raule

  1. gazoza
  2. Cant believe how awesome Suits is! Its like you having sex for the second time :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  3. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    sings addele on the shower water catches on fire
  4. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    adds his mom on facebook as friend blocked
  5. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    tries to find a girl on facebook sets her name as status
  6. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    plans his own birthday isnt invited
  7. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    seen a pussy for the first time his moms
  8. mi+am luat Tedy de la magazin, like a kid :forever alone like a boss:
  9. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    gets driver license kills 3 fat women while parking
  10. Raule

    Bad Luck Brian

    steals a candy death penalty
  11. Raule


    proiectoare ceata
  12. am fost la itp, mi-a zis inspectoru ca motoru e ca nou, co2 a iesit cat e in talon :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  13. naspa.
  14. si dracu umbla, traim in jungla
  15. e strada stramba, si merg pe langa
  16. i saw it, its awesome
  17. ce jucati ba
  18. nu gasesc aia cu jandarmoi de se chinuiau sa sparga usa :)))
  19. in timpu liber scriu carti si sterg tag-uri
  20. true
  21. mai o ora jumate :happyforever:
  22. :happyforever:
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