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Everything posted by Raule

  1. cui ii pasa :))
  2. i dont care about your karma dude, i said finito to delete this topic.
  3. Raule

    [Learn German]

  4. they will turn into matrix 45 pos= 11 matrix x 60 = 660$
  5. im at work. After 6 pm go here http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=237202.new#new
  6. noob psomas, restart left me with 31 positions y u ?
  7. delete it.
  8. parca aveam 1 rep da nici nu m-am obosit sa ma uit cine mi l-a dat
  9. aliens!!! i started getting cclicks on myh second blog also on fileice..i think i will move into this ppd.
  10. Raule

    Grats Maxtor

    It took you only two years to give award priv to global mods. Im hoping for meme smiles in 2015.
  11. Happened to me also, fixed it by deleting system32.
  12. =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) trololol maxtor
  13. fuck you thunder
  14. I work 15 hours. Who's the pussy now? from 6 pm to 9 am next day.
  15. working till tomorrow 9 am
  16. FUll of carebears, why you care so much user x has +23234 karma? i tell you why, because you are kids. Its just a pixel proving user is active and making shares, nothing more.
  17. in all movies wives are biciz, i mean, watch the sopranos, boardwalk empire, sons of anarchy etc..
  18. da faci pana la urma imaginea?
  19. http://www.trilulilu.ro/muzica-hip-hop/carbon-s-i-d-a-1
  20. cum suna http://www.trilulilu.ro/muzica-hip-hop/cedry2k-horror-din-berceni-produsa-de-sez
  21. dafuq i jut did read
  22. dunno yet. more than 100 for sure.
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