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Everything posted by Raule

  1. windows 8
  2. your offer in o a page with 50k likes.
  3. i give you lr for pz 1;1 want?
  4. i give you 100 lr y u give me 110 pp?
  5. i know lol i meant i give lr for what for stp?pp?pz?mb?
  6. 120 on ? pp?stp?
  7. i make it sure it wont.
  8. raku cumicu sau ryu?
  9. with you no, you take big fee. I wanted stp because its 4% from jbp. I need only to withdraw to my card, not to make trades and shits. Payza is 8% + 3.9% + 0.25$ from egopay 11.9% comission is too much.
  10. y u no help psomas?
  11. omu gnom underman sau fratziman?
  12. tl;dr giving you 2 reputation if you do it today
  13. dragonu vd sau aforic?
  14. cedry2k doc sau del?
  15. da imi da 5 matrixuri
  16. mai raman cu 45, like a boss
  17. se da restart
  18. ce bine suna... raku - soldaţilor noştri (cu Anda Dimitriu)
  19. imi taie 22 de pozitii:(
  20. ei vor sa stai blajin visand ca-ti deschizi mintea
  21. i thoughtyoudid it already
  22. eu cred in karma.
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