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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Raule


    i asked why maxtor closed spam section not how much i have to wait
  2. Raule


    why you closed
  3. and thats how y u copy random lyrics from google and y u make mad some greek nigga :troll:
  4. Sunt topografic, nu ma pierd cu firea niciodata, get it?? Privesc de sus ca o harta Negarea e prima liberate a mintii
  5. Si ghete gratinate gravate de gravitatea gratiei gresit graita ca un grec in Groenlanda :happyforever:
  6. Cat esti de puternic, da-te-n pula mea de pinguin schizofrenic Esti transparent, nu-i voie de incizie.
  7. nu te mai agita atat, esti pielea pulii Materie organica, te fac sa te stimti null
  8. told y u no let romeo fuck your dog
  9. stail
  10. psihanaliza explica pula si pizda
  11. rosalie likes poutsa
  12. rosalie o vaca cu motor
  13. :happyforever:
  14. da
  15. wer my 30k posts
  16. the little one is dev
  17. http://vplay.ro/watch/gtffuhg1 :happyforever:
  18. Raule

    spam topics

    cause y u saks
  19. at least y u bad guy online
  20. y u smie me :gusta:
  21. done +1
  22. i spam smart :happyforever:
  23. Raule

    spam topics

    junkyard section iz now spam topics
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