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Everything posted by Raule

  1. depends on the country, poor countries have to pay to complete surveys :poker face:
  2. i dont suggest investing right now, they are instable. how my account looks: TOTAL SALES COMMISSIONS FROM EXPIRED AD PACKAGES $15 x (C-D) 1,140.00 [How much commission you have received from your Level 1 referral purchases of Ad Packages.] LEVEL 1 REFERRAL COMMISSIONS 132.00 [How much commission you have received from your Level 2 referral purchases of Ad Packages.] LEVEL 2 REFERRAL COMMISSIONS 157.50 [How much your total Ad Packages are worth, including the ones that have expired.] TOTAL VALUE OF PURCHASED PACKAGES 1,010.00 [How much your active Ad Packages are worth.] TOTAL VALUE OF ACTIVE PACKAGES: E 250.00 [How much profit you have made to date.] TOTAL COMMISSIONS TO DATE 1,375.05 [How much balance you have in your Ad Package account. Your Daily Sales Commissions are reflected here.] CURRENTLY IN YOUR ACCOUNT 7.80
  3. go watch tvcountdown.com
  4. Raule


    i dont get hurted through internet especially from mxc :happyforever: every discussion is just spam for me :good sir:
  5. am parasit hiperboreea slugilor
  6. :alone: i uatch revolution ep 13
  7. Raule


    i thought she is a boy :happyforever:
  8. i has 10 more minutes :happyforever:
  9. since they called Romania "romos" and i said greeks are under the romanians at iq levels
  10. bla bla bla useless talks on the internet :poker face: easier to spam with meme faces :happyforever:
  11. you hurted me now :troll: i dont care who you are nor from where you are, i'm just spamming around to make adena :happyforever:
  12. smecher sido asta
  13. i said we where frozen around 50 years. You that stupid? :troll: c'mon get mad, i like when people taking everything so serious :troll:
  14. im talking about recent history :troll:
  15. true story, when i cant fiind a good movie, i spam here :happyforever:
  16. i said he had romanian origins, read better
  17. I stopped being serious in this forum long time ago, since 2009 i think, because i don't give a fuck about this forum anymore. Ps this is the second time seeing you on this forum.
  18. i dotn have anything against greece, y u greeks think superior and call romania gipsies, its not our fault history roll like this
  19. romanian orgins, his first name Was Draghici(romanian name) his got the nick(Tesla = carpenter) he was an istro-romanian from Croatia :happyforever:
  20. u mad ? :troll: we were 44 years under the communism its normal to develop slower ufag and also speak about the present guess whats the second spoken at microsoft :troll:
  21. 0;45
  22. 2020 catches you impotent in a muslim brothel with a nine old girl mechanically stimulating you
  23. mathhtew 2020 te prinde impotent intr-un bordel islamic cu o fetita de noua ani stimulandu-te mecanic
  24. ma-ta
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