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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Should work with anything wich is exchangeable.
  2. hmm Vent00za? Who was the first l2 moderator?
  3. PyRoMaker. What name had fdLp before?
  4. Gold member. Who has the less posts from staff ?
  5. and the q?
  6. Raule


    At your 380 posts you should know that...if you search in google you will find more than 30 pages.
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. I really don't know.Test and tell us. PS: post count decreased to 50.
  9. You can do it only 2 times..anyway this is almost useless exploit. Maybe is funny when you do "bots" for clan lvl..
  10. Make a video, i can tell you, don't work 99%.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. Yeap, it's nice, but i don't like the text font.
  13. http://www.divshare.com/download/3669571-aac +added to the first post
  14. I don't think someone will read 3 pages, why you didn't brief? plus write the credits..
  15. Awesome+ fully explained. Maybe l2net will be the new way of exploits! PS, i would give you one karma if i could :P
  16. Request General help LE: Request General Help Request General Help Already Posted Request Exploits Help [Gr] Request Dev Help L2J Lock This One Lock Request Dev Help L2J
  17. Because he can donate.
  18. yes, but i have one bad new, i didn't test it because i havent gracia client :P
  19. You must put your name here : Const UserName=('HiThere'); commands to use /start => Start searching /stop => Stop searching /radar => Kill the target Download the script : here Furious, metalFan and me for the simple guide :P
  20. Lol he hooked? Some romanian hh ;D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29lQMOcwlE8&feature=related
  21. Yes, maybe i will find a way to do it in two accounts.
  22. Why you don't make your own guide ? @Hotwheelz, please stay ontopic.
  23. Post the files and the lines, i will help you.
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