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ratchet last won the day on June 17 2024

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  1. The stats you see in game are corrected by their relative factors (for example the mob's STR will influence his P.Atk etc.) The stats you see in the XML are the base stats.
  2. He's likely baiting you to download his source full of backdoors indeed
  3. I don't understand why aren't you showing us exactly where it is, all this makes no sense at all tbh. You're just giving generic "hints", reminds me of the AI bug reports haha
  4. Cmon buddy, show us just one example of backdoor in mobius projects and we'll believe you.
  5. Can you provide an example of backdoor inside one of the mobius projects?
  6. Both interface.u and interface.xdat are located in the system folder yea
  7. the .xdat is just the "layout" of the interface, the .u is the actual scripts
  8. From Salvation onwards I think you need a patched nwindow.dll that allows such modifications, try to see if you get what you need here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1LLbQFGf8KlR-O0Iv5umfF-pwZgrDh9bd
  9. I also think this feature would bring more harm than good... another example is a dwarf rushing against your mobs so he takes priority, then he plays fake death and proceeds to grief the shit out of you. A minimum damage threshold is necessary, which would basically converge to what is the default feature (i.e. biggest damage dealer)
  10. anti-ks you mean anti-killsteal?
  11. My random guess is that it's the native function SetItemTextLink
  12. I guess if you modify client files then it's a mod
  13. What geodata are you using and which l2j package?
  14. If i'm not wrong, the free tools shared do not support animated skeletal meshes (.psa) for building ukx packages. You need something called Gildor's patch. Do you have it?
  15. Hello, to be honest with you, your question is a bit unclear, at least to me. Are you trying to give special skills to players based upon their weapon enchant level? Also there are parts of the code that are wrong, for example you do: if (item.getEnchantLevel() >= 4) and then immediately after else if (item.getEnchantLevel() >= 8) This last block will never be evaluated since the previous one will be true, and so on. From the snippets you posted I can't figure out, maybe try to post the whole files somewhere
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