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Everything posted by Stive

  1. anyone can give me full skill status on this ? <skill id="3158" levels="1" name="Item Skill: Celestial Shield"> ?
  2. anyone can give me full skill status on this <skill id="3590" levels="1" name="Silence"> <!-- Needs to be finished. Target is set to TARGET_NONE, skillType to NOTDONE for server compatability. Description(s): Temporarily blocks the use of magic skills. --> <set name="target" val="TARGET_NONE"/> <set name="skillType" val="WEAPON_SA"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/> <for> <effect count="1" name="Mute" time="120" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="silence"/> </for>
  3. man yo dont read this ? Automatically generated from C3 client files. i need full status on skill
  4. Anyone can give me skill status for this ? <skill id="3016" levels="6" name="Special Ability: Critical Stun"> <!-- Automatically generated from C3 client files. Need to be checked/fixed. Target is set to TARGET_NONE, skillType to NOTDONE for server compatability. Descriptions: 1: Temporarily stuns target into paralysis. 6: Temporarily stuns target into paralysis. created 2005-05-29 23:34:30 --> <set name="target" val="TARGET_NONE"/> <set name="skillType" val="NOTDONE"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <for> </for> </skill>
  5. that is possible to work in server with shit login system ... i test on IL and say me "acc already used" recommend to make video or just to say in who server work this bug
  6. i think that is old and posted many time .... btw how much dmg till get RB from reflect dmg ? 200-800 dmg? RB who have 200k HP ... how much time you will need ? so if in your server have buff npc and u can open for example 4 games i think will be better to join 3 titan + frenzy and zealot and 1 bishop to heal all what you think ?
  7. recommend c4 1+1 , i hate Gracia Up version i remember old time when i play in DN titan+Wc ... killing machine :) but you are sure can make server like old DN ?
  8. xaxa delete all class/race and lest all to play with dwarf they are funny :)
  9. idiot stop flood with create xxxxx posts http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=183715.0
  10. Why in client mode dont have original cleaner system folder who can i edit ? I looking for Interlude Cleaner System Folder , anyone have ? P.S better if anyone can shared and Sticky Topic with all C3.... - .... Freya Cleaner system folder
  11. Yes we will not add anything..Thats why we have 2 servers...1 retail and 1 Custom...The custom have many armors and weapons and other things!The retail have only tatoos nothing else except the BEST features you have ever seen in a server Interlude!
  12. +1 I agree...You need mass pvp zones!
  13. They will be 2 farm zones and 1 starting lvl zone for easy lvl up!!
  14. Soon will see more infos!!They are 2 custom farm zones and starting lvl zone!!
  15. gg he can try to start/use phx in any good protected server where he play long time so he can get ban and bb server 2 years play for noting ... not give stupid ideas on player where hey can get ban . end
  16. +1 i understand what you write but virtual ... i cant understand where is point
  17. you want NPC template or NPC functions ?
  18. go to database(navicat) and find table with name NPC after that find your monster and edit or press in game with gm char Shift+click on monster and click to " edit npc " and make your edit
  19. you need kiding me ..... why he need phx .. and try to any protected server and bla bla bla ... just open your dev game console and check there ... to simple dont need server..phx.. and other programs
  20. you just need check c4 database syntax and need be edit to be like freya syntax . that is all
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