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Stive last won the day on August 11 2022

Stive had the most liked content!


About Stive

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Apprentice (3/16)

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  1. Add me on discort
  2. I am looking for ready character on reborn x10 dagger or saggi with items or not.. also email! pm me here or discort moonrider5842
  3. Many customs inside and problems is been tested from Trance
  4. Mobius is crappy as hell… This is acis and you can do what ever you want on clean files without 100 mods from l2jfrozen
  5. Hello guys...Since i dont have time to work on my project i will sell it! The project is based on Acis files and have been changed all the packets and its running on Fafurion Classic client 166 protocol. It has also some mods made from scratch from my team Like Vip manger mod, PIN mode on character selection,Ingame showing game console, and some more i dont remember.. Here are some images: https://imgur.com/a/t8O88aW Price is 250euros Contact me on Discort: MoonRider#5842
  6. You are back in l2 scene?
  7. Looking for interlude files or any ready files only from serious ppl and working things that should be tested!! waiting pms only from decent people.
  8. Whats that “85” therebon top right corner?? Idnt supposed to show your lvl?
  9. Where have you been bro?:)
  10. You know shinichi yao? You contact him?
  11. Here is only for packs and files dont you know it?
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