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Everything posted by Jigsaw*

  1. I don't know what to put to hellboy's place.. But I agree with you that the girl is the best part of the image :P
  2. any idea of how I can improve them? I am not pro user in photoshop..
  3. I think that 2nd is the best too but I want to here more opinions.. btw it's "in my opinion" :D
  4. I want to create a Hellboy image and I want your advice.. I have created some images but I want to improve it and I want you to tell me what's the best image. Please, tell me your opinion of how to improve it too :) 1st --> 2nd --> 3rd --> (I do not like the 3rd but I put it in case you have any idea of how to improve it)
  5. Jigsaw*


    aplos anoigeis ta arxeia iso kai kapou tha exei ena install i ena setup... ego protimo na ta kano etsi para na ta grafo se cd
  6. I do not like the backround and the fonts.. I like the render but I think that it would suits more with something else.. 3/10
  7. eixa ena tetoio provlima epeidi mou eixe mpei enas ios kai dn mporousa me tin kamia na ton vgalo me kanena antivirus.. ekana format mallon afto kai gia esena tha einai i moni sou lisi...
  8. pff all of you are totally offtopic.. what i have to say now? I have not heard this story before...
  9. I do not the left side of the fonts.. 7/10 btw you improved your skills xD
  10. I had this problem too but I really do not know how I walked over it :P If you can login to login.live.com then you have no problem with your ID..
  11. it's good but you have to change the text xD
  12. well I do not really like both of them... V1-> 3/10 V2-> 4/10
  13. nai ontos to ekleisa kai ola eginan kanonika... Kapoios na kanei lock to topic!
  14. Jigsaw*


    mpes sto www.myp2p.eu kai des.. prepei na exei eurosport...
  15. Mpeno me firefox kai den mporo na anoikso to t35.com.. kserei kaneis ti mporo na kano? den mou anoigei tipota mou afinei lefko to parathiro kai stin kartela grafei "GIF εικόνα, 1x1 εικονοστοιχεία"
  16. I said him not to double post because I have not seen him again! so I couldn't know if he knew the rule...
  17. akrivos den exo katalavei kai ego pos leitourgouse... pantos metrage kathe xroniko diastima pou ipirkse.. den kseroume giati kollise... afto einai pou trelane tous epistimones...
  18. tora na sas po tin alitheia gia ola afta exo apopsi omos variemai na kathomai na grafo sinexeia xD... tha po mono ena teleftaio.. Epistimones apo tin Rosia eftiaksan ena programma sto computer tous opou apo tin arxi tis istorias (dld apo tote pou efevrethike i grafi) metrage kathe defterolepto pou pernouse.. dn mporo na sas doso na to katalavetai akrivos pantos to programma metrouse ta defterolepta to pote nixtone arxize na ksimeronei kai diafora... omos kollise sto simeio pou oi Ellines ston polemo me tous Troes (nomizo oti itan me tous Troes) zitisan apo tous theous na kanoun tin imera 24 ores (diladi 24 ores fos) oste na polemoun perissotero.. apo tin stigmi pou kollise to programma se afto to simeio epsaksan oi Rosoi kai prospathisan na doun giati kollise... etsi arxisan na prospathoun na kanoun afto pou eixan zitisei oi arxaioi Ellines kai na kanoun 24 ores mera kai telika ta kataferan! sikosan katoptra ta opoia estisan sto diastima kai antanaklousan to fos tou iliou se ena xorio tis Rosias.. etsi se afto to xorio ipirxe fos 24 ores ti mera.. afto simainei pos oi arxaioi den zitisan kati akatorthoto i paralogo...
  19. den leo kanoun polla.. omos to thema einai an aftoi ftiaksane monoi tous ta "U.F.O" i danistikan apo "allous" gnoseis kai texnologia? eixa dei ena video pou enas "meteoritis" kati tetoio erxotan pros tin Gi me megali taxitita kai megali maza kai dn tha prolavaine i atmosfaira na ton dialisei.. etsi steilane oi Amerikanoi enan piravlo.. molis o piravlos plisiase to antikeimeno ekane epitopou strofi kai efige me apistefti taxitita!! an vro to video tha to anevaso miliste ligo monoi sas prepei na fao xD eimai akoma stin anaptiksi
  20. e einai kai afti i Area51 pou einai to mono meros pou exei aferethei apo kathe xarti pou exei kikloforisei kai den kserei tin topothesia tis oute o proedros ton Η.Π.Α ...
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