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Everything posted by Jigsaw*

  1. @Killer_09 Min kaneis double post! an kaneis kapoio update kai thes na mas to peis aplos sto topic sou vale ena "Updated" kai pes ti update ekanes...
  2. Agree!! @Topic ntaksei den exei trela pragmata.. tha mou peis tora mporei na exei melon na anaptixthei.. pantos mexri stigmis den einai tipota spoudaio..
  3. exo ellinika XP.. mpes msn na sou steilo ta arxeia.. EDIT: oriste kai link --> http://rapidshare.com/files/293839975/GreekXPlanguage.rar
  4. omfg now I have seen everything there is nothing left behind really!! topic --> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=92596.0 look at kriamst post at the bottom of 1st page.. omfg
  5. nC share man.. I didnt know that.. @kriamst wtf?? you tell us that you spam but you dont want to be reported?? omfg
  6. It really works.. ty for share but... Already posted --> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=72595.0 If I have done any mistake please tell me..
  7. lol nice trick.. but why does the normal restart exist when there is this restart? it must have something more...
  8. nai omos an ton valeis mesa se enan fakelo pou thelei psaksimo gia na ton vreis kai ton kaneis kai hide tote diskola tha ton vrei o allos :P
  9. to exo ksanasinantisei afto me ta vista kai na sou po tin alitheia dn ksero.. e kai hide mporeis na kaneis.. aplos sou eipa kai allon enan tropo.. dialegeis kai pairneis
  10. yeah, lets hope they will not "ban" it in the nearly future.. /offtopic what "new divide" means? [gr]neos dieraiteos[/gr]?
  11. wtf if you tell me that it's used on kaspersky and it works it m0th3r f@ck1n' rocks!!!
  12. lol I like them both but Revenger's is one step better than yours..
  13. if I change the number from (64000000) to (128000000) what's the difference?
  14. lol you are absolutely right! my first try was on youtube and it did nothing but when I searched for images. 0xa0x0a xD
  15. w0w very nice share.. does it work with all programs like Kaspersky?
  16. lol you are pro photoshop user xD I started using photoshop and I wanna become just like you xD I like your jobs
  17. First I have to tell you that it's my first job on photoshop xD.. 1st -> 2nd -> 3rd -> Please, tell me your opinion I could not found a nice style for the name.. If you have any advances tell me...
  18. stelneis ena sms tora den thimamai akrivos ti grafeis enas filos mou mou to eixe kanei.. sou dinei tzampa internet kai meta apo 15 meres exeis internet akoma alla plironeis kathe fora pou mpeneis apo tin karta sou.
  19. 1 time.. 2 of my friends were using the double trade bug with my char and the same time admin was in the town with a normal char..
  20. lol I dont know a lot of things about phoroshop... I tried some ways but it was not a good result.. Do you want me to let you see my sig and tell me your opinion of what I should do?
  21. Hi all.. I have been using photoshop 2 days now and I need some help.. I tried to create a signature and as I think I did a good job but I can not find a nice "way" for the name. If you can help me please send me a pm.
  22. well the worst english are Australian English xD have ever heard them? I can not understand a f@cK1n' word! ;D
  23. you see.. at my english lessons we have 1 greek teacher and 1 english teacher.. english teacher helps us to improve our speaking and listening.. xD
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