THX but i search not textures. i have decompile lineageEffect. i wanna make new package .u with move click and add him in client, but dunno already where i can search him.
Where the reference to the effect is indicated: LineageEffect.e_u093_a - this is move click
I want to change it but can't find where, I'll think on nwindow.dll?
compiled a new effect, but lineage 2 crashed it.
Without adding this option, everything is fine
full code:
when i open animation in UE he Worked.
but when i open L2.exe his crashed.
Да это понятно, что через компилятор ее в пакет нужно, спасибо большое, я хотел узнать, какой формат должен быть на выходе из 3ds max, для импорта в анреал.
I unpacked LineageEffectMeshes from the animations folder, I have them in .3d format - I opened them in MilkShape 3d and saved them. Then imported into 3ds max, how can I pack them again?
decided to adapt the new effects of the Cloaks (wings) from the new chronicles on HF 5, compiled the .u package, added lines to the additionaleffect.dat, but there was no result. 21718 - FRINTEZZA CLOAK - ADDED EFFECT IN THIS CLOAK
but when i add this effect in npcgrp - on agathion and summon him effect work
how i can added effect on armor/ accessories?