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About zaj4e1992

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  1. Hello is this still available? if yes please Pm me or write me on Discord :Daci#1154
  2. Close the Topic please I am not playing that server anymore. Tnx
  3. Hello Lineage2 Community I am looking to buy a Char(Not acc, means u have to use the option transfer char to another acc) . The char must be 60+ LvL Have alredy subclass lvl++ And Depending of the gear and the items it has will be the price Made. The char main has to be any dagger or archer. U can write me your offers over here or in PM. Payment is only via PayPal and with middleman. U need to consider also the Max amount I am willing to pay is 200€(Including the cost of Midleman if u wana do with Midleman).
  4. Hello on what reborn is this char?
  5. I AM BUYING ALL COINS/ADENA OR BW H SET/PARTS+6/8 OR A GRADE claws +6++ wirte me here what you have and how much u want for ur items. Don't try when u are not at least 30%cheaper from the website. Payment method: PayPal
  6. Hello Sir i am interested in this offer add me on discord for furture discousions or write me here in chat discord :Daci#1154
  7. I bouught the acc went, I first and everything went as it should be Recomended guy!
  8. Hello i am interested in this acc would u like to add me on discord to tallk : Daci#1154
  9. CLOSE THE TOPIC items broke/gifted !
  10. ITEMS ARE GONE =BROKE AND GIFTED! Please close THIS TOPIC! Hello Dear community i am selling on l2 Masterwork the following items: Demon Splinter +6 (HEALTH) 75 Fire=40 Euros + Mid man cost Dragonic Set +3/3/4/3 with some atributs = 30 Euros+ Mid Man cost TT RING & Immortal Ring(Stun Ressistence) & Baylor Ring & Immortal Earing (Sun Ressistence) TT Neckles +3 + Mithril Breastplate set+9(D grade)= 20Euros + mid man cost if you wana buy all together the price is 70 euro as a bundle packed + u will get many other rewards like pets Mats and much more as a gift I accept only PayPal and only if you Pay first or we make it with PUFA (MIDMan) Or if u want buy everything of once and u dont wana hier midleman but you dont want transfer the whole 70 euro of once we can make the following trade: U transfer 15 euros and u get the JWLS u transfer 20 euros u get the Drago set and then u transfer 35 euros u get the Claws. You can add me on Discord for futhure discusions :Daci#1154 or write me here (I can allso trade items for Steam wallet,Skins Game Codes and etc) Have a nice day and hopefully see us soon
  11. If u are still having them please add me(check private msg send u my discord) on discord for discusion
  12. I would like that this post is deleted ,i dont need anymore items on l2dex
  13. hello Sir add me on Discord i wana buy it : Daci#1154
  14. i just bought the bow from this guy TRUSTED SELLER !
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