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Everything posted by FreeeZ

  1. the first <3
  2. what is your real ingame name on nanaki? im sure you are from EU or FOUND ally :D
  3. yes but donation power schouldnt be bigger than a normal player is. i mean if max entchant is +25 and donators can buy +50 lol it sucks schould be max +25 and posible to donate +25 too
  4. well if anyone find/know high rate without item/stats donations pm me btw it will be hard to find high who dont wanna make profit with server :D
  5. well topic starter mid rate isnt 20-100 is ~x15-x50 becauce alreday on x50 you can do a 78 lvl char in one day and lol is too fast
  6. had around 5kpvp on old heavens wail server
  7. on c5 off like azure is PP buffer :D
  8. if this server open till 2010 im god imao :D
  9. nice i like it , but i will not try it dont wanna get baned im playing on low rate :D
  10. i would put only +4wit -4int
  11. TH missing his blows to often, AW would own he easy
  12. for pve like raids, 4sep , IT +4str -4con +4dex -4con +1str -1con for pve like solo wihout fullbuff only +4str -4con i dont use titan for pvp lol this class sucks hard
  13. kameal client is big shit kamel char is looks like a emo lol, i hope this Rase will get deleted in falowing clients
  14. well better play on modded c5 off like (supreme) and not l2jawa noob server with 1kkk bugs , noobs , and full items or adena donators. and yea supreme have one of best classes balance trust me. btw if you are noob and you prefer item donate yea is not for you
  15. just pk one time wiht your spoiler take sin eater qeust summon it and you will get 0 exp pro mob
  16. it hapened me one time but i didnt knowed how i did it :D
  17. well i did +25 DB on 66% entchant rate (+3safe) btw on old Heaven wail server 9-10 moths ago^^
  18. graphic sucks hard in WOW , LINEAGE 2 FTW
  19. wihtout buffs or only pp buff duelist kilsl almost every other classes
  20. i would vote for c5 becauce of overpowered archers/daggers btw i hate mage becauce of c4 :D
  21. like i say always to all GH > All :D
  22. well just go create new charakter and look what type you like
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