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Everything posted by Glimpse

  1. Hi, I just wonder if it's even possible to see the actual reuse time of summon spells. For example I'm using Cure of Seraphim and when I click again (doesn't matter if inside the window or on the skill bar) the only information that I'm getting is that pet is recharching it's skill. But for normal player's skills it's working correctly I'm looking for help for chronicle High Five (FandC/Mobius). I think I could adapt it if it happens on newer chronicles but I'm still looking for some hints Maybe packets? Maybe Summon class itself? If somebody can lead me a little I would be Cheers
  2. Hi, Anybody got error like this? INFO Connecting to authserver on WARN Authserver registration failed! Reason: no free ID In server.ini I have this # How to request ID of LS RequestServerID = 4 # Permission to take a different id, if requested busy AcceptAlternateID = True But changing ID doesn't do anything Any ideas? Cheers
  3. Hello, I was just wondering if there is a possibility to resize animations of some skills to be the same size whenever they hit different objects Example given: Death Spike that hits big targers (like Valakas) are much bigger than it hits for example Gremlin I'm using fandC files for H5 servers
  4. Hello, I have this issue when I speak with NPC it doesn't show the name of newly created quest. Instead of that I can see double square brackets. I have added this quest to: Quest data in files Quest itself in .java files which was compiled to class and it's responsive for data files Added into Database And added to questname-e.dat Am I missing something? Quest works normally like it should It appears in Quest Tab (alt + U) The only thing I'm missing is the quest name while talking with NPC I'm using fandC files for H5 servers
  5. Sorry for late answer. Thank You so much for replies so far. I have already looked at Death Penalty skill that really has what @xxPaNtHeRxx had written but for me it's not working correctly I will just leave it for now like it is. Thanks again everybody!
  6. Hello, Is there a way to keep Increase Force after dying? Been searching through Java files looking for 4271 (Increase Force ID) but haven't found nothing. Also the skill itself isn't anything different from many others buffs that stays with player when he has a Noblesse Blessing before dying
  7. So let me represent You what I've done for fandC files. Hope it will help ya there //initialized variables private final Player _activeChar; private final Creature _cha; private int partyMarker; public CharInfo(Creature cha, Player target){ _activeChar = target; _cha = cha; } //writeImpl() final Party party = tmp.getParty(); Player ptarget = _cha.getActingPlayer(); boolean checkPartyPlayers = ((ptarget != null) && (_activeChar != null) && (_activeChar.getParty() != null) && _activeChar.getParty().containsMember(ptarget)); if ( tmp != null && party != null && party.equals(_activeChar.getParty()) && checkPartyPlayers && (!party.isLeader(ptarget))){ partyMarker = 0x01; }else if ( tmp != null && party != null && party.equals(_activeChar.getParty()) && checkPartyPlayers && party.isLeader(ptarget)){ partyMarker = 0x02; }else{ partyMarker = _team.ordinal(); } //writeImpl() if(!tmp.isInSameParty(_activeChar)) partyMarker = 0x00; if(!_activeChar.isInSameParty(tmp)) partyMarker = 0x00; writeC(partyMarker); Had the same lambda that You have used there but the value was overwritting next voids writeC. For an example when I had 4 ppl in pt all of them were in "fishing mode"
  8. Thank You so much guys. For my files it required a lot of refactoring since I've had the same name of method and it was making me confused everytime I called let's say visiblePlayers(). @xJustMe answer was a good hint but @andy1984 got the best solution. Thanks so much once again
  9. Thank You guys for Your activity below this post. I've tried just to add it manually but it requires few things. So since I caught Your attention here... How to add two new colors? Let's say green and yellow as it can indicate PTL and party members. Cheers
  10. Hello, I'm wondering how can I add from server side these markers that indicates a player. Have seen something like that on Kain.ws server for example (dead project tho) My main goal is to add these markers to party members so they can be more visible during mass pvp and stuff like that. Since now I have been searching throught PartyDuel and Duel itself. Thing that might've been the closest to what I'm searching for is called "snapshot" but I'm not sure. Whenever I changed TeamType to opposite team the color beneath has changed aswell. What I'm looking for: Any information how these markers are called for L2j/Mythras (High Five chronicle) servers so I can relate that to Party.java Second thing is where can I find this marker in client (player) files? Would love to get any hint
  11. Hello there, Im trying to waste my time on some specific ways like creating my own server. Since i've done most of the job one thing makes me sleep worse everyday. WARN ItemParser: Fail create item: 38040 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant l2f.gameserver.templates.item.EtcItemTemplate.EtcItemType.NONE at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Unknown Source) at l2f.commons.collections.MultiValueSet.getEnum(MultiValueSet.java:327) at l2f.gameserver.templates.item.EtcItemTemplate.<init>(EtcItemTemplate.java:53) at l2f.gameserver.data.xml.parser.ItemParser.readData(ItemParser.java:128) at l2f.commons.data.xml.AbstractParser.parseDocument(AbstractParser.java:40) at l2f.commons.data.xml.AbstractParser.parseCrypted(AbstractParser.java:45) at l2f.commons.data.xml.AbstractDirParser.parse(AbstractDirParser.java:52) at l2f.commons.data.xml.AbstractParser.load(AbstractParser.java:64) at l2f.gameserver.data.xml.Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.java:59) at l2f.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:222) at l2f.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:496) I've got an Error like this. Just to be clear Item with ID 38040 has been added into XML files as an EtcItem, into etcitemgrp in system and also into Database. Should i implement this in any other file?
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