test it in your server!! i see this with my eyes to do +++ and broke and get the weapon in the + which was!!
believe me! do this that the link that i gave you and if you do your weapon +30 tell it there !
Test it and after tell us it isnt working!
http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28538.0 this is the enchant bug! And i see with my eyes and when the weapon broke he take he's weapon the + it was!
l2phx isnt dead!
ps. ban acc i take it for bumping !
'dragoulaki' and the bug was with l2phx with warehouse enchant!
sorry but he said me that you ban him . I dont know something else.
And how he get he 2 weapons +30 ?
why i rent pc?
i want to have the server open without have the pc open because in my country the electic is expensive :P
And i can work to a server iamnot boring in repair bug etc this is what i like!