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Everything posted by GREECE4EVERandever

  1. if anyone modelator can tell me why i am not unbanned? I was banned at 20 june 19 o"clock for one month but i am steel banned !
  2. I have too much ping and i kicked from server plss help me! how can i have litle ping?
  3. Kapesky is the best!
  4. This is a program which help you with all items classes and everything in L2! This is for interlude! I search in this section because there are new developers who they want to find id of items,with this program you can do it! http://rapidshare.com/files/138539614/l2informer.7z.html
  5. Yes but I want to know can i update after in l2jserver/?
  6. Hi I want to start creating a new server in l2jfree or l2joneo! Which of them is better in Interlude? If i want to do them hellbound can i transfer the data to l2jserver with the method that A-style say there http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22370.0 ?
  7. Hi while I was searching in l2jfree I found a nice tool for changing skill time! Before you used it make a buckup of your skills folder ! [About] This little tool is for fast change duration of skills by your choose. You can set which skills do you want change and time. [Requirements] Application is written in Turbo Delphi 2006 for Win32 so for running needs MS Windows OS. No need additional DLL/Frameworks. [HowTo] - Download zip file - Extract SkillXML.exe to your skill folder ( /pathtodatapack/gameserver/data/stats/skills ) - Make backup of your skill folder! - run SkillXML.exe - on left side (Memo - biggest white space) is place for skill IDs - write there skills IDs which do you want edit - 1 line for 1 skill ID (text lines are ignored) - on right side on top is editbox where you can set duration for skills in seconds (default(14400) is 4hours) - button "proceed" start changing skills time - in log window you can see result [HowItLooks] http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/6411/skillxmlwl5.th.jpg [Download] http://lineage.abuser.sk/SkillXML.zip [Know problems] - Program itself dont make backups - whitespaces in new xml are different (GameServer doesnt care but SVN does) Thanks for feedback. taken from : http://www.l2jfree.com/index.php?topic=4793.0
  8. I dont want l2joneo because it cant be updated ! is there any pack in l2jserver? because i searched in the forum but i didnt find anything?
  9. where there is any stuck subs pack??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
  10. ty Is there ant stuck sub pack not gracia ?
  11. o l2desire einai toy mafia_007 o server?
  12. There is any server pack for gracia beacause in hopzone there are many servers that there are gracia! ps.In this forum is there any stuck subs server pack beacause I searched two times but i didnt find anything!
  13. I made this Trader for my interlude server and I decitedto share it! http://rapidshare.com/files/137744252/Medal_Trader_By_Appolo.rar He is trade medals for life stones and Rb jewwels. I have inside the medals script.
  14. Metalgear solid 2 & 3
  15. is there any program that the others cant target u ?
  16. ok thx ean iparxoyn ki alles ektos apo to google ads pite to !
  17. ok thank u ! Akoysa kati me diafimiseis poy bazeis sto site soy kai pernis lefta isxii afto kai pos?
  18. iparxei kanenas tropos gia na metafereis ta USD apo alertpay se paypal ?
  19. o elixir omos pos ta bgazei pera xoris donates? dld gia na exei tosa atoma kai xoris lag prepi na plironi to mina pola money !
  20. 8a i8ela na rotiso pos aytoi pou exoyn enan server l2 i enan webserver xoris donate pos bgazoyn ta money gia ton server ? gt apoklietai oloi na einai krisoi! /offtopic gia paypal accound xriazesai pistotiki karta?
  21. Psanxno gia enan kalio dedicated server f8ino kata protimisei 100-150 atoma gia arxi kai ti taxitita toy internet sti dini o paroxos toy delicated ? iparxei kanenas ellinikos? kamia kali etairia?
  22. the bug with olympiad work on l2mafia
  23. iparxi kamia elliniki eteria ? kai gia enan plironis 1 fora i ka8e mina?
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