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About clauss

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Features: Rates: Xp:1000x Sp:1000x Drop:1x Adena:1000x Enchant rates: Normal Scrolls 65% Enchant rates: Blessed Scrolls 95% Safe enchant +5 Max enchant +20 Augmentation Top Skill Chance 60% GmShop Buffer with 18 hours buff time Noblesse Trader Clan Manager Global Gatekeeper Interlude armors and weapons with improved stats TvT, CTF events and GM Special Events Easy farm. No Custom. Enjoy! http://l2dragonsworld.host56.com/index.php
  2. i will join :d
  3. i will join :D
  4. Who can tell me a stable interlude serverpack ? thx
  5. thanks for this coins i will use them
  6. clauss

    L2 Doom

    L2Doom: 1. The best Interlude files around. 2. Very Powerfull server 3. Top Premium Network . - Game Specs: - Private Interlude server files, not L2J not public files. - Lineage 2 Interlude Full. - All newbie have instant level 80. - Rates 3000x XP/SP, 3000x Adena, 1x Seal Stones, 1x Drops, 1x Spoil. : . -Electric Pulse Epic Armors. - Many interesting events! - Anti-bot/Anti-hack system. - All Area Interlude 100%. - GmShop. - NpcBuffer. - Custom Shop for custom items. - Custom items. Buff Times between 2 and 9 hours - Enchant Armor Chance: 70%. - Enchant Weapon Chance: 70%. - Enchant Jewel Chance: 70%. - Max Enchant: 30 on weapons and 35 on armors. - Safe Enchant: +7. - Up to Interlude Areas. - Up to Interlude Mobs. - Up to Interlude Raidboss. - Up to Interlude Skills. - Up to Interlude Weapons/Armors. - Up to Interlude Drops/Spoils. - Up to Interlude Clan lvl/Clan skills/Academy. - Up to Interlude Castles and Clan halls. - Augmentation/Herbs working. - Shadow weapons working. - Duel system working. www.l2doom.tk Enjoy!
  7. same error like cowboynk :|
  8. i'm waiting the new relaunch of archid :D
  9. another link please rapidshare sucks
  10. 3008
  11. i need the htm codes for tvt and ctf events
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