1. The best Interlude files around.
2. Very Powerfull server
3. Top Premium Network
Game Specs:
- Private Interlude server files, not L2J not public files.
- Lineage 2 Interlude Full.
- All newbie have instant level 80.
- Rates 3000x XP/SP, 3000x Adena, 1x Seal Stones, 1x Drops, 1x Spoil.
-Electric Pulse Epic Armors.
- Many interesting events!
- Anti-bot/Anti-hack system.
- All Area Interlude 100%.
- GmShop.
- NpcBuffer.
- Custom Shop for custom items.
- Custom items.
Buff Times between 2 and 9 hours
- Enchant Armor Chance: 70%.
- Enchant Weapon Chance: 70%.
- Enchant Jewel Chance: 70%.
- Max Enchant: 30 on weapons and 35 on armors.
- Safe Enchant: +7.
- Up to Interlude Areas.
- Up to Interlude Mobs.
- Up to Interlude Raidboss.
- Up to Interlude Skills.
- Up to Interlude Weapons/Armors.
- Up to Interlude Drops/Spoils.
- Up to Interlude Clan lvl/Clan skills/Academy.
- Up to Interlude Castles and Clan halls.
- Augmentation/Herbs working.
- Shadow weapons working.
- Duel system working.