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Posts posted by Kara12

  1. 10 hours ago, Reynald0 said:

    It's not about prices, it's about finishing the job, helping your client, not damaging it.
    If you have work overload just be honest.


    41 minutes ago, Red-Hair-Shanks said:

    he can sell on what price he want..he dont force anyone to buy it xD
    if the others is idiots and buy from him 300 euro vote system is their problem...


    I wouldn't bother answer to this troll topic but when people write sense post i can't avoid it. 


    The problem doing freelance in our days is that even in PP you hardly can prove that you did something.

    99% of people log in other's PC via TV/Anydesk or give him a .diff. Now if client claim that code is not working or the developer did not finish the job how any mod or any agent in PP can confirm this. Simply he can't. 


    So we must see the things from a objective perspective. Why would i like to ruin my "reputation" for some bucks when daily i have clients who pay me enough money.


    Just the top 3 on my skype list right now 


    can send maxtor a PM and inform him or show him logs that they paid MORE than 500e each in a month and that their codes so far are perfectly working and not only their code are fine but most of them got gift codes without pay. 1 of them received code that cost around 50e 2 days ago. When he asked to pay i said "np, it's a gift". I have also client who i meet him every month 5 min away of my house and they had live server. 


    So normally i could tell few of them "please, write a comment or send to any mod proofs that person that they describe in this topic", but i won't mostly cause this community is careless for anything but drama.


    So common sense time. Can i prove i finished his codes and his EGO along with his selfish attitude is just the reason of this topic? No i can't. Can a mod? Did i fail in some code and he had error cause adapt from H5 to interlude failed ? Yes. maybe probably. Is that reason after 1 year of COOP to report me and act as a drama queen? Yes. That's why we have report section. What people like him don't understand and what "community" can't and won't is that when you ask a code and in the end you ask for extra addons or more details any other dev would ask for extra but in most of his code (including the achievement) i didn't ask for money. Even when the list finished i didn't ask for money. He made the price up from his head. Each extra addon is considered as free. So pay 50e to a dev ask him for a code and then keep asking him for extra addons to infinity it's ok.


    Yes sometime i delay, yes some code failed adapting from H5 but he failed appreciate that each code i wrote was written line by line on his PC, detailed in the way he liked and when he suggested a thing and i told him is "big" extra he said "leave it" i kept taking the mouse and make it instead of say "ok we move on". 

    This i can't prove and he won't admit either cause that's how his personality is. In the end we are all human and in a conflict we try point out only bad stuff of the "opposite". So obviously he won't tell any good of me.


    So if @Maxtor things that i am a drama queen in the forum (Elfocrash is in 2nd position after with selfban) ban me LOL but before do that please enter his PACK, source, server idk and check the codes. Tell me where i did copy paste any code, tell me which code didn't finish. And about the community he show every 5 min, the community basically was the achievement which i finished 2 months ago. He didn't tell me "add it on community board", he gave me the htmls on NPC so what he point out is pointless. If he wanted in CB i would do in community board but he gave me the htmls (he designed them) for NPC! So let this "kara didn't do the community board" outside.


    Thanks to whoever read this.

    Disclaimer: Kara is a bad person, scammer and toxic. Everyone else is perfect people non-troll and they help community. Kara create chaos and is an evil person with fail copy paste codes. Mods are perfect and unique people and they deserve GMOD position. Maxtor you gonna live the day that you tell your daughter: "Kara was annoying as fuck, but then i snapped my fingers."





    This guy is deadpool? Cause he is awesome... i am speechless



  2. 15 minutes ago, xFranky said:


    You are the only one who is getting reported by his clients every 5 days, so prove to one of the staff, once and for all, that you are right, and did not overcharge anyone, and we will support you against the allegations, otherwise just plead guilty and end of story.

    Can you be my friend? I need a friend who will protect me against this bad staff and advice me.

    Should i lower my prices? I charge 300E for a vote system & 750E for a killing spree. You think i should lower the price? Thanks for your feedback.

    • Downvote 1
  3. Yes, i am racist, i'm bad person, everyone is disappointed on me. my clients report me every 5 days (not weekly as being said) and everyone in this forum is beautiful! (Including the staff of course)


  4. Just now, xFranky said:


    I am happy to check the code you made for him, and verify whether it is his code or not, and whether it is worth what he was paid for.

    Thats something only maxtor, celestine, sweets may do. No random L2 mod who can Control + C the code. No offense but i don't know you, neither you're in a trusted position. Thanks for your answer anyway

  5. 6 minutes ago, sotid said:

    Reason is simple. I had a small hope that you will keep your promise that you made on june and you will make up on the rest of the money that you couldnt do the cb into codes.


    And as you recall we said 1 of the systems would be the donator system and something else.


    And good job canceling yourself right now that you said that I paid for the list too that you said earlier which you said you did  my list codes to fill the payment.


    You are such a liar.


    And? Did i say no to any of your code? Did you request a code and i said "give me 50e" ? 

    Call me liar as much you want. I won't argue with you anymore. You got problems in real life and i respect your attitude that come out this way. At least next dev u work with i hope u keep ur humanity and appreciate what he do for you no just keep history to attack him the first second you find That what snakes do. No people

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, sotid said:

    Brut its okay mate, the mods of the site will take care of him and ask me for more information . I have all I need

    the payments the conversation everything. If they need anything else I can show them no need to waste your time talking to a wall because that how it feels talking to him.

    Take care of me why? I did my work just fine. You paid 350e 1 year ago. Since the codes i made you didn't go up to that amount why you paid me again 2 months ago via bank account? Cause as i remember i finished your codes (list) and then in the end you told me "what i own to you" am i right? Why since u were "sad" with me u kept working with me? And now u revert back to 2018 almost for an amount of code i didn't make you? How is that even possible? Stop the nonsense. You paid me for codes that worth more than money you paid. You no appreciate anything at all neither the detail i worked with neither the fact that each time u ask for small change or update i didn't keep money.  From that point of view you're the "bad" person not me. All the extra work i did in the codes when you were like "uhh fuck it" worth more than the money u paid me over that time.

  7. 10 minutes ago, BruT said:

    thats only in your imaginarium, except that you sell rizen's event engine lol

    Call Celestine or someone to enter in my PC view the code and compare. If the code is 5% same ban me instantly. @Celestine May i ask if you're in mood to check my code? Just a quick view and compare to Rizel

  8. 17 minutes ago, BruT said:

    in 8 months you copied one achievement mod fixed several stuff and you got paid like 500e for that, you must be proud of your self


    and in fact i saw your chat logs with him too you wasnt answering his msgs for days while u were chatting with other people.


    I never ignored him. + Since when you know greek?

  9. 3 minutes ago, BruT said:

    in 8 months you copied one achievement mod fixed several stuff and you got paid like 500e for that, you must be proud of your self

    No code i ever made is copied by anyone. 

    If someone think i lie please post the whole achievement system and let's examine it. 


    All the codes i made were from scratch. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, BruT said:

    noone cares about me right now, the question is did he get what he paid for, or did he got his money back

    Why take his money back? How do you know what work i've done for him? You just comment here because you don't like me. I've done the codes he ask (delay or no delay) i made the codes. He opened his server. Now in his head i own him 200e. About community board he didn't mention a thing 8 months now. If he had problem why he kept paying me for new list? The Achievement system i made for him with the extra addons he asked easily go up to 200+ euro right now. And sometimes he ask for extra code that i didn't charge him, but i was kind and make it the way he like. He is demanding client and i made the codes the way he exactly liked. What 200e are we talking about people? This topic is not about scam is about a stubborn person who in his head cost the code less than they worth. Share the pack here and we see what code's i didnt make. Go share it


    Go people take your "poison" out. Show in this community once again how good everyone else is but me go. I don't care when i am right on something or no the attribute won't change. Even if a client come tomorrow, i finish his code and he dispute and report me same people will comment again.


    What changed 10 years now to change all of sudden in a topic.


    PS that was my last post on this topic any mod or idk who read this, ask him to give you source - files first and check all the code i've done in his frozen pack. 

    Go ahead ask him to show you the code. 

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, sotid said:


    Let me laugh , haha.


    Good developing skills everyone , server live:
    Errors from subclass manager

    errors from his then 150 euro event manager

    Unfinished formulas

    Broken PvP Protectors(That before he touched it was okay).

    Broken PvP Color System(That before he touched it was okay).

    And more.


    And now wait till he says that I broke them and not his codes . Lol.

    I was begging you the last two weeks to fix your bugged codes and when did you try to help me? 

    1 hour after the server opened.

    Thanks to Brut that was present at that time that we fixed some of the errors.



    Thanks to Brut who stole 200e from Dimi and lied that he gave em back to Dimi while Dimis said that he didn't and he had to open dispute and win. Right. Whatever you guys aint change. You got your codes. You got your topic now u happy.

  12. What's the point? You paid for the codes, you received your codes. 

    I'm doing java codes for you 1 year now and whenever you asked for any small code (addon) i didn't ask for money. Now all of sudden i own you money?

    You won't find any other better than me to do the stuff you asked. Nobody would work with such detail. 

    Be sure of that. 


    Show the codes i made for you :) And let's see who own money to who


    So basically you have no proof. I made all the coded you asked, you just try present me as a bad person. Even the achievement system you show i made it for you and we both saw it works completely fine, why don't you post files here to show everyone how "buggy" and bad my code of achievement is? 


    Go i dare you to post the achievement code here and let anyone see that i "didn't make them for you" :) Oh wait im sorry you have it on your running server right now. I guess this code were done by ghosts? Cause kara didn't finish that for you.


    Maybe because you're just a lie. You're already running your server with my codes



    You run your server because of me & you report your own DEV. Nice.


    PS. to any mod  who read this topic, ask him first to show you the codes i made for him. You don't need to be dev to judge that the money he paid is trash compared to the quantity of codes. 

  13. 1 hour ago, icaro said:

    Ok, l2jmobius is good?

    None is good. H5 Projects that are 15 years old struggle to make a "decent" gameplay and you guys aim for +30 chronicle later that were released few weeks ago. So forget the idea of classic star wars & lord of the rings chronicle that NCsoft recycle every 10 days as if it is Call of duty series and aim for something older.


    You have a budget & some nice idea? Good. You don't have a budget neither a good idea ? Then close maxcheaters go in thepiratebay download a game to play and forget the whole thing.

  14. 34 minutes ago, planetnet said:

    No one knows;

    Its not about know, you ask a code that someone have to dig in a whole "AI" code first. It's not charity here, it's section to ask for help. No request codes. Your topic has nothing to do with [HELP]. Help is when u post a code and ask for improve, fix or error. This is a request. Go to WTB section. 

  15. 12 hours ago, xdem said:

    fere to thl ths katerinas twra kai anevazw ixografisi 


    Οχι πας με τον εχθρο του γλυφεις να μην πω τι κ θες Κατερινιο τωρα? ΟΧΙ ΚΥΡΙΕ θα την δωσω σε αλλον. (κρ


    12 hours ago, Elfocrash said:

    Εχω ένα φάκελο γεμάτο με όλο το fb profile σου και τα βίντεο που ανέβαζες οταν έκανες animation.



    Με συγκινεις που κρατας φωτο μου, καταβαθος ηξερα οτι εμεις οι δυο εχουμε μια συνδεση χρονια τωρα

  16. 9 hours ago, Dragic said:


    Και σε δικά σου έχω πατήσει like δεν πάει να πει κάτι αυτό δεν κάνω abuse επειδή πάτησα ένα like ούτε έγλυψα κανέναν ποτέ και ούτε παρακάλεσα πότε κανέναν όποιος το έχει πει αυτό είναι μεγάλος ψεύτης η απλά όπως πάντα δεν έχεις τι να πεις και λες ασυναρτησίες χωρίς να της σκεφτείς καλά αλλά όπως είπα μέχρι εκεί φτάνει η λογική σου! Μου θυμίζεις εκείνες της καημένες κοπελίτσες που πάνε σε ριάλιτι σόου και μαλώνουν χωρίς λόγο για να ανεβάσουν την τηλεθέαση πιστεύοντας ότι θα κερδίσουν το παιχνίδι ! :laughing:

    Θα αρχισω να ποσταρω τι γραφουν οι mods για σενα και θα μ blockaroun κ αυτοι :'(

  17. 8 hours ago, Elfocrash said:

    Το irony είναι ότι αυτο ακριβως σε περιγράφει λελ


    Δεν ειχα κατι εξυπνο οποτε θα αφησω την ιστορια σου να μιλησει


    2 hours ago, xdem said:

    to irony einai oti exei tsakothei ME OLOUS osous exoun parei promo, isws exei ftiaksei scriptaki na tous vazei aftomata stin hate list tou

    Οχι κ εσυ ρε συνωμοτεις με τα βυσματα? Του δινεις θαρρος τωρα και θα σου παταει like σε καθε σχολιο.

    Ντροπη ρε μαλακα Σταυρο.. Ντροπη. Εγω στη Κατερινα τα καλυτερα λεω για σενα 

  18. 43 minutes ago, Dragic said:

    Και μετά ξύπνησες έχεις κατά κλέψει όλο το φόρουμ και έχεις τα μούτρα να μιλάς κιόλας αντί να ντρέπεσαι για αυτό! Φτωχό δεν με λες κιόλας μια χαρά βγαίνω οικονομικά δόξα τον Θεό τίποτα δεν μου λείπει αν και δεν νομίζω πως έχει σημασία για άλλη μια φορά όμως με τα λεγόμενα σου μου αποδεικνύεις το ποσό παιδί είσαι και πόσο φτωχό είναι το μυαλό σου, κρίνεις ανθρώπους που δεν ξέρεις το παραμικρό για εκείνους δυστυχώς προσπαθείς να τραβάς απλά τα βλέμματα αλλά το μόνο που έχεις καταφέρει είναι ο κόσμος να γελάει με εσένα μάγκας πίσω από τον υπολογιστή δεν έγινε κάνεις γιατί άνθρωποι σαν και εσένα με τέτοια συμπεριφορά από κοντά ούτε στα μάτια δεν κοιτούν έναν άνθρωπο μόνο από πίσω από τον υπολογιστή πουλάνε μαγκες από κοντά εάν με γνώριζες δεν θα μου τα έλεγες αυτά και δεν είμαι 24 ώρες μέσα στο Μαξ αλλά οπότε έχω χρόνο μπαίνω και προσπαθώ να βοηθήσω το φόρουμ με τον καλύτερο τρόπο που μπορώ θα μπορούσες και εσυ να το κάνεις αυτό με της δυνατότητες που έχεις μιας και μπαίνεις κάνε και κάτι καλό για το φόρουμ το να δημιουργείς εντάσεις δεν κάνει καλό !

    Κρινω ανθρωπους που δεν ξερω? Ενας γλειφτης εισαι που καθεσαι και κλαις στο maxtor τιποτα παραπανω.

    Ολο το mod team γελαει πισω απο τη πλατη σου. Εχε χαρη που δεν μπορω να ποσταρω συνομιλιες γιατι μετα θα με βρισουν αυτοι.


    Αντε τα λεμε 40αρη του φορουμ. Φιλακια

  19. 5 hours ago, Dragic said:

    Είσαι αστείος μερικές φορές οφείλω να το παραδεχτώ.. Αλλά το νούμερο ένα αστείο της υπόθεσης είναι όταν ακούς ότι υπάρχει κόσμος που κλέβει τάληρα ενώ θα μπορούσε απλά να τα κερδίσει με την δουλειά του... :clap:

    Χτες πηρα 1000ε απο 2 πελατες μονο. Φτωχομπινες ησουν κ φτωχομπινες θα μεινεις. 40αρης που μενει με τη μανα του και καθεται 24ωρο σε ενα φορουμ rofl

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