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L2Client Developer
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Everything posted by AlisaCodeDragon

  1. lineage 2 essence sylph Revision: 311 LANG:EU
    [ Update Build version: 2021-07-14 ]
    [ FROSTLORD - Frozen Kingdom’s Chronicles ]
    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida clean 100%
    [ unpacked - R.C-TEAM PATCH DEVELOPER ]
    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ]
    [ Kill AwesomiumProcess ] [ customization ][verification is off]

    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]




  2. lineage 2 essence sylph Revision: 311 LANG:EUROPE
    [ Update Build version: 2021-07-14 ]

    [ Return of the Queen Ant. Chapter 2 ]
    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida clean 100%
    [ unpacked - R.C-TEAM PATCH DEVELOPER ]

    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ]
    [ Kill AwesomiumProcess ] [ customization ][verification is off]

    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]



  3. lineage 2 Classic Herald of Light
    Revision: 311 LANG: ENGLISH

    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida - full clean 100% [ unpacked - AlisaCodeDragon ]
    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ]

    [ kill AwesomiumProcess ] [ customization ]

    Hero Association REVERSECODE

    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]





  4. lineage 2 essence sylph Revision: 311 LANG:RU
    [ Update Build version: 2021-08-04 ]

    [ Return of the Queen Ant. Chapter 2 ]
    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida clean 100%
    [ unpacked - R.C-TEAM PATCH DEVELOPER ]

    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ]
    [ Kill AwesomiumProcess ] [ customization ][verification is off]

    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]

  5. Gildor does not have such tools ) if you find a geo builder with him show me a funny guy ps these tools are made separately by craftsmen call them reverse engineers all the tools that are in the ball are full of garbage - to create real maps , it has a special engine, try it on free ones and we will look at the quality of work.
  6. Lineage 2 High Five [ protocol version 273 ] Language: English L2.exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida clean 100% [ unpacked - REVERSECODE-TEAM ] [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ] Download - https://www.mediafire.com/file/t15wgcsv2eat2ln/R.C-TEAM_HF5_Rev_273_LANG_EU.7z/file
  7. download original - https://disk.yandex.ru/d/YbtlFov3sz3oGw Here is the original version for you ps Sun, 03 Feb 2019 13:49:44 GMT ( web archive )
    Hero Association REVERSECODE

  9. lineage 2 Classic Herald of Light
    Revision: 311 LANG: ENGLISH

    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida - full clean 100% [ unpacked - AlisaCodeDragon ]
    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ]

    [ kill AwesomiumProcess ] [ customization ]

    Hero Association REVERSECODE

    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]





  10. lineage 2 LORD OF FROST  Revision: 311 LANG:EU
    [ Update Build version: 2021-08-04 ]

    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida clean 100%
    [ unpacked - R.C-TEAM PATCH DEVELOPER ]

    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ]
    [ Kill AwesomiumProcess ] [ customization ][verification is off]

    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]


    [ Creating clean system patches for your project - wts mp me]

  12. Lineage 2 Сlassic legacy Revision: 311 LANG:RU
    [ Update Build version: 2021-07-21 ]

    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida clean 100%
    [ unpacked - R.C-TEAM PATCH DEVELOPER ]

    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ]
    [ Kill AwesomiumProcess ] [ customization ][verification is off]
    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]

    Hero Association REVERSECODE

  14. lineage 2 essence sylph [ Update Build version: 2021-03-31 ]
    Revision: 306 LANG:EU

    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida clean 100% 
    [ unpacked - R.C-TEAM PATCH DEVELOPER ]
    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ patched ]
    [ KILL AwesomiumProcess ][ customization ]

    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]


    Hero Association REVERSECODE

    1. AlisaCodeDragon


      Creating clean patches for your project 


  16. lineage 2 essence sylph
    Revision: 311 LANG:EUROPE

    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida - full clean 100%  [ R.C-TEAM PATCH DEVELOPER ]
    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ]

    [ kill AwesomiumProcess ] [ customization ]

    Hero Association REVERSECODE

    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]






  18. I have everything perfectly assembled, we tested it on 8.1 x64 windows - perhaps it does not support new Windows , use the old ones , for example, through wm ware virtualization.
  19. hi - The original system chronicles c5 folder can be found here https://maxcheaters.com/topic/182405-c4-god-patched-systems-file-editors/
  20. hi - see here, although there are no classics, but there is Salvation, we have 152 revision https://maxcheaters.com/topic/235950-compiler-collection-for-interfaceu/
  21. lineage 2 Classic WILD HORIZONS
    Revision: 306 LANG: ENGLISH

    L2exe + Engine.dll unpacked themida - full clean 100% [ unpacked - R.C-TEAM PATCH DEVELOPER ]
    [ NOGG off game guard ][ off FROST MODULE ][ rsa patched ]

    [ kill AwesomiumProcess ] [ customization ]
    Hero Association REVERSECODE

    Personal Collection [ WTS PM ME ]

  22. Development of a system patch for projects

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