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About CaptainMarvel

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  1. A profit server at my opinion is a custom one.
  2. So do not use L2JBrasil and end of the story.
  3. Welcome.
  4. If you got any link related to my title and you wanna share it post it below,a good one working easy on setup.Thanks.
  5. database_installer.bat man wtf?
  6. @SweeTs true xD.
  7. Looking for a Dev to create an Interlude Project,please if you are kid in brain do not pm me like few others did.
  8. I forget to mention that im willing to pay for the services,sorry i will correct it now.Shit happens.
  9. Im looking for a Developer to work with for an Interlude project that i wish to create,feel free to contact with me if you are interesting.
  10. You think C4 chronicle isnt dead?I guess A GOOD Freya pack well builded may goes well
  11. From my point of view,Freya seems a nice pack to start a project,but need a better lookout if players want it,because as you said they stick on IT/H5,
  12. True story Sweets...But i wonder a Mid to High PvP Server Freya style will attract people?I saw on YT that a Freya Server got alot people but that depends on alot staff or a H5 will be better?
  13. Hello guys i would like to know why there are no Freya Server's around?Also people want to play on H5 Servers witch are PvP or Mid-Rate kind of x50-100 max?
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