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About ycz08

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  1. This is it! Thanks! It's weird, texture looks fine when in Lower Details, but in High all looks bad.
  2. Thanks, I've downloaded about 5 clients now and still the same. Would you happen to have the correct textures?
  3. Hello all! Anyone can be so kind as to tell me how to fix Valakas Lair textures? it looks like in the attached screenshot
  4. This interface is beautiful! Is it possible to add auto-augmenter? Update.... I found that if you speak with the BlackSmith to augment, you get the custom augmenter, this Interface is Amazing! It would be great if the auto-augmenter could be added to the interface options.
  5. Oh that's weird, I just replaced the etcitemgrp with the default one and still having the same issue. I double-checked by logging into the server without the interface. So it turns out the default etcitemgrp did not work and I had to manually edit the last 3 digits of each enchant from 000 to 2000.
  6. I guess my server doesn't support stackable scrolls so when I use the interface it will only show 1 scroll graphics (won't show how many scrolls I have). @Celestine would you be so kind as to tell me where I can fix this?
  7. Great share! Is there any commands to open doors?
  8. Gonna see what's this about.
  9. I will test, hopefully this one comes with the default middle click function!
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