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Everything posted by chillisvk

  1. WTS SD (BD) lvl 82 w/o items on RPG-club 15x price: 30€
  2. Eva Saint 79+/sub 65+ sorceror >>need barakiel on nobl items: DC robe set, Arcana Mace, A jew, Soultaker: 79+ items: DC robe set, Arcana Mace, A jew, Spectral Dancer 78+ items: MJ heavy set, A duals, A jew, + lot of money, armors (some S, etc), items... everything for : 15€ For some questions : icq: 226-391-220
  3. Ventrilo.exe is an undetected Aimbot which is hard to spot with the human eye. This aimbot was developed for personal lan party use and was released to the internet. This aimbot is known to be VAC and League proof with no injections. The only way to tell it is running is through task manager and it shows up as ventrilo overlay. P.S.: Dont use it on LAN.. :D Price: 5 Euro for info: pm me on mail: salsaa333@azet.sk
  4. reply pls :)
  5. Hi, I´m LF IG walker version on http://www.l2etf.com/index.php .. pls hlp me :)
  6. nice, will try that later
  7. gj..nice
  8. nice..but on 70+ lvl i think, its better in Stakato nest :)
  9. yea i got it to work on my server thanks for the share man
  10. pls someone can upload me the step 5.?? >> 5. Step, donwload this: http://mfyyre.narod.ru/projects/echo.rar and unzip it into your system folder, so it will fix the 30 seconds disconnection the rapidshare link is not work and this link is broken.
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