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Everything posted by amarhat
Help Problem to Log in Local Server Help !
amarhat posted a question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
hello everyone ! I need help with a l2script Rev H5-Salvation/Classic build. I compiled the project, installed everything but I can't log in to the server, it won't log me in. I tried a thousand ways without good results. I leave you the error when logging in either with the H5-Salvation Client. ERROR ---> WARN: IPBANMANAGER ---> IP !!!! I'm waiting for help! Thank you! -
Source L2-Scripts(HighFive-GoD) rev20720(2268)
amarhat replied to L2 TokTil's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
Hello ! I have a problem when connecting to the pack with the Salvation client, it blocks my IP, I see that the account is created in the database but it remains logged in. Any idea what it could be? ALso with H5 CLient ! Thank you ! -
Hello everyone! I have a problem with editing mobs. I took some Mobs from here without sound and added them, they looked good !!! BUT BUT ! When I hit him it does generate the effect, but when he hits it it doesn't. Is this effect controlled from Npcgrp.dat? PD_ I add capture of the event / effect I mention. I await your answers, thank you!
amarhat replied to johnlega's topic in Client Development Discussion
Hi could this be done in h5? because the file you mention has a different extension (system/SetItemGrp-eu.dff ) And if so, what software can I edit it with? Thank you! -
Hi guys ! i need help, where are the buttons in the Pic ? or name of .UTX and Button # I need change the "Log In" and "Exit" Buttons. THX !
HI! I need to know how to implement a skill seller. L2JSUNRISE THX!
Thx ! Its Works ! I had not registered all the files in the handlers loaders !!!!! Thx So much ! !
Yes! i d it ! but i have this error ! [22:43:02] WARN: Failed loading: (C:\Server\game\data\scripts\quest\Q10506_BringWolfPelts1\Q10506_BringWolfPelts1.java) @ scripts.ini:13 - Reason: doesnt exists or is not a file. "questmasterhandler.java" i not in my package ! My file name is SCRIPT.INI in game\data\ If Put the rute of quest in this file i have the error in console ! I do not know what to do.....
Hello, I'm trying to incorporate quest custom in l2jsunrise, but I can't do it. Copy the quest (Q00258_BringWolfPelts), rename it to (Q10506_BringWolfPelts1) ... create a new npc for the quest "32890" embed it in the Q1060_BringWolfPelts1.java Original BringWolfPelts Edited Quest QUEST NPC BYPASS And when starting the server I have an error. [22:43:02] WARN: Failed loading: (C:\Server\game\data\scripts\quest\Q10506_BringWolfPelts1\Q10506_BringWolfPelts1.java) @ scripts.ini:13 - Reason: doesnt exists or is not a file. What is missing ? I Copy this Post in this forum.... https://maxcheaters.com/topic/245452-how-can-i-make-a-custom-quest-hf/ https://maxcheaters.com/topic/234528-custom-quest/
Ty ! I try to make it works !! Resolved !
Okey... I make the SS Custom, but you need to click in the SS when Pj attack, dont works auto... What need for it please !
Ty ! Mmm you know what .dll is ??? And other question, if i need new scroll enchant for the new grade is the same ? I need to modify the core ? Or copy the original enchant scroll and put other valudes ( and in new item put something like MsgID) works ??? You try ???
Mmm but i have everything in the client, item and correct grade, effect,etc. Works but you need press te SS when pj is attack to activate... What define the action of click secundary ?
Hello ! I'm trying to create a new Grade R Weapon Grade SoulShot in Hive Five (L2Sunrise Pack)... I get it to work but when you try to auto activate it doesn't activate... First ---> Add crystaltype in the Core and Client public enum CrystalType { NONE(0, 0, 0, 0), D(1, 1458, 11, 90), C(2, 1459, 6, 45), B(3, 1460, 11, 67), A(4, 1461, 20, 145), S(5, 1462, 25, 250), S80(6, 1462, 25, 250), S84(7, 1462, 25, 250), R(8, 22600, 30, 500); Works fine ! In the Core where a find the function ??? I works on L2jsunrise !!!! Any Solution or make the soulshot Toggle ?? Thx
Help Active click Custom Soulshot
amarhat replied to tevsko's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
You find any solution??? -
Help Max level Error H5 - Sunrise - UP lvl_99 or MORE
amarhat replied to amarhat's topic in Request Support [English]
Hi ! I need to Add icon of item grades on H5 client , for example on weapongrp i noticed grades are numbers like 1,2,3,4,5 ... OKey I try to add 6,7,9 ( R GRADE ,etc)... I decompile tooltip class of interface.u file ... but i dont understand te code for add new grade. This is my Tooltip The interface is essence for H5 I download here in MX I already have the images in .utx of the degrees, but I don't know how to point everything... ) class Tooltip extends UICommonAPI; const TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH = 144; const TOOLTIP_SETITEM_MAX = 3; const ATTRIBUTE_FIRE = 0; const ATTRIBUTE_WATER = 1; const ATTRIBUTE_WIND = 2; const ATTRIBUTE_EARTH = 3; const ATTRIBUTE_HOLY = 4; const ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY = 5; var CustomTooltip m_Tooltip; var DrawItemInfo m_Info; var Array<int> AttackAttLevel; var Array<int> AttackAttCurrValue; var Array<int> AttackAttMaxValue; //모든 공격 속성의 레벨, 현재레벨에서의 값, 현재레벨에서의 최대값을 여기에 저장한다. var Array<int> DefAttLevel; var Array<int> DefAttCurrValue; var Array<int> DefAttMaxValue; //모든 방어 속성의 레벨, 현재레벨에서의 값, 현재레벨에서의 최대값을 여기에 저장한다. var int NowAttrLv; var int NowMaxValue; var int NowValue; var bool BoolSelect; var Color Red, Yellow, Bronze, Gray; function OnRegisterEvent() { RegisterEvent( EV_RequestTooltipInfo ); } function OnLoad() { BoolSelect = true; // 숏컷 툴팁 켜기/끄기 기본값을 켜기로(TTP#41925) 2010.8.23 - winkey Red.R = 255; Red.G = 0; Red.B = 0; Red.A = 255; Yellow.R = 255; Yellow.G = 215; Yellow.B = 0; Yellow.A = 255; Bronze.R = 176; Bronze.G = 155; Bronze.B = 121; Bronze.A = 255; Gray.R = 163; Gray.G = 163; Gray.B = 163; Gray.A = 255; if(CREATE_ON_DEMAND==0) OnRegisterEvent(); } function OnEvent(int Event_ID, string param) { switch( Event_ID ) { case EV_RequestTooltipInfo: //debug("툴팁이벤트 넘어오냐"); HandleRequestTooltipInfo(param); break; } } function setBoolSelect( bool b ) { BoolSelect = b; } function HandleRequestTooltipInfo(string param) { local String TooltipType; local int SourceType; local ETooltipSourceType eSourceType; ClearTooltip(); if (!ParseString(param, "TooltipType", TooltipType)) return; if (!ParseInt(param, "SourceType", SourceType)) return; eSourceType = ETooltipSourceType(SourceType); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Normal Tooltip ///////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //debug("Tooltip타입:"$TooltipType); if (TooltipType == "Text") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_TEXT(param, eSourceType, false); } else if (TooltipType == "Description") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_TEXT(param, eSourceType, true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ItemWnd Tooltip //////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (TooltipType == "Action") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_ACTION(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "Skill") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_SKILL(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "NormalItem") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_NORMALITEM(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "Shortcut") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_SHORTCUT(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "AbnormalStatus") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_ABNORMALSTATUS(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "RecipeManufacture") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_RECIPE_MANUFACTURE(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "RecipeManufactureBuy") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_RECIPE_MANUFACTUREBUY(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "Recipe") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_RECIPE(param, eSourceType, false); } else if (TooltipType == "RecipePrice") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_RECIPE(param, eSourceType, true); } else if (TooltipType == "Inventory" || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice1" || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice2" || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice1HideEnchant" || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice1HideEnchantStackable" || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice2PrivateShop" || TooltipType == "InventoryWithIcon" || TooltipType == "InventoryPawnViewer" // PawnViewer용 추가 - lancelot 2007. 10. 16. || TooltipType == "TaliList") { //~ debug("툴팁보여주세요."); ReturnTooltip_NTT_ITEM(param, TooltipType, eSourceType); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ListCtrl Tooltip /////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //선준 수정(2010.02.22 ~ 03.08) 완료 else if ( TooltipType == "RoomList" ) { ReturnTooltip_NTT_ROOMLIST(param, eSourceType); } else if ( TooltipType == "UserList" ) { ReturnTooltip_NTT_USERLIST(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "PartyMatch") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_PARTYMATCH(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "UnionList") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_UNIONLIST(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "QuestInfo") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_QUESTINFO(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "QuestList") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_QUESTLIST(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "RaidList") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_RAIDLIST(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "ClanInfo") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_CLANINFO(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "RadarInfo")//by Merc { ReturnTooltip_NTT_RADARINFO(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "AutoSS")//by Monokini { ReturnTooltip_NTT_AUTOSSINFO(param, eSourceType); } else if (TooltipType == "RadarResize")//by Monokini { ReturnTooltip_NTT_RADARRESIZE(param, eSourceType); } //선준 수정( 10.03.30 ) 완료 //우편함에 툴팁 추가. else if (TooltipType == "PostInfo") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_POSTINFO(param, eSourceType); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MANOR else if (TooltipType == "ManorSeedInfo" || TooltipType == "ManorCropInfo" || TooltipType == "ManorSeedSetting" || TooltipType == "ManorCropSetting" || TooltipType == "ManorDefaultInfo" || TooltipType == "ManorCropSell") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_MANOR(param, TooltipType, eSourceType); } // [퀘스트 아이템 툴팁 추가] else if (TooltipType == "QuestItem") { ReturnTooltip_NTT_QUESTREWARDS(param, eSourceType); } } function bool IsEnchantableItem(EItemParamType Type) { return (Type == ITEMP_WEAPON || Type == ITEMP_ARMOR || Type == ITEMP_ACCESSARY || Type == ITEMP_SHIELD); } function ClearTooltip() { m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 0; m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = 0; m_Tooltip.DrawList.Remove(0, m_Tooltip.DrawList.Length); } function StartItem() { local DrawItemInfo infoClear; m_Info = infoClear; } function EndItem() { m_Tooltip.DrawList.Length = m_Tooltip.DrawList.Length + 1; m_Tooltip.DrawList[m_Tooltip.DrawList.Length-1] = m_Info; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEXT function ReturnTooltip_NTT_TEXT(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType, bool bDesc) { local string strText; local int ID; local int i; local int j; local array<int> QID; local UserInfo info; if (eSourceType == NTST_TEXT) { if (ParseString( param, "Text", strText)) { if (Len(strText)>0) { if (bDesc) { m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = strText; EndItem(); } else { if (ParseInt( strText, "#ID", ID)) //RadarMapObj - normal NPC { GetUserInfo(ID, info); if (info.strNickName != "") { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetX = 1; m_Info.nOffSetY = 2; m_Info.t_color = info.NicknameColor; m_Info.t_strText = info.strNickName; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetX = 1; m_Info.nOffSetY = 2; m_Info.t_strText = info.Name; EndItem(); } else // normal text tooltip { AddTooltipSimpleName(info.Name); } } else if (ParseInt(strText, "#Length", ID)) //RadarMapObj - NPC with Quest Emitter { QID.Length = ID; for (i = 0; i < ID; i++) ParseInt(strText, "#Q" $ string(i), QID[i]); for (i = 0; i < ID; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ID; j++) if ((QID[i] == QID[j]) && (i != j) && (QID[i] > 0)) QID[i] = -1; } ParseInt(strText, "#Name", i); GetUserInfo(i, info); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetX = 1; m_Info.nOffSetY = 1; m_Info.t_strText = info.Name; EndItem(); for (i = 0; i < ID; i++) { if (QID[i] > 0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetX = 1; m_Info.nOffSetY = 1; m_Info.t_color.R = 127; m_Info.t_color.G = 114; m_Info.t_color.B = 89; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = class'UIDATA_QUEST'.static.GetQuestName(QID[i]); EndItem(); } } } else if (ParseInt(strText, "#QID", ID)) //RadarMapObj - Current Quest Target { ParseInt(strText, "#Level", i); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetY = 1; m_Info.nOffSetX = 1; m_Info.t_strText = class'UIDATA_QUEST'.static.GetTargetName(ID, i); EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetX = 1; m_Info.nOffSetY = 1; m_Info.t_color.R = 127; m_Info.t_color.G = 114; m_Info.t_color.B = 89; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = class'UIDATA_QUEST'.static.GetQuestName(ID); EndItem(); } else { AddTooltipSimpleName(strText); } } } } else if (ParseInt( param, "ID", ID)) { if (ID>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_ID = ID; EndItem(); } } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } function string CheckHPEnchant(int SlotBitType, int CrystalType, int Enchant) { local string enchantHP; enchantHP=""; if ((SlotBitType==32768) || (SlotBitType==1024) || (SlotBitType==256) || (SlotBitType==2048) || (SlotBitType==512)|| (SlotBitType==64) || (SlotBitType==1) || (SlotBitType==268435456) || (SlotBitType==4096) ) { if (SlotBitType!=32768) { if (CrystalType == 1) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="9"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="26"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="52"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="86"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="130"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="181"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="242"; } else if (CrystalType == 2) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="12"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="36"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="71"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="118"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="178"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="249"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="332"; } else if (CrystalType == 3) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="14"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="42"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="84"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="139"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="209"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="293"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="390"; } else if (CrystalType == 4) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="16"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="47"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="94"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="157"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="235"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="329"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="439"; } else if ((CrystalType == 5) || (CrystalType == 6) || (CrystalType == 7)) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="17"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="52"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="104"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="173"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="259"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="363"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="484"; } } else if (SlotBitType==32768) { if (CrystalType == 1) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="13"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="39"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="78"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="129"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="195"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="271"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="363"; } else if (CrystalType == 2) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="18"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="54"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="106"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="177"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="267"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="373"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="498"; } else if (CrystalType == 3) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="21"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="63"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="126"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="208"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="313"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="439"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="585"; } else if (CrystalType == 4) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="24"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="70"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="141"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="235"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="352"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="493"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="658"; } else if ((CrystalType == 5) || (CrystalType == 6) || (CrystalType == 7)) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="25"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="78"; else if (Enchant == 6) enchantHP="156"; else if (Enchant == 7) enchantHP="259"; else if (Enchant == 8) enchantHP="388"; else if (Enchant == 9) enchantHP="544"; else if (Enchant >= 10) enchantHP="726"; } } } else if (SlotBitType == 4194304) { if (Enchant == 4) enchantHP="4"; else if (Enchant == 5) enchantHP="8"; else if (Enchant >= 6) enchantHP="16"; } return enchantHP; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INVENTORY Etc function ReturnTooltip_NTT_ITEM(string param, String TooltipType, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; local EItemType eItemType; local EEtcItemType eEtcItemType; local bool bLargeWidth; local string SlotString; local string strTmp; local string strSell; local string strCry; local int nTmp; local int idx; //제련효과 local string ItemName; local int Quality; local int ColorR; local int ColorG; local int ColorB; local string strDesc1; local string strDesc2; local string strDesc3; // 보급형 아이템 local int ItemNameClass; //셋트아이템 //~ local array<ItemID> arrItemID; local int SetID; //~ local int SetID2; //아데나읽어주기 local string strAdena; local string strAdenaComma; local color AdenaColor; local ItemID tmpItemID; if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { ParamToItemInfo(param, Item); eItemType = EItemType(Item.ItemType); eEtcItemType = EEtcItemType(Item.ItemSubType); //아이콘 표시 if (TooltipType == "InventoryWithIcon") { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 32; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 32; m_Info.u_strTexture = Item.IconName; EndItem(); AddTooltipItemBlank(4); } //아이템 이름 취득 ItemName = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetRefineryItemName( Item.Name, Item.RefineryOp1, Item.RefineryOp2 ); ItemNameClass = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetItemNameClass( Item.ID); //branch AddPrimeItemSymbol(Item); //end of branch //인첸트 ex) "+10" if (TooltipType != "InventoryPrice1HideEnchant" && TooltipType != "InventoryPrice1HideEnchantStackable") AddTooltipItemEnchant(Item); //아이템 이름 AddTooltipItemName(ItemName, Item, ItemNameClass); //Grade Mark AddTooltipItemGrade(Item); //아이템 갯수 if (TooltipType != "InventoryPrice1HideEnchantStackable") { // 2009 10. 15 // 퀘스트 보상 아이템 타입이면 아이템 개수를 표기 하지 않는다. if (TooltipType != "QuestReward") { AddTooltipItemCount(Item); } } //아이템이 아데나면, 읽어주기 스트링 if (IsAdena(Item.ID)) { //SimpleTooltip을 읽어주기스트링까지 보여준다. m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 2; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = "(" $ ConvertNumToText(Int64ToString(Item.ItemNum)) $ ")"; EndItem(); } //InventoryPrice1 타입 if (TooltipType == "InventoryPrice1" || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice1HideEnchant" || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice1HideEnchantStackable") { strAdena = Int64ToString(Item.Price); strAdenaComma = MakeCostString(strAdena); AdenaColor = GetNumericColor(strAdenaComma); //가격 : xxx,xxx,xxx AddTooltipItemOption(322, strAdenaComma $ " ", true, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(AdenaColor.R, AdenaColor.G, AdenaColor.B, 0); //"아데나" StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor; m_Info.t_ID= 469; EndItem(); //SimpleTooltip을 가격까지 보여준다. m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 2; //읽어주기 스트링 if (Item.Price>IntToInt64(0)) { m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 3; AddTooltipItemOption(0, "(" $ ConvertNumToText(strAdena) $ ")", false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(AdenaColor.R, AdenaColor.G, AdenaColor.B, 0); } } //InventoryPrice2 타입 if (TooltipType == "InventoryPrice2" || TooltipType == "InventoryPrice2PrivateShop") { strAdena = Int64ToString(Item.Price); strAdenaComma = MakeCostString(strAdena); AdenaColor = GetNumericColor(strAdenaComma); //가격 : 1개당 AddTooltipItemOption2(322, 468, true, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(AdenaColor.R, AdenaColor.G, AdenaColor.B, 0); //"xxx,xxx,xxx " StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ strAdenaComma $ " "; EndItem(); //"아데나" StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor; m_Info.t_ID= 469; EndItem(); //SimpleTooltip을 가격까지 보여준다. m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 2; //읽어주기 스트링 if (Item.Price>IntToInt64(0)) { m_Tooltip.SimpleLineCount = 3; //"(" StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor; m_Info.t_strText = "("; EndItem(); //"1개당" StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor; m_Info.t_ID = 468; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ ConvertNumToText(strAdena) $ ")"; EndItem(); } } //InventoryPrice2PrivateShop 타입 if (TooltipType == "InventoryPrice2PrivateShop") { if (IsStackableItem(Item.ConsumeType) && Item.Reserved64 > IntToInt64(0)) { //"구매개수 : xx" AddTooltipItemOption(808, Int64ToString(Item.Reserved64), true, true, false); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 아이템에 따른 각종 정보 SlotString = GetSlotTypeString(Item.ItemType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.ArmorType); switch (eItemType) { // 1. WEAPON case ITEM_WEAPON: bLargeWidth = true; //Slot Type strTmp = GetWeaponTypeString(Item.WeaponType); if (Len(strTmp)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strTmp $ " / " $ SlotString, false, true, false); } //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); //"[무기 제원]" AddTooltipItemOption(1489, "", true, false, false); SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0); //Physical Damage if (Item.Enchanted > 0) { AddTooltipItemOption(94, String(GetPhysicalDamage(Item.WeaponType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDamage)) @ "(" $ string(Item.PhysicalDamage) $ "+" $ string(GetPhysicalDamage(Item.WeaponType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDamage) - Item.PhysicalDamage) $ ")", true, true, false); AddTooltipItemOption(98, String(GetMagicalDamage(Item.WeaponType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.MagicalDamage)) @ "(" $ string(Item.MagicalDamage) $ "+" $ string(GetMagicalDamage(Item.WeaponType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.MagicalDamage) - Item.MagicalDamage) $ ")", true, true, false); } else { AddTooltipItemOption(94, String(GetPhysicalDamage(Item.WeaponType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDamage)), true, true, false); AddTooltipItemOption(98, String(GetMagicalDamage(Item.WeaponType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.MagicalDamage)), true, true, false); } //Masical Damage // AddTooltipItemOption(98, String(GetMagicalDamage(Item.WeaponType, Item.SlotBitType, Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.MagicalDamage)), true, true, false); //Attack Speed AddTooltipItemOption(111, GetAttackSpeedString(Item.AttackSpeed), true, true, false); //SoulShot Count if (Item.SoulshotCount>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(404, "X " $ Item.SoulshotCount, true, true, false); } //SpiritShot Count if (Item.SpiritShotCount>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(496, "X " $ Item.SpiritshotCount, true, true, false); } //Weight if (Item.Weight==0) AddTooltipItemOption(52, " 0 ", true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false); //AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false); //MP Consume if (Item.MpConsume != 0) { AddTooltipItemOption(320, String(Item.MpConsume), true, true, false); } //제련효과 if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0 || Item.RefineryOp2 != 0) { //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); //"[제련효과]" AddTooltipItemOption(1490, "", true, false, false); SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0); //컬러값 취득 if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0) { Quality = class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetQuality( Item.RefineryOp2 ); GetRefineryColor(Quality, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB); } if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0) { strDesc1 = ""; strDesc2 = ""; strDesc3 = ""; if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp1, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 )) { if (Len(strDesc1)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc2)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc3)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } } } if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0) { strDesc1 = ""; strDesc2 = ""; strDesc3 = ""; if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp2, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 )) { if (Len(strDesc1)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc2)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc3)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } } } //"교환/드롭 불가" AddTooltipItemOption(1491, "", true, false, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); //빈공간 if (Len(Item.Description)>0) { AddTooltipItemBlank(12); } } break; // 2. ARMOR case ITEM_ARMOR: bLargeWidth = true; // Sheild if ( Item.SlotBitType == 256 && Item.ArmorType == 4 ) // ArmorType == 4 is sigil.. { if (Len(SlotString)>0) AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false); if (Item.PhysicalDefense != 0) if (Item.Enchanted > 0) AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)) @ "(" $ String(Item.PhysicalDefense) $ "+" $ string(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)-Item.PhysicalDefense) $ ")", true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)), true, true, false); if (Item.Enchanted >= 4) { if (CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted)!="") { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.nOffSetX = 0; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 187; m_Info.t_color.G = 181; m_Info.t_color.B = 138; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ "+" $ CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted) @ "hp"; EndItem(); } } //Avoid Modify if (Item.AvoidModify != 0) AddTooltipItemOption(97, String(Item.AvoidModify), true, true, false); //Weight if (Item.Weight != 0) AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false); } else if (Item.SlotBitType == 256 || Item.SlotBitType == 128) //SBT_LHAND or SBT_RHAND { if (Len(SlotString)>0) AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false); //Shield Defense //debug("Shield Defense" $ Item.ShieldDefense); if (Item.ShieldDefense != 0) if (Item.Enchanted > 0) AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetShieldDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.ShieldDefense)) @ "(" $ String(Item.ShieldDefense) $ "+" $ string(GetShieldDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.ShieldDefense)-Item.ShieldDefense) $ ")", true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetShieldDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.ShieldDefense)), true, true, false); if (Item.Enchanted >= 4) { if (CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted)!="") { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.nOffSetX = 0; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 187; m_Info.t_color.G = 181; m_Info.t_color.B = 138; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ "+" $ CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted) @ "hp"; EndItem(); } } //Shield Defense Rate //debug("Shield Defense Rate" $ Item.ShieldDefenseRate); if (Item.ShieldDefenseRate != 0) AddTooltipItemOption(317, String(Item.ShieldDefenseRate), true, true, false); //Avoid Modify //debug("Avoid Modify" $ Item.AvoidModify); if (Item.AvoidModify != 0) AddTooltipItemOption(97, String(Item.AvoidModify), true, true, false); //Weight //debug("Weight" $ Item.Weight); if (Item.Weight != 0) AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false); } // Magical Armor else if (IsMagicalArmor(Item.ID)) { //Slot Type if (Len(SlotString)>0) AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false); //MP Bonus AddTooltipItemOption(388, String(Item.MpBonus), true, true, false); //Physical Defense if (Item.SlotBitType == 65536) { } else if ( Item.SlotBitType == 524288) { } else if ( Item.SlotBitType == 262144) { } else { if (Item.PhysicalDefense != 0) if (Item.Enchanted > 0) AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)) @ "(" $ String(Item.PhysicalDefense) $ "+" $ string(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)-Item.PhysicalDefense) $ ")", true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)), true, true, false); } if (Item.Enchanted >= 4) { if (CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted)!="") { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.nOffSetX = 0; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 187; m_Info.t_color.G = 181; m_Info.t_color.B = 138; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ "+" $ CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted) @ "hp"; EndItem(); } } //Weight if (Item.Weight != 0) AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false); } // Physical Armor else { //Slot Type //debug("Physical Armor1 " $ Item.SlotBitType $ Item.PhysicalDefense); if (Len(SlotString)>0) AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false); //Physical Defense if (Item.SlotBitType == 65536) { } else if ( Item.SlotBitType == 524288) { } else if ( Item.SlotBitType == 262144) { } else { if (Item.PhysicalDefense != 0) if (Item.Enchanted > 0) AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)) @ "(" $ String(Item.PhysicalDefense) $ "+" $ string(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)-Item.PhysicalDefense) $ ")", true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(95, String(GetPhysicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.PhysicalDefense)), true, true, false); } if (Item.Enchanted >= 4) { if (CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted)!="") { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.nOffSetX = 0; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 187; m_Info.t_color.G = 181; m_Info.t_color.B = 138; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ "+" $ CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted) @ "hp"; EndItem(); } } //Weight if (Item.Weight != 0) AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false); } //제련효과 if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0 || Item.RefineryOp2 != 0) { //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); //"[제련효과]" AddTooltipItemOption(1490, "", true, false, false); SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0); //컬러값 취득 if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0) { Quality = class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetQuality( Item.RefineryOp2 ); GetRefineryColor(Quality, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB); } if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0) { strDesc1 = ""; strDesc2 = ""; strDesc3 = ""; if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp1, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 )) { if (Len(strDesc1)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc2)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc3)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } } } if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0) { strDesc1 = ""; strDesc2 = ""; strDesc3 = ""; if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp2, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 )) { if (Len(strDesc1)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc2)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc3)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } } } //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); } break; // 3. ACCESSARY case ITEM_ACCESSARY: bLargeWidth = true; //Slot Type if (Len(SlotString)>0) { if (Item.SlotBitType == 4194304 ) { if (IsPassiveTalisman(Item.ID.ClassID)) AddTooltipItemOption(0, "Passive Talisman", false, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(0, "Active Talisman", false, true, false); } else AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false); } //Magical Defense // 탈리스만은 아이템 마방을 보여주지 않는다. // 왼팔찌 오른팔찌도 마방을 보여주지 않는다. if ((Item.SlotBitType != 4194304 ) && (Item.SlotBitType != 1048576 ) && (Item.SlotBitType != 2097152 )) if (Item.Enchanted > 0) AddTooltipItemOption(99, String(GetMagicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.MagicalDefense)) @ "(" $ String(Item.MagicalDefense) $ "+" $ string(GetMagicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.MagicalDefense)-Item.MagicalDefense) $ ")", true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(99, String(GetMagicalDefense(Item.CrystalType, Item.Enchanted, Item.MagicalDefense)), true, true, false); if (Item.Weight == 0) AddTooltipItemOption(52, " 0 ", true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false); //debug ("Refinery Result Accessotires" @ Item.RefineryOp1); //제련효과 if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0 || Item.RefineryOp2 != 0) { //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); //"[제련효과]" AddTooltipItemOption(1490, "", true, false, false); SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0); //컬러값 취득 if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0) { Quality = class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetQuality( Item.RefineryOp2 ); GetRefineryColor(Quality, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB); } if (Item.RefineryOp1 != 0) { strDesc1 = ""; strDesc2 = ""; strDesc3 = ""; if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp1, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 )) { if (Len(strDesc1)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc2)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc3)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } } } if (Item.RefineryOp2 != 0) { strDesc1 = ""; strDesc2 = ""; strDesc3 = ""; if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.RefineryOp2, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 )) { if (Len(strDesc1)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc2)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc3)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } } } //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); } break; // 4. QUEST case ITEM_QUESTITEM: bLargeWidth = true; //Slot Type if (Len(SlotString)>0) AddTooltipItemOption(0, SlotString, false, true, false); break; // 5. ETC case ITEM_ETCITEM: bLargeWidth = true; if (eEtcItemType == ITEME_PET_COLLAR) { //Pet Name if (Item.Damaged == 0) nTmp = 971; else nTmp = 970; AddTooltipItemOption2(969, nTmp, true, true, false); //Pet Level AddTooltipItemOption(88, String(Item.Enchanted), true, true, false); } else if (eEtcItemType == ITEME_TICKET_OF_LORD) { AddTooltipItemOption(972, String(Item.Enchanted), true, true, false); } else if (eEtcItemType == ITEME_LOTTO) { // 복권에서는 bless가 회차, 몬스터레이스에서는 Enchant가 회차입니다. 주의하세요! - lancelot 2008. 11. 11. // 회차 AddTooltipItemOption(670, String(Item.Blessed), true, true, false); // 선택번호 AddTooltipItemOption(671, GetLottoString(Item.Enchanted, Item.Damaged), true, true, false); } else if (eEtcItemType == ITEME_RACE_TICKET) { // 회차 AddTooltipItemOption(670, String(Item.Enchanted), true, true, false); // 선택번호 AddTooltipItemOption(671, GetRaceTicketString(Item.Blessed), true, true, false); //Money AddTooltipItemOption(744, String(Item.Damaged*100), true, true, false); } //Weight //~ if (Item.Price!=0) if (Item.Weight==0) AddTooltipItemOption(52, " 0 ", true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false); break; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // [칠월칠석, 방어구 각인] item enchant option - by jin 09/08/05 if (Item.EnchantOption1 != 0 || Item.EnchantOption2 != 0 || Item.EnchantOption3 != 0) { //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); //"[인챈트효과]" AddTooltipItemOption(2214, "", true, false, false); SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0); if (Item.Enchanted >= 4) { if (CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted)!="") { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.nOffSetX = 0; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 187; m_Info.t_color.G = 181; m_Info.t_color.B = 138; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ "+" $ CheckHPEnchant(Item.SlotBitType,Item.CrystalType,Item.Enchanted) @ "hp"; EndItem(); } } SetTooltipItemColor(187, 181, 138, 0); //컬러값 취득 if (Item.EnchantOption1 != 0) { // [칠월칠석, 방어구각인] 각인 효과는 일단 무조건 1번 색상을 사용. - by jin 09/08/06 GetRefineryColor(1, ColorR, ColorG, ColorB); } if (Item.EnchantOption1 != 0) { strDesc1 = ""; strDesc2 = ""; strDesc3 = ""; if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.EnchantOption1, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 )) { if (Len(strDesc1)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc2)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc3)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } } } if (Item.EnchantOption2 != 0) { strDesc1 = ""; strDesc2 = ""; strDesc3 = ""; if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.EnchantOption2, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 )) { if (Len(strDesc1)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc2)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc3)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } } } if (Item.EnchantOption3 != 0) { strDesc1 = ""; strDesc2 = ""; strDesc3 = ""; if (class'UIDATA_REFINERYOPTION'.static.GetOptionDescription( Item.EnchantOption3, strDesc1, strDesc2, strDesc3 )) { if (Len(strDesc1)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc1, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc2)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc2, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } if (Len(strDesc3)>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(0, strDesc3, false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, 0); } } } //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); } //내구도 아이템 if (Item.CurrentDurability >= 0 && Item.Durability > 0) { bLargeWidth = true; //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); //<투영 병기 정보> AddTooltipItemOption(1492, "", true, false, false); SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0); //사용가능 시간 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Gray; m_Info.t_ID = 1493; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; if (TooltipType != "TaliList") { if (Item.CurrentDurability+1 <= CheckDurability(Item.ID.ClassID)) { m_Info.t_color = Red; } else if (Item.CurrentDurability+1 <= CheckDurability(Item.ID.ClassID)+5) { m_Info.t_color = Yellow; } else { m_Info.t_color = Bronze; } } else { if (Item.CurrentDurability+1 <= CheckDurability(GetTalismanItemID(Item.ID.ClassID))) { m_Info.t_color = Red; } else if (Item.CurrentDurability+1 <= CheckDurability(GetTalismanItemID(Item.ID.ClassID))+5) { m_Info.t_color = Yellow; } else { m_Info.t_color = Bronze; } } m_Info.t_strText = " " $ Item.CurrentDurability $ "/" $ Item.Durability; EndItem(); if (Item.CurrentDurability >= 0 && Item.Durability > 0) if (TooltipType == "TaliList") { if (Item.ID.ClassID == 3436) { bLargeWidth = true; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Gray; m_Info.t_strText = "HP Cost: "; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Bronze; m_Info.t_strText = "800"; EndItem(); } if (GetTalismanItemID(Item.ID.ClassID) != -1) { bLargeWidth = true; //AddTooltipItemBlank(12); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Gray; m_Info.t_strText = "Requires Item Mana: "; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Bronze; m_Info.t_strText = string(CheckDurability(GetTalismanItemID(Item.ID.ClassID))); EndItem(); } } else { if (!IsPassiveTalisman(Item.ID.ClassID) && (GetTalismanSkillID(Item.ID.ClassID) != -1)) { bLargeWidth = true; //AddTooltipItemBlank(12); if (Item.ID.ClassID == 10423) { bLargeWidth = true; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Gray; m_Info.t_strText = "HP Cost: "; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Bronze; m_Info.t_strText = "800"; EndItem(); } StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Gray; m_Info.t_strText = "Requires Item Mana: "; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Bronze; m_Info.t_strText = string(CheckDurability(Item.ID.ClassID)); EndItem(); } } //"교환/드롭 불가" AddTooltipItemOption(1491, "", true, false, false); //빈공간 if (Len(Item.Description)>0) { AddTooltipItemBlank(12); } } //branch //에너지 정보 if (Item.BR_MaxEnergy > 0) { //bLargeWidth = true; //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); //<에너지 정보> AddTooltipItemOption(5065, "", true, false, false); SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = Gray; m_Info.t_ID = 5066; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; if ( Item.BR_CurrentEnergy==0 || (Item.BR_MaxEnergy / Item.BR_CurrentEnergy > 10) ) { m_Info.t_color.R = 255; m_Info.t_color.G = 0; m_Info.t_color.B = 0; } else { m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; } m_Info.t_color.A = 255; //m_Info.t_strText = " " $ Item.BR_CurrentEnergy $ "/" $ Item.BR_MaxEnergy; m_Info.t_strText = " " ; ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "CurrentEnergy"); EndItem(); } //end of branch //설명 //ParseString(Item.ID.ClassID, "ClassID", strTmp); ParseString(Item.Description, "Cry", strCry); ParseString(Item.Description, "Sell", strSell); if (Len(Item.Description)>(Len(strCry) + 5 + Len(strSell) + 5)) { bLargeWidth = true; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; if (Len(strSell)>0) Item.Description = Left(Item.Description, Len(Item.Description) - Len(strSell) -5); if (Len(strCry)>0) Item.Description = Left(Item.Description, Len(Item.Description) - Len(strCry) - 5); // if (Len(strTmp)>0) Item.Description = Left(Item.Description, Len(Item.Description) - Len(strTmp) - 4); // Item.Description = Left(Item.Description,Len(Item.Description) - Len(strTmp) - Len(strCry) - Len(strSell) ); m_Info.t_strText = Item.Description; EndItem(); } AddTooltipItemBlank(8); if (TooltipType != "TaliList") { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.nOffSetX = 2; m_Info.nOffSetY = 1; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureUWidth = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureUHeight = 16; m_Info.u_strTexture = "MonIcaTex.itemid"; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.nOffSetX = 4; m_Info.nOffSetY = 3; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_strText = MakeCostString(string(Item.ID.ClassID)); EndItem(); } if (Len(strCry)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.nOffSetX = 2; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureUWidth = 32; m_Info.u_nTextureUHeight = 32; if ((item.CrystalType == 5) || (item.CrystalType == 6) || (item.CrystalType == 7)) m_Info.u_strTexture = "icon.etc_crystal_gold_i00"; else if (item.CrystalType == 4) m_Info.u_strTexture = "icon.etc_crystal_silver_i00"; else if (item.CrystalType == 3) m_Info.u_strTexture = "icon.etc_crystal_red_i00"; else if (item.CrystalType == 2) m_Info.u_strTexture = "icon.etc_crystal_green_i00"; else if (item.CrystalType == 1) m_Info.u_strTexture = "icon.etc_crystal_blue_i00"; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.nOffSetX = 4; m_Info.nOffSetY = 8; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_strText = MakeCostString(strCry); EndItem(); } if (Len(strSell)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.nOffSetX = 1; m_Info.nOffSetY = 4; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 18; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 13; m_Info.u_strTexture = "L2UI_CT1.Icon_DF_Common_Adena"; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.nOffSetX = 3; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_strText = MakeCostString(strSell); EndItem(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 셋트 아이템 정보 if (IsValidItemID(Item.ID)) { for (idx=0; idx<TOOLTIP_SETITEM_MAX; idx++) { //셋트아이템 리스트 for (SetID=0; SetID<class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetSetItemNum(Item.ID, idx); SetID++) //0,1,2번 세트아이템효과 에 대해서 각각 몇가지의 세트가 완비되야하나.. { bLargeWidth = true; if (!class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.IsExistSetItem(Item.ID, idx, SetID)) { tmpItemID.classID = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetSetItemFirstID(Item.ID, idx, SetID); if (tmpItemID.classID > 0) { strTmp = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetItemName(tmpItemID); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.nOffSetX = 2; m_Info.nOffSetY = 5; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureUWidth = 32; m_Info.u_nTextureUHeight = 32; m_Info.u_strTexture = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetItemTextureName(tmpItemID); EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetX = 5; m_Info.nOffSetY = 7; // m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 112; m_Info.t_color.G = 115; m_Info.t_color.B = 123; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = strTmp; ParamAdd(m_info.Condition, "SetItemNum", string(idx)); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "Equip"); ParamAddItemID(m_Info.Condition, Item.ID); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "CurTypeID", string(SetID)); //비교할 아이템의 Type 예(0번:흉갑 1번:각반 2번:헬멧 3번:팔 4번 다리 ..ItemName.txt에 들어있는순서 ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "NormalColor", "112,115,123"); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "EnableColor", "176,185,205"); EndItem(); } } } //셋트효과 strTmp = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetSetItemEffectDescription(Item.ID, idx); if (Len(strTmp)>0) { bLargeWidth = true; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 128; m_Info.t_color.G = 127; m_Info.t_color.B = 103; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = strTmp; ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "SetEffect"); ParamAddItemID(m_Info.Condition, Item.ID); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "EffectID", String(idx)); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "NormalColor", "128,127,103"); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "EnableColor", "183,178,122"); EndItem(); } } //인첸트 셋트효과 strTmp = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetSetItemEnchantEffectDescription(Item.ID); if (Len(strTmp)>0) { bLargeWidth = true; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 74; m_Info.t_color.G = 92; m_Info.t_color.B = 104; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = strTmp; ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "EnchantEffect"); ParamAddItemID(m_Info.Condition, Item.ID); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "NormalColor", "74,92,104"); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "EnableColor", "111,146,169"); EndItem(); } } //퀘스트 정보를 표시한다. if (TooltipType != "TaliList") AddTooltipItemQuestList(Item); // 속성 게이지를 그려준다. AddTooltipItemAttributeGage(Item); // 기간제 아이템 if ( Item.CurrentPeriod > 0) { //빈공간 AddTooltipItemBlank(12); //<기간제 아이템> AddTooltipItemOption(1739, "", true, false, false); SetTooltipItemColor(255, 255, 255, 0); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_ID = 1199; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " : "; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = "" $ MakeTimeStr(Item.CurrentPeriod); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "PeriodTime"); EndItem(); } } else { return; } if (bLargeWidth) m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; if(TooltipType == "InventoryPawnViewer") // PawnViewer용 추가 - lancelot 2007. 10. 16. { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_strText ="ID : "$string(Item.Id.classID); EndItem(); } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACTION function ReturnTooltip_NTT_ACTION(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; local MacroInfo mInfo; local ItemID MacroID; local bool isMacro; local int idx; isMacro = false; if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "Description", Item.Description); //액션 이름 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Name; EndItem(); ParseInt( param, "ClassID", MacroID.ClassID); class'UIDATA_MACRO'.static.GetMacroInfo( MacroID, mInfo ); for ( idx = 0; idx < 12; idx++ ) { if ( mInfo.CommandList[idx] != "" ) { m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; isMacro = true; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = false; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 123; m_Info.t_color.G = 63; m_Info.t_color.B = 178; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = mInfo.CommandList[idx]; EndItem(); } } //액션 설명 if ((Len(Item.Description)>0) && (!isMacro)) { m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = false; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Description; EndItem(); } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SKILL function ReturnTooltip_NTT_SKILL(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; local EItemParamType eItemParamType; local EShortCutItemType eShortCutType; local int nTmp; local int SkillLevel; debug("툴팁들어오나"); if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { ParseItemID( param, Item.ID ); ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "AdditionalName", Item.AdditionalName); ParseString( param, "Description", Item.Description); ParseInt( param, "Level", Item.Level); eShortCutType = EShortCutItemType(Item.ItemSubType); eItemParamType = EItemParamType(Item.ItemType); SkillLevel = Item.Level; m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; //아이템 이름 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Name; EndItem(); // 인챈트시 변환된 레벨을 원래 레벨로 변환시켜준다. if (Len(Item.AdditionalName)>0) { SkillLevel = class'UIDATA_SKILL'.static.GetEnchantSkillLevel( Item.ID, Item.Level ); } //ex) " Lv " StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = " "; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_ID = 88; EndItem(); //스킬 레빌 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ SkillLevel; EndItem(); // 인챈트 내용을 뿌려주는 곳은 이곳 if (Len(Item.AdditionalName)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetX = 5; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 255; m_Info.t_color.G = 217; m_Info.t_color.B = 105; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = Item.AdditionalName; EndItem(); } //Operate Type StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = class'UIDATA_SKILL'.static.GetOperateType( Item.ID, Item.Level ); EndItem(); //소모HP nTmp = class'UIDATA_SKILL'.static.GetHpConsume( Item.ID, Item.Level ); if (nTmp>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(1195, String(nTmp), true, true, false); } //소모MP nTmp = class'UIDATA_SKILL'.static.GetMpConsume( Item.ID, Item.Level ); if (nTmp>0) { AddTooltipItemOption(320, String(nTmp), true, true, false); } //유효거리 nTmp = class'UIDATA_SKILL'.static.GetCastRange( Item.ID, Item.Level ); if (nTmp>=0) { AddTooltipItemOption(321, String(nTmp), true, true, false); } //설명 if (Len(Item.Description)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Description; EndItem(); } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ABNORMALSTATUS function ReturnTooltip_NTT_ABNORMALSTATUS(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; local int ShowLevel; local EItemParamType eItemParamType; local EShortCutItemType eShortCutType; if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { ParseItemID( param, Item.ID ); ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "AdditionalName", Item.AdditionalName); ParseString( param, "Description", Item.Description); ParseInt( param, "Level", Item.Level); ParseInt( param, "Reserved", Item.Reserved); eShortCutType = EShortCutItemType(Item.ItemSubType); eItemParamType = EItemParamType(Item.ItemType); m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; //아이템 이름 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Name; EndItem(); ShowLevel = Item.Level; if (Len(Item.AdditionalName)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetX = 5; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 255; m_Info.t_color.G = 217; m_Info.t_color.B = 105; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = Item.AdditionalName; EndItem(); ShowLevel = class'UIDATA_SKILL'.static.GetEnchantSkillLevel( Item.ID, Item.Level ); } //ex) " Lv " StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = " "; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_ID = 88; EndItem(); //스킬 레벨 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ ShowLevel; EndItem(); //남은시간 if (!IsDeBuff(Item.ID, Item.Level) && Item.Reserved>=0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_ID = 1199; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " : "; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = MakeBuffTimeStr(Item.Reserved); ParamAdd(m_Info.Condition, "Type", "RemainTime"); EndItem(); } //설명 if (Len(Item.Description)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Description; EndItem(); } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMALITEM function ReturnTooltip_NTT_NORMALITEM(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "Description", Item.Description); ParseString( param, "AdditionalName", Item.AdditionalName); ParseInt( param, "CrystalType", Item.CrystalType); //아이템 이름 AddTooltipItemName(Item.Name, Item, 1); //Grade Mark AddTooltipItemGrade(Item); //설명 if (Len(Item.Description)>0) { m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Description; EndItem(); } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RECIPE function ReturnTooltip_NTT_RECIPE(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType, bool bShowPrice) { local ItemInfo Item; local string strAdena; local string strAdenaComma; local color AdenaColor; if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "Description", Item.Description); ParseString( param, "AdditionalName", Item.AdditionalName); ParseInt( param, "CrystalType", Item.CrystalType); ParseInt( param, "Weight", Item.Weight); ParseINT64( param, "Price", Item.Price); //아이템 이름 AddTooltipItemName(Item.Name, Item, 1); //Grade Mark AddTooltipItemGrade(Item); //가격 if (bShowPrice) { strAdena = Int64ToString(Item.Price); strAdenaComma = MakeCostString(strAdena); AdenaColor = GetNumericColor(strAdenaComma); //가격 : xxx,xxx,xxx AddTooltipItemOption(641, strAdenaComma $ " ", true, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(AdenaColor.R, AdenaColor.G, AdenaColor.B, 0); //"아데나" StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color = AdenaColor; m_Info.t_ID= 469; EndItem(); //읽어주기 스트링 AddTooltipItemOption(0, "(" $ ConvertNumToText(strAdena) $ ")", false, true, false); SetTooltipItemColor(AdenaColor.R, AdenaColor.G, AdenaColor.B, 0); } //Weight AddTooltipItemOption(52, String(Item.Weight), true, true, false); //설명 if (Len(Item.Description)>0) { m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Description; EndItem(); } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SHORTCUT function ReturnTooltip_NTT_SHORTCUT(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; local EItemParamType eItemParamType; local EShortCutItemType eShortCutType; local string ItemName; local ShortcutCommandItem commandItem; local int shortcutID; local string strShort; local ItemID MacroID; local MacroInfo mInfo; local int idx; local ShortcutAssignWnd Script; Script = ShortcutAssignWnd( GetScript( "OptionWnd.ShortcutTab" ) ); strShort = "<" $ GetSystemString(1523) $ ": "; if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { if( BoolSelect ) { ParseInt( param, "ItemSubType", Item.ItemSubType); ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseInt( param, "RefineryOp1", Item.RefineryOp1); ParseInt( param, "RefineryOp2", Item.RefineryOp2); eShortCutType = EShortCutItemType(Item.ItemSubType); //아이템 이름 취득 ItemName = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetRefineryItemName( Item.Name, Item.RefineryOp1, Item.RefineryOp2 ); switch (eShortCutType) { case SCIT_ITEM: ReturnTooltip_NTT_ITEM(param, "inventory", eSourceType); break; case SCIT_SKILL: ReturnTooltip_NTT_SKILL(param, eSourceType); break; case SCIT_ACTION: case SCIT_MACRO: if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "Description", Item.Description); ParseInt( param, "ClassID", MacroID.ClassID); class'UIDATA_MACRO'.static.GetMacroInfo( MacroID, mInfo ); m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; //액션 이름 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Name; EndItem(); //액션 설명 for ( idx = 0; idx < 12; idx++ ) { if ( mInfo.CommandList[idx] != "" ) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = false; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 123; m_Info.t_color.G = 63; m_Info.t_color.B = 178; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = mInfo.CommandList[idx]; EndItem(); } } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); break; case SCIT_RECIPE: case SCIT_BOOKMARK: //아이템 이름 m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; //m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = ItemName; EndItem(); break; default: ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); break; } ParseINT(param, "ShortcutID", shortcutID); if( GetOptionBool( "Game", "EnterChatting" ) ) { class'ShortcutAPI'.static.GetAssignedKeyFromCommand("TempStateShortcut", "UseShortcutItem Num=" $ shortcutID, commandItem); } else { class'ShortcutAPI'.static.GetAssignedKeyFromCommand("GamingStateShortcut", "UseShortcutItem Num=" $ shortcutID, commandItem); } //단축키 설명... if( commandItem.subkey1 != "" ) { strShort = strShort $ Script.GetUserReadableKeyName( commandItem.subkey1 ) $ "+"; } if( commandItem.subkey2 != "" ) { strShort = strShort $ Script.GetUserReadableKeyName( commandItem.subkey2 ) $ "+"; } if( commandItem.Key != "" ) { strShort = strShort $ Script.GetUserReadableKeyName( commandItem.Key ) $ ">"; } if( commandItem.subkey1 == "" && commandItem.subkey2 == "" && commandItem.Key == "" ) { strShort = strShort $ GetSystemString(27) $">"; } //줄추가~ AddTooltipItemBlank(6); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_SPLITLINE; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 1; m_Info.u_strTexture ="L2ui_ch3.tooltip_line"; EndItem(); if( ItemName != "" ) { AddTooltipItemBlank(5); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_strText = strShort; EndItem(); AddTooltipItemBlank(1); ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } return; } else { ParseItemID( param, Item.ID ); ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "AdditionalName", Item.AdditionalName); ParseInt( param, "Level", Item.Level); ParseInt( param, "Reserved", Item.Reserved); ParseInt( param, "Enchanted", Item.Enchanted); ParseInt( param, "ItemType", Item.ItemType); ParseInt( param, "ItemSubType", Item.ItemSubType); ParseInt( param, "CrystalType", Item.CrystalType); ParseInt( param, "ConsumeType", Item.ConsumeType); ParseInt( param, "RefineryOp1", Item.RefineryOp1); ParseInt( param, "RefineryOp2", Item.RefineryOp2); ParseINT64( param, "ItemNum", Item.ItemNum); ParseInt( param, "MpConsume", Item.MpConsume); //branch ParseInt ( param, "IsBRPremium", Item.IsBRPremium); //end of branch eShortCutType = EShortCutItemType(Item.ItemSubType); eItemParamType = EItemParamType(Item.ItemType); //아이템 이름 취득 ItemName = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetRefineryItemName( Item.Name, Item.RefineryOp1, Item.RefineryOp2 ); switch (eShortCutType) { case SCIT_ITEM: //branch AddPrimeItemSymbol(Item); //end of branch //인첸트 ex) "+10" AddTooltipItemEnchant(Item); //아이템 이름 AddTooltipItemName(ItemName, Item, 1); //Grade Mark AddTooltipItemGrade(Item); //아이템 갯수 AddTooltipItemCount(Item); break; case SCIT_SKILL: //아이템 이름 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = ItemName; EndItem(); if (Len(Item.AdditionalName)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetX = 5; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 255; m_Info.t_color.G = 217; m_Info.t_color.B = 105; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = Item.AdditionalName; EndItem(); Item.Level = class'UIDATA_SKILL'.static.GetEnchantSkillLevel( Item.ID, Item.Level ); } //ex) " Lv " StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = " "; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_ID = 88; EndItem(); //스킬 레빌 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ Item.Level; EndItem(); //MP소모량 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = " ("; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_ID = 91; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = ":" $ Item.MpConsume $ ")"; EndItem(); break; case SCIT_ACTION: case SCIT_MACRO: case SCIT_RECIPE: case SCIT_BOOKMARK: //아이템 이름 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = ItemName; EndItem(); break; } } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RECIPE_MANUFACTURE function ReturnTooltip_NTT_RECIPE_MANUFACTURE(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; local bool bLargeWidth; // local RecipeManufactureWnd script_rm; local string nTmp,strCry,strSell; // script_rm = RecipeManufactureWnd(GetScript("RecipeManufactureWnd")); if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { nTmp = ""; ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "Description", Item.Description); ParseString( param, "AdditionalName", Item.AdditionalName); ParseINT64( param, "Reserved64", Item.Reserved64); ParseInt( param, "CrystalType", Item.CrystalType); ParseINT64( param, "ItemNum", Item.ItemNum); m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; //아이템 이름 AddTooltipItemName(Item.Name, Item, 1); //Grade Mark AddTooltipItemGrade(Item); //ex) "필요수 : 2" AddTooltipItemOption(736, MakeCostString(Int64ToString(Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeManufactureWnd.QuantityEB"))))), true, true, false); if ((Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeManufactureWnd.QuantityEB")))) >(Item.ItemNum)) nTmp = " (" $ MakeCostString(Int64ToString(Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeManufactureWnd.QuantityEB"))) - Item.ItemNum)) $ ")"; //ex) "보유수 : 0" if (Int64ToString(Item.ItemNum)=="") AddTooltipItemOption(737, "0" $ nTmp, true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(737, MakeCostString(Int64ToString(Item.ItemNum)) $ nTmp, true, true, false); // if ((Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeManufactureWnd.QuantityEB")))) > // (Item.ItemNum)) // AddTooltipItemOption(0, Int64ToString(Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeManufactureWnd.QuantityEB"))) - Item.ItemNum), false, true, false); //설명 ParseString(Item.Description, "Cry", strCry); ParseString(Item.Description, "Sell", strSell); if (Len(Item.Description)>(Len(strCry) + 5 + Len(strSell) + 5)) { bLargeWidth = true; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; if (Len(strSell)>0) Item.Description = Left(Item.Description, Len(Item.Description) - Len(strSell) - 5); if (Len(strCry)>0) Item.Description = Left(Item.Description, Len(Item.Description) - Len(strCry) - 5); // if (Len(strTmp)>0) Item.Description = Left(Item.Description, Len(Item.Description) - Len(strTmp) - 4); // Item.Description = Left(Item.Description,Len(Item.Description) - Len(strTmp) - Len(strCry) - Len(strSell) ); // if (Right(Item.Description,1) != ".") Item.Description = Item.Description $ "."; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Description; EndItem(); } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ReturnTooltip_NTT_RECIPE_MANUFACTUREBUY(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; local bool bLargeWidth; // local RecipeManufactureWnd script_rm; local string nTmp,strCry,strSell; // script_rm = RecipeManufactureWnd(GetScript("RecipeManufactureWnd")); if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { nTmp = ""; ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "Description", Item.Description); ParseString( param, "AdditionalName", Item.AdditionalName); ParseINT64( param, "Reserved64", Item.Reserved64); ParseInt( param, "CrystalType", Item.CrystalType); ParseINT64( param, "ItemNum", Item.ItemNum); m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; //아이템 이름 AddTooltipItemName(Item.Name, Item, 1); //Grade Mark AddTooltipItemGrade(Item); //ex) "필요수 : 2" AddTooltipItemOption(736, MakeCostString(Int64ToString(Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeBuyManufactureWnd.QuantityEB"))))), true, true, false); if ((Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeBuyManufactureWnd.QuantityEB")))) >(Item.ItemNum)) nTmp = " (" $ MakeCostString(Int64ToString(Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeBuyManufactureWnd.QuantityEB"))) - Item.ItemNum)) $ ")"; //ex) "보유수 : 0" if (Int64ToString(Item.ItemNum)=="") AddTooltipItemOption(737, "0" $ nTmp, true, true, false); else AddTooltipItemOption(737, MakeCostString(Int64ToString(Item.ItemNum)) $ nTmp, true, true, false); // if ((Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeManufactureWnd.QuantityEB")))) > // (Item.ItemNum)) // AddTooltipItemOption(0, Int64ToString(Item.Reserved64 * IntToInt64(int(class'UIAPI_EDITBOX'.static.GetString("RecipeManufactureWnd.QuantityEB"))) - Item.ItemNum), false, true, false); //설명 ParseString(Item.Description, "Cry", strCry); ParseString(Item.Description, "Sell", strSell); if (Len(Item.Description)>(Len(strCry) + 5 + Len(strSell) + 5)) { bLargeWidth = true; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; if (Len(strSell)>0) Item.Description = Left(Item.Description, Len(Item.Description) - Len(strSell) -5); if (Len(strCry)>0) Item.Description = Left(Item.Description, Len(Item.Description) - Len(strCry) - 5); // if (Len(strTmp)>0) Item.Description = Left(Item.Description, Len(Item.Description) - Len(strTmp) - 4); // Item.Description = Left(Item.Description,Len(Item.Description) - Len(strTmp) - Len(strCry) - Len(strSell) ); m_Info.t_strText = Item.Description; EndItem(); } } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PLEDGEINFO function ReturnTooltip_NTT_CLANINFO(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); //ex) "직업 : 엘븐메이지" AddTooltipItemOption(391, GetClassType(int(record.LVDataList[2].szData)), true, true, true); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } //by Merc function ReturnTooltip_NTT_RADARINFO(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); //ex) "직업 : 엘븐메이지" AddTooltipItemOption(391, GetClassType(int(record.LVDataList[3].szData)), true, true, true); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } // AutoSS function ReturnTooltip_NTT_AUTOSSINFO(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; local string ItemName; if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { ParseItemID( param, Item.ID ); ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); ParseString( param, "AdditionalName", Item.AdditionalName); ParseInt( param, "Level", Item.Level); ParseInt( param, "Reserved", Item.Reserved); ParseInt( param, "Enchanted", Item.Enchanted); ParseInt( param, "ItemType", Item.ItemType); ParseInt( param, "ItemSubType", Item.ItemSubType); ParseInt( param, "CrystalType", Item.CrystalType); ParseInt( param, "ConsumeType", Item.ConsumeType); ParseInt( param, "RefineryOp1", Item.RefineryOp1); ParseInt( param, "RefineryOp2", Item.RefineryOp2); ParseINT64( param, "ItemNum", Item.ItemNum); ParseInt( param, "MpConsume", Item.MpConsume); ParseInt ( param, "IsBRPremium", Item.IsBRPremium); ItemName = class'UIDATA_ITEM'.static.GetRefineryItemName( Item.Name, Item.RefineryOp1, Item.RefineryOp2 ); AddPrimeItemSymbol(Item); AddTooltipItemEnchant(Item); AddTooltipItemName(ItemName, Item, 1); AddTooltipItemGrade(Item); AddTooltipItemCount(Item); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } // RadarResize function ReturnTooltip_NTT_RADARRESIZE(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local ItemInfo Item; if (eSourceType == NTST_ITEM) { ParseString( param, "Name", Item.Name); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = Item.Name; EndItem(); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } //선준 수정(2010.03.30) 완료 function ReturnTooltip_NTT_POSTINFO(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); //ex) "직업 : 엘븐메이지" AddTooltipItemOption(391, GetClassType(int(record.LVDataList[1].szData)), true, true, true); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } //선준 수정(2010.02.22 ~ 03.08) 완료 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ROOMLIST function ReturnTooltip_NTT_ROOMLIST(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local int i; local LVDataRecord record; local int len; m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH + 40; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); len = int( record.LVDataList[6].szData ); for( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; if (!class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.static.IsChecked("FlexOptionWnd.enableDetailIcons")) { m_Info.nOffSetX = -2; m_Info.nOffSetY = -2; } m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 16; m_Info.u_strTexture = GetDetailedClassIconName( record.LVDataList[7 + i].nReserved1, 4); EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = false; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ record.LVDataList[7 + i].szData; EndItem(); if( i != len - 1 ) { AddTooltipItemBlank(2); } } //ex) "직업 : 엘븐메이지" //AddTooltipItemOption(391, GetClassType(int(record.LVDataList[2].szData)), true, true, true); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // USERLIST function ReturnTooltip_NTT_USERLIST(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH + 80; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); //ex) "직업 : 엘븐메이지" AddTooltipItemOption(391, GetClassType(int(record.LVDataList[1].szData)), true, true, true); AddTooltipItemBlank(0); //ex)귀속 지역 : StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = GetSystemString( 2276 ) $ " : "; EndItem(); //설명 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; if( record.LVDataList[5].szData == "" ) { m_Info.t_strText = GetSystemString( 27 ); } else { m_Info.t_strText = record.LVDataList[5].szData; } EndItem(); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARTYMATCH function ReturnTooltip_NTT_PARTYMATCH(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH + 80; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); //ex) "직업 : 엘븐메이지" AddTooltipItemOption(391, GetClassType(int(record.LVDataList[1].szData)), true, true, true); //선준 수정(2010.02.22 ~ 03.08) 완료 //ex)현재 위치 : 글루디오 AddTooltipItemOption(471, GetZoneNameWithZoneID(int(record.LVDataList[3].szReserved)), true, true, true); /* AddTooltipItemBlank(0); //귀속지역 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = false; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = GetSystemString( 2276 ) @ ":"; EndItem(); //설명 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; if( record.LVDataList[4].szData == "" ) { //m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_strText = "" @ GetSystemString( 27 ); } else { m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_strText = record.LVDataList[4].szData; } EndItem(); */ AddTooltipItemBlank(0); //ex)귀속 지역 : StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = GetSystemString( 2276 ) $ " : "; //m_Info.t_strText = "귀속 지역 : "; EndItem(); //설명 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; if( record.LVDataList[4].szReserved == "" ) { m_Info.t_strText = GetSystemString( 27 ); } else { m_Info.t_strText = record.LVDataList[4].szReserved; } EndItem(); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } //선준 추가 UNION 예전 직업만 나오는 경우. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UINONLIST function ReturnTooltip_NTT_UNIONLIST(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); //ex) "직업 : 엘븐메이지" AddTooltipItemOption(391, GetClassType(int(record.LVDataList[1].szData)), true, true, true); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // QUESTLIST function ReturnTooltip_NTT_QUESTLIST(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; local int nTmp; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); //퀘스트 이름 AddTooltipItemOption(1200, record.LVDataList[0].szData, true, true, true); //반복성 switch(record.LVDataList[3].nReserved1) { case 0: case 2: nTmp = 861; break; case 1: case 3: nTmp = 862; break; } AddTooltipItemOption2(1202, nTmp, true, true, false); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RAIDLIST function ReturnTooltip_NTT_RAIDLIST(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); if (Len(record.szReserved)<1) return; m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; //레이드 설명 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = false; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = record.szReserved; EndItem(); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // QUESTINFO function ReturnTooltip_NTT_QUESTINFO(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; local int nTmp; local int Width1; local int Width2; local int Height; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); //퀘스트 이름 AddTooltipItemOption(1200, record.LVDataList[0].szData, true, true, true); //수행조건 AddTooltipItemOption(1201, record.LVDataList[1].szData, true, true, false); //Width결정! GetTextSizeDefault(GetSystemString(1200) $ " : " $ record.LVDataList[0].szData, Width1, Height); GetTextSizeDefault(GetSystemString(1201) $ " : " $ record.LVDataList[1].szData, Width2, Height); if (Width2>Width1) Width1 = Width2; if (TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH>Width1) Width1 = TOOLTIP_MINIMUM_WIDTH; m_Tooltip.MinimumWidth = Width1 + 30; //추천레벨 AddTooltipItemOption(922, record.LVDataList[2].szData, true, true, false); //반복성 switch(record.LVDataList[3].nReserved1) { case 0: case 2: nTmp = 861; break; case 1: case 3: nTmp = 862; break; } AddTooltipItemOption2(1202, nTmp, true, true, false); //퀘스트설명 StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = false; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 178; m_Info.t_color.G = 190; m_Info.t_color.B = 207; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = record.szReserved; EndItem(); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MANOR function ReturnTooltip_NTT_MANOR(string param, string TooltipType, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { local LVDataRecord record; local int idx1; local int idx2; local int idx3; if (eSourceType == NTST_LIST) { ParamToRecord( param, record ); if (TooltipType == "ManorSeedInfo") { idx1 = 4; idx2 = 5; idx3 = 6; } else if (TooltipType == "ManorCropInfo") { idx1 = 5; idx2 = 6; idx3 = 7; } else if (TooltipType == "ManorSeedSetting") { idx1 = 7; idx2 = 8; idx3 = 9; } else if (TooltipType == "ManorCropSetting") { idx1 = 9; idx2 = 10; idx3 = 11; } else if (TooltipType == "ManorDefaultInfo") { idx1 = 1; idx2 = 4; idx3 = 5; } else if (TooltipType == "ManorCropSell") { idx1 = 7; idx2 = 8; idx3 = 9; } // 씨앗 or 작물 이름 AddTooltipItemOption(0, record.LVDataList[0].szData, false, true, true); // 레벨 AddTooltipItemOption(537, record.LVDataList[idx1].szData, true, true, false); // 보상 타입1 AddTooltipItemOption(1134, record.LVDataList[idx2].szData, true, true, false); // 보상 타입2 AddTooltipItemOption(1135, record.LVDataList[idx3].szData, true, true, false); } else { return; } ReturnTooltipInfo(m_Tooltip); } // [퀘스트 아이템 툴팁 추가] function ReturnTooltip_NTT_QUESTREWARDS(string param, ETooltipSourceType eSourceType) { // [퀘스트 아이템 툴팁 추가] 이 부분에 퀘스트 아이템 툴팁에 걸맞는 코드가 들어가면 될 것 같습니다. // 2009.10.14 // ReturnTooltip_NTT_ITEM(param, "Inventoty", eSourceType); ReturnTooltip_NTT_ITEM(param, "QuestReward", eSourceType); } //"XXX : YYYY" 형태의 TooltipItem을 편하게 추가해 준다. function AddTooltipItemOption(int TitleID, string Content, bool bTitle, bool bContent, bool IamFirst) { if (bTitle) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; if (!IamFirst) m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_ID = TitleID; EndItem(); } if (Content != "0") { if (bContent) { if (bTitle) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; if (!IamFirst) m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " : "; EndItem(); } StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; if (!IamFirst) m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; if (!bTitle) m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = Content; EndItem(); } } } //"XXX : YYYY" 형태의 TooltipItem을 편하게 추가해 준다. //SYSSTRING : SYSSTRING function AddTooltipItemOption2(int TitleID, int ContentID, bool bTitle, bool bContent, bool IamFirst) { if (bTitle) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; if (!IamFirst) m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_ID = TitleID; EndItem(); } if (bContent) { if (bTitle) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; if (!IamFirst) m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " : "; EndItem(); } StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; if (!IamFirst) m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; if (!bTitle) m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_ID = ContentID; EndItem(); } } //아이템의 색상을 다시 설정해준다. function SetTooltipItemColor(int R, int G, int B, int Offset) { local int idx; idx = m_Tooltip.DrawList.Length-1-Offset; m_Tooltip.DrawList[idx].t_color.R = R; m_Tooltip.DrawList[idx].t_color.G = G; m_Tooltip.DrawList[idx].t_color.B = B; m_Tooltip.DrawList[idx].t_color.A = 255; } //빈공간의 TooltipItem을 추가한다. function AddTooltipItemBlank(int Height) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_BLANK; m_Info.b_nHeight = Height; EndItem(); } function AddTooltipSimpleName( string strText) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = strText; EndItem(); } //인첸트 function AddTooltipItemEnchant(ItemInfo Item) { local EItemParamType eItemParamType; eItemParamType = EItemParamType(Item.ItemType); if (Item.Enchanted>0 && IsEnchantableItem(eItemParamType)) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 176; m_Info.t_color.G = 155; m_Info.t_color.B = 121; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = "+" $ Item.Enchanted $ " "; EndItem(); } } //아이템 이름 + AdditionalName function AddTooltipItemName(string Name, ItemInfo Item, int AddTooltipItemName) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; switch (AddTooltipItemName) { case 0: m_Info.t_color.R = 137; m_Info.t_color.G = 137; m_Info.t_color.B = 137; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; break; case 1: m_Info.t_color.R = 255; m_Info.t_color.G = 255; m_Info.t_color.B = 255; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; break; case 2: m_Info.t_color.R = 255; m_Info.t_color.G = 251; m_Info.t_color.B = 4; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; break; case 3: m_Info.t_color.R = 255; m_Info.t_color.G = 0; m_Info.t_color.B = 255; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; break; } m_Info.t_strText = Name; EndItem(); //Additional Name if (Len(Item.AdditionalName)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_color.R = 255; m_Info.t_color.G = 217; m_Info.t_color.B = 105; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.t_strText = " " $ Item.AdditionalName; EndItem(); } } //Grade Mark function AddTooltipItemGrade(ItemInfo Item) { local string TextureName; TextureName = GetItemGradeTextureName(Item.CrystalType); //debug ("TextureName" @ TextureName); //debug (TextureName @ Item.CrystalType @ GetItemGradeTextureName(Item.CrystalType)); if (Len(TextureName)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.nOffSetX = 2; m_Info.nOffSetY = 0; //S80 그레이드일 경우에 한해 아이콘 텍스쳐 크기를 2배로 늘린다. //debug ("텍스쳐 이름"@ Item.CrystalType ); if (Item.CrystalType == 6 || Item.CrystalType == 7) { m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 32; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureUWidth = 32; m_Info.u_nTextureUHeight = 16; //debug (TextureName @ Item.CrystalType @ GetItemGradeTextureName(Item.CrystalType)); } //기타 그레이드에 대해 아이콘 텍스쳐 크기를 세팅한다. else { m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureUWidth = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureUHeight = 16; } m_Info.u_strTexture = TextureName; EndItem(); } } //Stackable Count function AddTooltipItemCount(ItemInfo Item) { if (IsStackableItem(Item.ConsumeType)) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = " (" $ MakeCostString(Int64ToString(Item.ItemNum)) $ ")"; EndItem(); } } //제련 색상 function GetRefineryColor(int Quality, out int R, out int G, out int B) { switch (Quality) { case 1: R = 187; G = 181; B = 138; break; case 2: R = 132; G = 174; B = 216; break; case 3: R = 193; G = 112; B = 202; break; case 4: R = 225; G = 109; B = 109; break; default: R = 187; G = 181; B = 138; break; } } //속성 게이지 그려주기 function AddTooltipItemAttributeGage(ItemInfo Item) { local int i; //local int highAttrValue[6]; local Array<string> textureName, tooltipStr; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { textureName[i] = ""; tooltipStr[i] = ""; } NowAttrLv =0; NowMaxValue =0; NowValue =0; // 공격 아이템 속성 if (Item.AttackAttributeValue > 0) { SetAttackAttribute(Item.AttackAttributeValue,ATTRIBUTE_FIRE); SetAttackAttribute(Item.AttackAttributeValue,ATTRIBUTE_WATER); SetAttackAttribute(Item.AttackAttributeValue,ATTRIBUTE_WIND); SetAttackAttribute(Item.AttackAttributeValue,ATTRIBUTE_EARTH); SetAttackAttribute(Item.AttackAttributeValue,ATTRIBUTE_HOLY); SetAttackAttribute(Item.AttackAttributeValue,ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY); //레벨과 현제값등을 구한다. switch(Item.AttackAttributeType) { case ATTRIBUTE_FIRE: textureName[ATTRIBUTE_FIRE] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_FIRE"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_FIRE] =GetSystemString(1622) $ " Lv " $ String(AttackAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_FIRE]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1622) $ " " $ GetSystemString(55) $ " " $ String(Item.AttackAttributeValue) $")"; break; case ATTRIBUTE_WATER: textureName[ATTRIBUTE_WATER] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_WATER"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_WATER] =GetSystemString(1623) $ " Lv " $ String(AttackAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_WATER]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1623) $ " " $ GetSystemString(55) $ " " $String(Item.AttackAttributeValue) $ ")"; break; case ATTRIBUTE_WIND: textureName[ATTRIBUTE_WIND] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_WIND"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_WIND] =GetSystemString(1624) $ " Lv " $ String(AttackAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_WIND]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1624) $ " " $ GetSystemString(55) $ " " $String(Item.AttackAttributeValue) $ ")"; break; case ATTRIBUTE_EARTH: textureName[ATTRIBUTE_EARTH] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_EARTH"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_EARTH] =GetSystemString(1625) $ " Lv " $ String(AttackAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_EARTH]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1625) $ " " $ GetSystemString(55) $ " " $ String(Item.AttackAttributeValue) $")"; break; case ATTRIBUTE_HOLY: textureName[ATTRIBUTE_HOLY] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_DIVINE"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_HOLY] =GetSystemString(1626) $ " Lv " $ String(AttackAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_HOLY]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1626) $ " " $ GetSystemString(55) $ " " $String(Item.AttackAttributeValue) $ ")"; break; case ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY: textureName[ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_DARK"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY] =GetSystemString(1627) $ " Lv " $ String(AttackAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1627) $ " " $ GetSystemString(55) $ " " $String(Item.AttackAttributeValue) $ ")"; break; } } else // 방어 아이템 속성 { SetDefAttribute(Item.DefenseAttributeValueFire,ATTRIBUTE_FIRE); SetDefAttribute(Item.DefenseAttributeValueWater,ATTRIBUTE_WATER); SetDefAttribute(Item.DefenseAttributeValueWind,ATTRIBUTE_WIND); SetDefAttribute(Item.DefenseAttributeValueEarth,ATTRIBUTE_EARTH); SetDefAttribute(Item.DefenseAttributeValueHoly,ATTRIBUTE_HOLY); SetDefAttribute(Item.DefenseAttributeValueUnholy,ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY); //레벨과 현제값등을 구한다. if(Item.DefenseAttributeValueFire != 0) //파이어 속성 툴팁 그리기 { textureName[ATTRIBUTE_FIRE] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_FIRE"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_FIRE] =GetSystemString(1623) $ " Lv " $ String(DefAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_FIRE]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1622) $ " " $ GetSystemString(54) $ " " $ String(Item.DefenseAttributeValueFire) $")"; } if(Item.DefenseAttributeValueWater != 0) //물 속성 툴팁 그리기 { textureName[ATTRIBUTE_WATER] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_WATER"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_WATER] =GetSystemString(1622) $ " Lv " $ String(DefAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_WATER]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1623) $ " " $ GetSystemString(54) $ " " $String(Item.DefenseAttributeValueWater) $ ")"; } if(Item.DefenseAttributeValueWind != 0) //바람 속성 툴팁 그리기 { textureName[ATTRIBUTE_WIND] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_WIND"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_WIND] =GetSystemString(1625) $ " Lv " $ String(DefAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_WIND]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1624) $ " " $ GetSystemString(54) $ " " $String(Item.DefenseAttributeValueWind) $")"; } if(Item.DefenseAttributeValueEarth != 0) //땅 속성 툴팁 그리기 { textureName[ATTRIBUTE_EARTH] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_EARTH"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_EARTH] =GetSystemString(1624) $ " Lv " $ String(DefAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_EARTH]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1625) $ " " $ GetSystemString(54) $ " " $String(Item.DefenseAttributeValueEarth) $ ")"; } if(Item.DefenseAttributeValueHoly != 0) //신성 속성 툴팁 그리기 { textureName[ATTRIBUTE_HOLY] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_DIVINE"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_HOLY] =GetSystemString(1627) $ " Lv " $ String(DefAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_HOLY]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1626) $ " " $ GetSystemString(54) $ " " $ String(Item.DefenseAttributeValueHoly) $")"; } if(Item.DefenseAttributeValueUnholy != 0) //암흑 속성 툴팁 그리기 { textureName[ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY] = "L2UI_CT1.Gauges.Gauge_DF_Attribute_DARK"; tooltipStr[ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY] =GetSystemString(1626) $ " Lv " $ String(DefAttLevel[ATTRIBUTE_UNHOLY]) $ " ("$ GetSystemString(1627) $ " " $ GetSystemString(54) $ " " $String(Item.DefenseAttributeValueUnholy) $ ")"; } // 방어 아이템 속성 } if (Item.AttackAttributeValue > 0)//공격속성일경우 { for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(tooltipStr[i] == "") continue; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 10; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = tooltipStr[i]; EndItem(); //텍스쳐 두장을 겹쳐 그려야 한다. StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetX = 0; m_Info.nOffSetY = 2; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 140; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 7; m_Info.u_strTexture = textureName[i] $ "_BG"; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetX = 0; m_Info.nOffSetY = -7; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = AttackAttCurrValue[i] * 140 / AttackAttMaxValue[i] ; if( m_Info.u_nTextureWidth > 140) m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 140; //넘어가면 걍 140이라는.. ㅋ m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 7; m_Info.u_strTexture = textureName[i]; EndItem(); } } else{ //방어 속성일 경우 for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(tooltipStr[i] == "") continue; StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 10; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = tooltipStr[i]; EndItem(); //텍스쳐 두장을 겹쳐 그려야 한다. StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetX = 0; m_Info.nOffSetY = 2; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 140; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 7; m_Info.u_strTexture = textureName[i] $ "_BG"; EndItem(); StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.nOffSetX = 0; m_Info.nOffSetY = -7; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = DefAttCurrValue[i] * 140 / DefAttMaxValue[i] ; if( m_Info.u_nTextureWidth > 140) m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 140; //넘어가면 걍 140이라는.. ㅋ m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 7; m_Info.u_strTexture = textureName[i]; EndItem(); } } } // function StartItem() // { // local DrawItemInfo infoClear; // m_Info = infoClear; // } // // function EndItem() // { // m_Tooltip.DrawList.Length = m_Tooltip.DrawList.Length + 1; // m_Tooltip.DrawList[m_Tooltip.DrawList.Length-1] = m_Info; // } //퀘스트 아이템의 퀘스트 이름 표시 function AddTooltipItemQuestList(ItemInfo Item) { local int i; //<관련 퀘스트> if(Item.RelatedQuestID[0] != 0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 10; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = GetSystemString(1721); EndItem(); } for(i = 0 ; i<MAX_RELATED_QUEST ; i++) { if(Item.RelatedQuestID[i] != 0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXT; m_Info.nOffSetY = 6; m_Info.t_color.R = 163; m_Info.t_color.G = 163; m_Info.t_color.B = 163; m_Info.t_color.A = 255; m_Info.bLineBreak = true; m_Info.t_bDrawOneLine = true; m_Info.t_strText = class'UIDATA_QUEST'.static.GetQuestName(Item.RelatedQuestID[i]);; EndItem(); } } } // 속성의 레벨값을 전역변수에 저장 //자료가 많아서 전역변수에 집어넣는다. function SetAttackAttribute(int Attvalue, int type) { if( AttValue >= 375) // 9렙 375 ~ 450 { AttackAttLevel[type] = 9; AttackAttMaxValue[type] = 75; AttackAttCurrValue[type] = AttValue - 375; } else if( AttValue >= 325) // 8렙 325 ~ 375 { AttackAttLevel[type] = 8; AttackAttMaxValue[type] = 50; AttackAttCurrValue[type] = AttValue - 325; } else if( AttValue >= 300) // 7렙 300 ~ 325 { AttackAttLevel[type] = 7; AttackAttMaxValue[type] = 25; AttackAttCurrValue[type] = AttValue - 300; } else if( AttValue >= 225) // 6렙 225 ~ 300 { AttackAttLevel[type] = 6; AttackAttMaxValue[type] = 75; AttackAttCurrValue[type] = AttValue - 225; } else if( AttValue >= 175) // 5렙 175 ~ 225 { AttackAttLevel[type] = 5; AttackAttMaxValue[type] = 50; AttackAttCurrValue[type] = AttValue - 175; } else if( AttValue >= 150) // 4렙 150 ~ 175 { AttackAttLevel[type] = 4; AttackAttMaxValue[type] = 25; AttackAttCurrValue[type] = AttValue - 150; } else if( AttValue >= 75) // 3렙 75 ~ 150 { AttackAttLevel[type] = 3; AttackAttMaxValue[type] = 75; AttackAttCurrValue[type] = AttValue - 75; } else if( AttValue >= 25) // 2렙 25~ 75 { AttackAttLevel[type] = 2; AttackAttMaxValue[type] = 50; AttackAttCurrValue[type] = AttValue - 25; } else // else 0~ 25 { AttackAttLevel[type] = 1; AttackAttMaxValue[type] = 25; AttackAttCurrValue[type] = AttValue; } } // 속성의 레벨값을 전역변수에 저장 //자료가 많아서 전역변수에 집어넣는다. function SetDefAttribute(int Defvalue, int type) { if( DefValue >= 150) // 9렙 150~180 { DefAttLevel[type] = 9; DefAttMaxValue[type] = 30; DefAttCurrValue[type] = DefValue - 150; } else if( DefValue >= 132) // 8렙 132 ~ 150 { DefAttLevel[type] = 8; DefAttMaxValue[type] = 18; DefAttCurrValue[type] = DefValue - 132; } else if( DefValue >= 120) // 7렙 120 ~ 132 { DefAttLevel[type] = 7; DefAttMaxValue[type] = 12; DefAttCurrValue[type] = DefValue - 120; } else if( DefValue >= 90) // 6렙 90 ~ 120 { DefAttLevel[type] = 6; DefAttMaxValue[type] = 30; DefAttCurrValue[type] = DefValue - 90; } else if( DefValue >= 72) // 5렙 72 ~ 90 { DefAttLevel[type] = 5; DefAttMaxValue[type] = 18; DefAttCurrValue[type] = DefValue - 72; } else if( DefValue >= 60) // 4렙 60 ~ 72 { DefAttLevel[type] = 4; DefAttMaxValue[type] = 12; DefAttCurrValue[type] = DefValue - 60; } else if( DefValue >= 30) // 3렙 30 ~ 60 { DefAttLevel[type] = 3; DefAttMaxValue[type] = 30; DefAttCurrValue[type] = DefValue - 30; } else if( DefValue >= 12) // 2렙 // 12 ~ 30 { DefAttLevel[type] = 2; DefAttMaxValue[type] = 18; DefAttCurrValue[type] = DefValue - 12; } else // else // 0~ 12 { DefAttLevel[type] = 1; DefAttMaxValue[type] = 12; DefAttCurrValue[type] = DefValue; } } //branch function AddPrimeItemSymbol(ItemInfo Item) { local string TextureName; if (Item.IsBRPremium != 2) return; TextureName = GetPrimeItemSymbolName(); if (Len(TextureName)>0) { StartItem(); m_Info.eType = DIT_TEXTURE; m_Info.nOffSetX = 2; m_Info.nOffSetY = 0; m_Info.u_nTextureWidth = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureHeight = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureUWidth = 16; m_Info.u_nTextureUHeight = 16; m_Info.u_strTexture = TextureName; EndItem(); } } function int CheckDurability(int itemCheckID) { switch (itemCheckID) { case 10518: return 30; break; //blue case 9932: case 14813: //red case 9918: case 9931: return 15; break; case 10519: return 10; break; //blue case 9914: case 9915: case 9916: case 9919: case 9921: case 9926: case 9927: case 9929: case 9930: case 10416: case 10417: case 10424: case 10533: case 10534: case 14810: case 14811: // red case 9917: case 9928: case 12815: case 12816: case 14604: case 14605: case 14812: // white case 10418: case 10419: case 10420: case 10421: case 10422: case 14814: // orange case 9954: //black case 9922: case 9923: case 9955: case 9956: case 9957: case 9958: case 9959: return 6; break; //blue case 9920: case 10142: case 10141: return 3; break; //blue case 10423: return 1; break; default: return 5; break; } } //end of branch defaultproperties { }
Help Max level Error H5 - Sunrise - UP lvl_99 or MORE
amarhat posted a topic in Request Support [English]
Hi, I have a Error in my server, i cant put max lvl 99 or more. I try to edit ------> experience.xml | experience.xsd | basestats of all Race | This is the error... PlayerTemplatedata not parce the individual basestats of all Race, but i edit all archives, experience.xsd experience.xml EJEM OF 1 RACE IN BASESTATS ----> \game\data\xml\stats\chars\baseStats !!! Error on Console -----> INFO OF PACK : [09:29:17] INFO: Chronicle: ..............: High Five Part 5 (CT2.6) [09:29:17] INFO: Protocols: ..............: 267, 268, 271, 273 [09:29:17] INFO: Core Revision: ..........: ver. 963 [09:29:17] INFO: Data Revision: ..........: ver. 852 [09:29:17] INFO: Engine Revision: ........: ver. 47.19.365 [09:29:17] INFO: Sunrise Revision: .......: ver. 6.78.763 [09:29:17] INFO: Protocol Revision: ......: ver. 1.02.256 Also i have two files from CORE -----> EXPERIENCE_JAVA AND PLAYER TEMPLATE DATA -----> Whats is the problem here ? Help me ! THX !!!! -
Take this ! is for H5 ! https://mega.nz/file/g8hx2boZ#AXQW_NQI_Zz_-X5K5EOTxqDL5wCPe-nnJj9TC4X0uAY
Help Help Adapt Mobs/NPC Interlude to H5
amarhat replied to amarhat's topic in [Request] Client Dev Help
hello! Thanks, the example helped me a lot, but when I put it into practice, it didn't help me. Copy the differences exactly but I can't get the "file edit" to save the changes. I leave you as an example your version and my version in an excel file... if you tell me what I'm doing wrong! https://mega.nz/file/doJBULSB#tHj72zVvCZrDl1POp8Ep2JdJnQIFt_Nv_3ldhoLOmMw Thank you ! YES !!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST !!!!! CRACK !!!!! I try to share this npc in the forum zoom ! TY ! -
Help Help Adapt Mobs/NPC Interlude to H5
amarhat replied to amarhat's topic in [Request] Client Dev Help
Hi ! Thx for respond .... yes i need help with this. I dont understand how addap NPC (Interlude) to H5... I upload this npc for example... is old version Interlude, if you explained me what i do to edit this npc for interlude. https://mega.nz/file/1wp00QYJ#NM_Q_KV4I8u4bitjvCB8gIl2-V0vWxbyVX4n2rUeaOA thx ! -
Hello! I need some help from you to understand how to port Mobs and NPC from Interlude client to H5. I am going to leave an example of a Mob that I downloaded from here, if someone would be so kind as to tell me what to change in order to adapt it to the H5 client ! What changes ? what are the differences, I want to understand so I can adapt them myself! THX ! ! I leave this excel file with the 2 variables! Thx !
Help HELP Max Lvl in L2JSunrise
amarhat replied to amarhat's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Hi ! I change the files ( Max Lvl 99 ) and get this error in console .... Add levels for all races in PlayerTemplateData Ejem: AbyssWalker.xml in BaseStats folder Experience XSD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:element name="table"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:element name="experience" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="99"> <xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name="level" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger"> <xs:minInclusive value="1" /> <xs:maxInclusive value="99" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="tolevel" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required" /> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="maxLevel" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger"> <xs:minInclusive value="1" /> <xs:maxInclusive value="99" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="maxPetLevel" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger"> <xs:minInclusive value="1" /> <xs:maxInclusive value="86" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema>