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About l2maelstrom

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  1. Senyores tngo un pekenyo problema, tengo el sistema Rank pvp sistem del famoso masterio implementado a un proyecto, ahora el problema es que viene un tiempo de condicion que hasta que no haces 100 pvps no te deja usar el chat Shout (!) alguien lo ha tenido alguna vez? alguna idea de como desactivarlo?? porque lo he desactivado de la config.properties, y nada, ahora no me manda el mensaje de los 100pvps necessarios para usar el chat shout (!) ni manda el mensaje......
  2. Hi guys how to change the limit of PC Bang points?? i change them to 2 milion on properties config, but still showing limit 200,000 any script on core??
  3. The problem was, an incorrect source, already Fixed my problem! Thanks for your help anyway!
  4. Hi vampir thanks for your answer,,, well i have the source, but must be any problem of configuration cos of my revision....but i cant find the right way....
  5. Hi people, i got a problem, as in the IMG shows, i have the data with the svn source ( i dont know if im right ) now, when i want modify the file communityboard.class shows me the source is not found... any recomendation? any help? that do that appear?? thanks guys!... http://imageshack.com/a/img923/627/BO5NLC.png
  6. I think i already imported everything good, but i cant find the source to look that file... http://imageshack.com/a/img923/627/BO5NLC.png
  7. i saw a jad decompiler, i installed on plugins, and i can see the .class file with that jad decompiler on eclipse... but i cant modify anithing......
  8. Hi, Claww, thaks for your answer, i have the core, and i have the source, the problem, its, i dont know how to import that source to the data in Eclipse... im just starting, i have 0000experience with eclipse...
  9. Hi people, i know im asking for something maybe impossible... im looking for a (Freya client) sources..... the DATA i am working to its L2PS, i know its really old.. but maybe someone have any sources in their Bault of memories!! i explain why, i have a server Freya with his core, but i need to make some changes, and the eclipse ask me for source, but i dont have any.. I tried to compile that file with command Javac but gives me a Symbol error cos of missing source... or if someone has any idea....
  10. Just delete the message?? http://imageshack.com/a/img922/5498/E5mdUy.jpg
  11. Hi people!! i now its a really basic config... but im more newer i guess... someone please remember me, where is the config to active the comunity board ( out of peace zone )?????? before was good, but then i changed somethig... i dindt know much i gues... and this happened to me... https://imageshack.com/i/pmHukXHmj The photo says.. as i said before,, ( CB CANT OPEN OUT OF PEACE ZONE )...... Thankks in advance...
  12. Someone can help me to know why i have those errors??? Alguien puede ayudarme a saber porque me salen esos errores? Thanks in advance....
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