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About cheater69

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    {Goal-500 Post}

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  1. # Website # -http://www.arenaofwars.com # Chronicle # -Interlude # IP/Port of Login/Game servers (possibly with screens), # -GS: # -LS: anyone having working bot for this server?
  2. ololololololol posted in jun but yet the pack was from the future. . . lawl p.s. srry for threadnecro
  3. anyone able to bot here? anyone bypass their bake ice? site is http://www.kungfu-l2.com/features.php bake ice ver 2.53
  4. ive searched forums for a way to bypass bake ice to use walker/l2net. anyone have any ideas? its for gracia final server
  5. works on 2 of the 3 servers i tested
  6. WTT L2 Kashmir character Site http://www.l2kashmir.com/index.php Titan lv 84 Dynasty set Vesper nobel heavy set/cloak Vesper slasher Full raid boss set if you want to trade post what you would trade and on what server and post server link.
  7. I was Wondering if anyone knows any decent 100x to 250x Interlude(L2OFF) servers with 200-800 players online ?
  8. This is not my server its the server im currently playing at website: http://l2saint.com forum: http://forum.l2saint.com New Server Server Information: server is hosted at USA. Server Hardware: Quad Xeon 3220 2.4ghz 8GB DDR3 Ram 2x 150gb 10k RPM HDDs 100mbs uplink connection Server rates: 50x EXP 100x SP 150x Adena 1x drop 1x spoil Server features: L2OFF Server. Interlude. Custom shops in town. Global Gatekeeper. Auto Learn Skills. 24 buffs slots. NPC Buffer. Debuff Bar. Augmentation system Fully working clan system Every respawn from the Global Gatekeeper is a safe zone. Class manager for free class change Cursed Weapon System. (Zariche and Akamanah). Every char borns level 20 with top D armor and weapon. Giants Cave is our custom farm zone for high levels. Dragon Valley Cave is our custom farm zone for mid levels. You gotta unseal your A and S Grade armors with Ancient Adena. Ancient Adena is farmable in our custom farm zones ONLY. Every weapons grades are being sold at the shop with SA included, except the S Grade weapons. You gotta farm your S Grade weapons by full drop at Giants Cave. When you take the armor seal off it loses the enchants. When you SA a weapon it loses the enchants. Current olympiad system is monthly. You need 10 fights and 1 win to be avaliable to become an hero of your class. Barakiel respawn time has been set to 3 - 5 hours. Barakiel level is set to 74, such as his minions Sub Class quest raid bosses respawn has been set to 3 - 5 hours. Enchant rates: Fighter weapons before +15 is 60% Fighter weapons after +15 is 20% Mage weapons before +15 is 45% Mage weapons after +15 is 10% have fun ! Currently 542 players online Remember not my server but i will answer all the questions that i can website: http://l2saint.com forum: http://forum.l2saint.com
  9. very nice server it has good potential to be a good pvp server
  10. i would suggest a 55x with a +20 max enchant rate 60% link: http://www.lineage2-icedragon.5x.pl/
  11. i would say l2icedragon u farm aa and then u buy lifestones from a shop new server with double Sa wepons join at http://www.lineage2-icedragon.5x.pl/
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