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About Rinek

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    United States

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  1. Looking for someone that can rip/modify a site for me. Looking for very minor changes/ new logo etc. If your able to do game side as well would like to tie site/client together with acc creation etc. if interested add me on discord Rinek#2279 Thanks!
  2. Any idea as to why im getting this when I open lcoin shop? I have it enabled on server side and in L2.ini but this is what it looks like when I open. https://imgur.com/a/LEUxZ6G
  3. Looking to start a project for chronicle 3.5 classic (Modified) I have little dev knowledge I just know what i want and will pay for it. I'm aiming for a server with files similar to L2Europa/L2Mars style. I want to create a server like that but not P2W and that lives longer than 2 weeks.... If you have the skills to make such thing happen please contact me on discord or skype. Discord: Rinek#2279 skype: marlinmcclelland
  4. Looking for classic 3.3 server files (protocol 245) or files very similar to servers like l2Mars/L2Europa. The admins of those servers have created the worst style server designed around p2w cashgrab. 2 week lifespan servers..... I'm looking to start a new project so looking for decent files. Thanks! please add me on discord Rinek#2279
  5. Greed clan is recruiting active players for the launch of l2europa x5 classic server coming May 8th. Feel free to join our discord server and check out our site for more info. Only recruiting english speaking players currently mostly NA with a few EU. check us out. Discord: https://discord.gg/7Cwa46b Site: https://greedalliance.enjin.com
  6. I found a Russian faction server pack and everything works great but the server is basically 100% in russian and Im looking for some help xfering it over to English! Not sure if there is a simple way or not. I already made sure it was on English in the Localization.ini in the system folder but even that didnt change the fact that the buffs and other text was in russian. I understand why the custom npcs are in russian obviously but cant figure out why the base game is still in RU. Thanks for the help!
  7. tried to apply the patch in eclipse but im getting 40 some errors :( using Rev 382 anyone want to help me out! Thanks
  8. Also looking for this please pm me here
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